
Ascension of The Unholy Immortal

In the vast expanse of the infinite domains where time loses its grip and eternity is but a fleeting concept, the pursuit of immortality and everlasting life consumes many souls. At the heart of this cosmic tapestry a six-century-old expert whose name invokes both fear and reverence throughout the world. Struggling against the constraints of his own talent, He devises a grand plan that has the potential to ripple through the entire world. His singular ambition: to break free from the shackles of his limited fate and ascend to a higher realm. Yet, as he orchestrates his intricate moves from behind the curtain, a pivotal question arises. Is he genuinely forging a new destiny, defying the preordained trajectory of his life? Or, in his relentless pursuit of immortality and power, is he unwittingly treading a path already laid out by unseen forces? Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VTRW2mtj

ChaosMajesty · Huyền huyễn
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327 Chs

Free Heart Pavilion

Black Wind City, Located on the outskirts of the Cursed land, near the edge of the Heavenly Earth Vein. It was a bustling city filled with cultivators of every level, even demon cultivators could be seen sometimes wandering in the city.

As they entered the city, Gao Feng led Liang through the city streets " That's the city centre, most of the powerful cultivators are residing here"

Liang nodded and looked at him "Good. Now, Gao Feng, I have a task for you."

Gao Feng looked at Liang Yifei with suspicion but didn't say anything.

" You are going to gather information for me. I want to know everything about the Demon Cultivators who live here and in the other major cities around the vein. Understood?"

Gao Feng nodded. "Yes, I understand. But where do I find this information I mean demon cultivators are hard to find"

Liang chuckled. "You're a thief, Gao Feng. You should know how to get information. Just use your skills, and you'll find what I need."

Gao Feng's mouth twitched, he thought that the new master of his already believed that the young woman was the one who wanted to rob him not the other way around, Laminating his bad luck he nodded, then hesitated. "But what about my treasures? Will you return them to me?" Feeling wronged, after he agreed to serve this new master, his spirit ring was taken from him.

Liang smiled. "Of course, Gao Feng. I always keep my promises. Once you have gathered all the information I need, I'll return your treasures to you. And who knows, maybe I'll even give you more."

Gao Feng nodded, feeling a sense of relief. He had made a deal with a powerful and mysterious person, but at least he knew what he had to do to ensure his safety and the return of his treasures.

Gao Feng nodded, He then left to gather the information Liang Yifei had asked for.

After wondering for a while, Liang arrived at a glorious and tall building. Its exterior was made of red and gold marble, with intricate carvings and symbols etched into it. The doors were made of solid oak and adorned with brass handles in the shape of dragons, a sign made from violet gold was hanging above the entrance "Free Heart Pavilion " was curved on it.

Upon seeing the sign, a smile crossed his face as it appeared that everything had developed just as he had arranged.

Liang walked into the building, At the counter, a woman stood there. She had long black hair that cascaded down to her waist, framing her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a deep emerald green, the woman looked at him with surprise it's unusual for a mortal to come here.

"Can I help you?" she asked, noticing the unusual air around him.

"I'm here to see the owner," Liang said nonchalantly

In response the woman raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"The owner?" she repeated. "You mean Lord Wu?"

He shocked his head " No I mean the current wandering shadow master"

Shock appeared on the young woman's when she heard the name.

However, she soon regained her composure and bowed respectfully "Please sir follow me "

She gracefully led Liang Yifei through the labyrinthine building, her slender form undulating like a ribbon as they climbed multiple flights of stairs. As they arrived at a grand, ornate door, she rapped firmly on it before announcing Liang Yifei's arrival in a clear, authoritative tone.

"Lord Wu, A visitor has come to see you," she declared.

The door swung open, unveiling a spacious room adorned with plush furnishings and elegantly draped windows. Liang's eyes roamed the walls lined with bookshelves and potted incense burning sweetly, imbuing the atmosphere with a calming aura, and the scent of wood polish lingered in the air, mingling with the incense.

"Didn't I make it clear before? Do not disturb me unless it's something urgent," an irate voice boomed from the innermost part of the room.

Liang narrowed his eyes, sensing the frustration in the angry voice he commanded. "Yang brat, hurry up and come out."

"Master !" a man's voice replied from the far end of the room, now laced with respect.

Approaching him was a tall man with sharp features, donning elaborate robes trimmed with gold and black. A top knot held back his hair.

He stared at Liang with shock and disbelief. "Master, as expected, you didn't die out there," he exclaimed.

Liang frowned. "It's been two hundred years, you should have accumulated enough nascent souls for me by now."

"Of course, I've been collecting them diligently just as you instructed," Lord Wu replied.

"Excellent. I haven't wasted my time on you. Do you know how many Spirit Severing cultivators are still around?" Liang inquired.

Lord Wu shook his head. "The numbers shouldn't be that different from two hundred years ago. Only the ten cultivators who fought devil kings are absent."

"It seems my original estimations were not far off," Liang mused with a smile.

Liang waved his hand. "Prepare everything as I instructed. I will take care of some matters first."

Lord Wu nodded, bowing respectfully. "Yes, Master. I'll make sure everything is prepared once you are back"

Liang nodded and left the building, heading towards the outskirts of the city, a smile appeared on his face as he could feel that someone was following him, Soon, he arrived at a dark corner, where two figures appeared, blocking his way.

The first was a tall man dressed in black robes with a cold and detached expression.

The second was a young woman with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes who radiated a fierce, confident aura.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Liang said coolly, unsurprised by their sudden appearance.

The young woman looked at him coldly and a human head appeared in her hand it was Gao Feng's head, and soon blue flames wrapped around the head before turning it to ashes.

"You won't be getting any information from him," she said, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.

Liang's lips curled into a sly grin as she raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

The tall man stepped forward, emanating a dangerous aura, his cultivation seemed to be around the peak Nascent Soul Realm. "We know you're a Nascent Soul Expert; you don't need to pretend."

Liang's grin only widened as she shrugged casually. "If that's what you believe."

The woman scowled and spat, "Save your breath and come with us. It doesn't matter how strong you are, you won't be able to escape."

Liang's lips quirked. "Oh, I have no intention of running. In fact, I was counting on you taking the bait."