
Ascension of The Unholy Immortal

In the vast expanse of the infinite domains where time loses its grip and eternity is but a fleeting concept, the pursuit of immortality and everlasting life consumes many souls. At the heart of this cosmic tapestry a six-century-old expert whose name invokes both fear and reverence throughout the world. Struggling against the constraints of his own talent, He devises a grand plan that has the potential to ripple through the entire world. His singular ambition: to break free from the shackles of his limited fate and ascend to a higher realm. Yet, as he orchestrates his intricate moves from behind the curtain, a pivotal question arises. Is he genuinely forging a new destiny, defying the preordained trajectory of his life? Or, in his relentless pursuit of immortality and power, is he unwittingly treading a path already laid out by unseen forces? Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VTRW2mtj

ChaosMajesty · Huyền huyễn
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327 Chs

A Swift Departure

Above the Heaven Fortune Domain, a majestic being materialized in the ethereal void before the Yin-Yang Harmony Temple.

This spectacle halted the breath of the observing apex experts. It was the Kun Peng Ancestor, seamlessly transitioning back into his human form. With a mere wave of his hand, the grand doors of the temple responded.

The Kun Peng Ancestor with a smile playing on his lips, crossed the threshold like a sovereign stepping onto his undisputed domain.

As he vanished within, the doors closed behind him with a finality that echoed through dimensions, sealing the chapter of his entrance. This closure, far from a mere physical act, released a collective sigh of relief that whispered like a gentle wind across realms and through the hearts of countless experts.

The brief existence of Kun Peng Ancestor in their midst had been a suffocating supremacy, an overwhelming presence that eclipsed the brilliance of even the most formidable beings.