
Ascending Mortal Cultivator

Paused (For now) Wait for it's return in late 2024!! Bai Hu, a youth who lost everything to demonic cultivators, was saved by an orthodox cultivator. Later, he found out that he had a spirit root, allowing him to step on the path to immortality. He vowed to the Heavens that one day, he would wipe out the demonic cultivators and establish a name for himself in the cultivation world. Follow Bai Hu on his journey laden with obstacles and bones as he fights for recognition and revenge.

DaoistWenMing · Huyền huyễn
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44 Chs

Shocking The Outer Court

"Water Vines!"

One of them made a hand seal and vines of water emerged from the ground, intent on restraining Bai Hu. Bai Hu took out the Fire Silk Scarf and waved it through the air, dispersing the water vines and sending a wave of fire over at the water cultivator.

His counterattack failed as the other 2 men stepped forward and formed a joint barrier. Bai Hu clicked his tongue and brought out several purple beads. The trio tensed when they felt the aura contained in the beads. Exchanging a glance, they started to move apart from one another.


Bai Hu flung a handful of Thunderflame Beads around the trio, keeping them in place. He then threw another handful straight at them and conjured Windsteel Blades around the surrounding area.



Consecutive explosions rang out, kicking up dust and debris. When it settled, a barrier could be seen formed around the 3 lackeys. Elder Gong spoke in a harsh tone.


The leader kneeled and cupped his hands, "I suspect fellow disciple Bai of using outside sources in the competition"

While there were little rules in the Spirit Sect, an unspoken rule for competitions is to not use one's own wealth to procure disposable weapons such as talismans or in this case, Bai Hu's Thunderflame Beads.

It is well known that Bai Hu possesses the earth, metal, and somehow the rare mutated wind attribute. But the energy contained in those beads were of the lightning and fire attribute.

Elder Gong looked at Bai Hu, "Disciple Bai! What do you have to say about this?!"

The 3 cultivators sneered at Bai Hu. Their expressions froze when Bai Hu smirked at them.

"What do I have to say...?"

He raised both hands to chest level with his palms facing up.

"I think it is better to just show you"

A bonfire erupted from his right hand and lightning gathered on his left. Then, earth qi, wind qi, and metal qi gathered and formed fist sized balls that revolved around Bai Hu.

Down where the audience is spectating through a formation screen, whispers broke out and in a secret room, the outer court elders chatted.

"So this is the Chaotic Spirit Root. I didn't think something like this would exist until I saw for my own eyes"

"Yes, and it seems like he got only benefits from the mutation"

"Lightning and wind, his destructive power will most definitely be immense"

"I doubt anyone can match Elder Zhong's foresight and knowledge at the same realm"

Zhong Xian smiled while taking a drink from his wine gourd, "I merely read some books and decided to take in a disciple. What you see now is a result of his hard work"

Meanwhile, Elder Gong expressed great surprise when he saw what Bai Hu was capable of. While he knew from Zhong Xian that his disciple had a Chaotic Spiritual Root, actually seeing it with his own eyes was even more shocking.

The trio were sweating right now as they knew that they had screwed up. Falsely slandering someone or accusing them of wrongdoing is also a crime with harsh punishments.

Elder Gong turned to them, "While you 3 did commit wrong, I'm willing to lessen your punishments. Go to the Disciplinary Hall and face the wall for a week and your rewards for the competition will be cut in half"

They hurriedly thanked the elder for his kindness and left before they embarrassed themselves any further.

Now that they were gone, Bai Hu turned his attention to the 4 kings. They were still in formation and were suppressing Shui Bing, preventing her from moving. Their situation didn't look too good, as Shui Bing was circulating her icy qi and was standing taller by the minute.

Mo Yuan Kai grit his teeth and shouted, "Dong Wang! Go get rid of him!"

After a brief hesitation, Dong Wang moved out of his place in the formation. The "west" side disappeared, allowing Shui Bing to recover even quicker than before.


Dong Wang took out his magic treasure and charged towards Bai Hu. He frowned and took out even more Thunderflame Beads.

"How many more does he have?!"


Dong Wang continued to charge while Bai Hu continued to throw Thunderflame Beads one after the other. After several dozen were spent, Bai Hu had officially run out of the disposable weapon.

Despite his charred body, Dong Wang raised his hammer with a slight bit of difficulty, "This ends now"

"Yes, it does"


Something appeared in Bai Hu's hands and he slashed it upwards. Dong Wang felt his hairs stand and hurriedly set up a barrier as fast as he could.

Time seemed to stop for a moment as he stood still. Then, an earth shattering boom resounded and Dong Wang was sent flying backwards coughing blood. His barrier had shattered without the slightest resistance and when he landed, a red line could be seen on his chest.

Shock could be seen on a lot of people's faces as they looked at the wound on Dong Wang's chest. It was long believed that no one in the same realm could hurt Dong Wang's powerful body, yet now, someone at the eighth level of qi refinement had made a long cut on his body.

Only now did their attention go to the imposing spear in Bai Hu's hands. The spiritual qi it emitted was countless times more powerful than Dong Wang's mid grade treasure or Mo Yuan Kai's high grade dagger.

"Top grade magic treasure!"


Using this moment of carelessness, Shui Bing broke out of the formation with just her qi, knocking back the other 3 kings. Yang Feng tried to stop her using his elemental advantage but the gulf between a qi refinement cultivator and one that established their Foundation is immense.

Shui Bing sent swords made of ice that were not impeded in the slightest by Yang Feng's flames while Bai Hu sent another devastating attack towards Dong Wang.

2 shadows moved in opposite directions, one picking up Dong Wang and the other bringing Yang Feng out of range of the ice swords.

The Dark Moon King stood opposite of Bai Hu while holding his high grade magic treasure. On the floor was a wounded Dong Wang and on the other side of the arena, Shui Bing stood opposite of Fei Yuan Wei and Yang Feng.

Mo Yuan Kai had used his incredible speed to evade most of Bai Hu's attack while Fei Yuan Wei threw Yang Feng away before adopting his spectral form to avoid Shui Bing's swords.

Bai Hu frowned. Mo Yuan Kai's darkness attribute makes him even faster than himself. Plus, with the aid of a high grade magic treasure, makes him a troubling opponent to fight. Bai Hu would have to utilize everything in his arsenal to win.

Bai Hu covered himself in bright flames. This was not to protect himself but to get rid of the shadows around him. He had seen Mo Yuan Kai seemingly teleport through shadows and had prepared a countermeasure for that move.

Mo Yuan Kai sneered, "Do you think that will help? You'll regret messing with us"

He then made a flurry of hand seals with one hand and jumped into the sky. The next instant, he split into a dozen different copies.

Bai Hu became many times more alert and stabbed the Black Sky Gold Spear into the ground before making a hand seal.

"Thunderflame Vortex!"

Dense lightning and fire qi swirled around Bai Hu and expanded till it was a few meters wide in diameter. The Mo Yuan Kai copies surrounded Bai Hu and attempted to advance, but Bai Hu detonated the vortex, sending waves of lightning and fire qi outwards.

The copies were easily destroyed, leaving only one left. The real Mo Yuan Kai had set up a protective barrier around himself and thus was unharmed.

Meanwhile, Shui Bing had it much easier. She sent ice blades at Fei Yuan Wei in quick succession, leaving no gaps in between. This forced him to maintain the spectral form, rapidly exhausting his qi.

Dong Wang and Yang Feng had already exhausted all their energy and fainted. The elder deemed them unable to continue and kicked them out before they suffered any more injuries from the shockwaves.

Bai Hu made a hand seal and spears made of purple energy formed at his behest. He continuously sent them at Mo Yuan Kai, forcing him to dodge. He made sure to detonate the spears as soon as they hit in order to maximize damage. Of course, Mo Yuan Kai wasn't going to stay on the defensive the entire time.

He spat out a drop of blood essence onto his magic treasure. The dagger glowed with a sinister green light that blocked all the Thunderflame Spears.


The green light exploded, disintegrating the spears before shooting towards Bai Hu. Mo Yuan Kai's face was growing increasingly pale as he stood still to control the dagger with all his might.

Bai Hu however, was unflustered in the face of a devastating attack. He picked up his spear and smiled.

"I was waiting for you to stand still. Who knew you would be so kind as to let down your defenses as well?"

His pupils constricted hearing that and he hurriedly summoned a dark barrier. This proved to be futile as Bai Hu sent the green dagger flying with his spear and pulled back his arm.

A projection of a bull appeared behind his back, lifelike and ready to charge.

"9 Beasts Spear Art: Charging Bull!"

He thrusted his spear with all his bodily might. His qi surged towards his arm and into the spear to fuel his attack. Bai Hu felt all of his qi being sucked away in an instant and paled significantly.


The attack had been made and the damage had been done.