
Ascending Mortal Cultivator

Paused (For now) Wait for it's return in late 2024!! Bai Hu, a youth who lost everything to demonic cultivators, was saved by an orthodox cultivator. Later, he found out that he had a spirit root, allowing him to step on the path to immortality. He vowed to the Heavens that one day, he would wipe out the demonic cultivators and establish a name for himself in the cultivation world. Follow Bai Hu on his journey laden with obstacles and bones as he fights for recognition and revenge.

DaoistWenMing · Huyền huyễn
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44 Chs

Joining Hands

"Take it or leave it"

He said this while continuing to assault the Triple Eyed Demon with Thunderflame Beads. While he couldn't do any significant damage, having tens of dozens of attacks at the peak of Qi Refinement could still keep a Foundation level beast at bay.

One of the young women stepped forward, "Who do you think you are?! We were the ones who found the area-"

"And are soon to be eaten" the young man said coldly.

He turned to the veiled woman, "I naturally have a way to hold the beast back and deal some significant damage, now the question is whether or not you'd take my offer-"


Without the slightest hesitation, the veiled woman agreed. She then added some conditions of her own.

"A third of the beast's materials is fine, I can even give you half, but a fourth of the fruits is too much"

"Half the beast and 15 fruits then"

Gritting her teeth, she begrudgingly agreed, "Fine"

Hearing that, the young man changed his stance and took out a domineering black spear. The women's eyes widened when they saw that it was a top grade magic treasure.


The Triple Eyed Demon finally got a chance to look at its assailant and growled when it felt the aura contained in the spear.


It unleashed a soundwave at Bai Hu, who promptly made a hand seal with his free hand.

A golden bell appeared in front of him, blocking and reflecting the sound wave. The Triple Eyed Demon wrapped its wings in front of itself in order to block its own attack.

Taking advantage of this opening, Bai Hu moved according to a set of complex footwork while waving his spear. A faint crane projection appeared behind him as Bai Hu split into 3 copies of himself and dashed towards the beast.

"Dancing Crane"

The Triple Eyed Demon unfurled its wings to see 3 copies of Bai Hu all thrusting their spears in tandem.

""Charging Bull""

3 bull projections charged towards the beast.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after the other, 3 consecutive explosions sounded. The Triple Eyed Demon was knocked back, screeching in pain. It hit the wall of the cavern with its head, thus stunning it temporarily.

Bai Hu nodded in satisfaction. The move he made just now was a combination of 2 of the styles described in the 9 Beasts Spear Art.

Dancing Crane allows for swift maneuverability and the ability to create temporary clones that can attack. The clones can at most possess 80% of the main body's strength but even so, it is an effective technique against others. The swiftness and gracefulness like a crane makes his attacks fast and unpredictable, but lacks destructive power.

The Charging Bull on the other hand, is all about destructiveness, though lacking in maneuverability. He can't control the bull projection and can only send it to charge forward. By combining the pros of the 2 styles, Bai Hu had effectively gotten rid of the cons in the styles.

He turned back and saw that the veiled woman was sitting legs crossed with a small golden sword the size of a needle floating in front of her. Her hands were constantly forming hand signs and endless qi flowed into the tiny sword. Several meters away, the other women were harvesting the fruits of the Energy Spirit Tree.

Brows furrowing, he covered himself in the Goldshine Cloak just in case.


Bai Hu's attention immediately went to the Triple Eyed Demon just in time to see it standing once again.



A bloodthirsty aura burst out of the beast, filling the cavern with a deathly scent. All 3 of its eyes had gone blood red and its muscles swelled in size.

Bai Hu shouted back at the veiled woman while launching an attack.

"Hurry up! it's gone berserk!"

The veiled woman's face darkened and formed a hand seal using both hands. Her qi output suddenly spiked dramatically and the small gold sword in front of her started growing exponentially.


Bai Hu narrowly dodged an ice beam shot at him by twisting his body. Even so, a thin layer of ice formed over his robes, showing just how cold the beam was. He shook off the ice and poured his qi into the Black Sky Gold Spear.



The Triple Eyed Demon paid little regard to a diagonal cut on its chest and fired ice beams, icicles, sound waves, and acid at the humans. Bai Hu did his best to defend the veiled woman from the attacks, utilizing the Spirit Trapping Bell to block any attacks.

Several icicles went astray, striking the stone walls of the cavern, Bai Hu furrowed his brows and intensified his assault.

A voice sounded behind him, making Bai Hu sigh in relief.

"It's done!"

"Dancing Crane"

Using the footwork of Dancing Crane, Bai Hu dodged all of the Triple Eyed Demon's attacks and made it safely behind the veiled woman.


She pointed 2 fingers at the beast and the golden sword that was now 5 meters in length shot out. Bai Hu also stabbed his spear forward, letting a life-like bull projection charge towards the Triple Eyed Demon.



Both attacks struck the mentally unstable and completely defenseless beast. It made a weak cry and fell down, a blood pool slowly forming under its massive frame.

Bai Hu took a deep breath and swallowed a qi replenishing pill while the veiled woman turned around before also taking a pill of the same nature. She took a basket from a young woman and tossed 15 fruits at Bai Hu after taking a quick glance.

With a wave of his sleeve, the 15 Energy Spirit Fruits were sucked into a spatial pouch he had hidden there. Then, they both walked towards the corpse without a word. The remaining disciples of the Moonlight Sect stood back with looks of worry on their faces.

The veiled woman went straight to the point.

"I want its beast soul and beast core. You can have the rest of the body"

Bai Hu replied without much thought ,"Alright"

She took out a jade bottle and waved it in the air. A miniature white figure of the Triple Eyed Demon appeared and was sucked into the bottle without much resistance. Then she drew a sword and made a fine cut along the beast's back and extracted a diamond shaped black crystal with 2 lines on it.

Taking another look at Bai Hu, the veiled woman memorized his appearance before gathering her people and leaving.


Bai Hu waited until the Moonlight Sect disciples were gone before harvesting the useful materials of the beast.

He took out a white porcelain bottle and tossed it lightly into the air. It floated above the corpse and Bai Hu made half a dozen hand seals before pointing at the corpse.


The blood on the floor as well as the remaining blood in the Triple Eyed Demon's body rose into the air before rapidly compressing itself. After a few moments, it turned into 18 bright red droplets of blood.

Smiling in satisfaction, Bai Hu willed the droplets to fly into the bottle. Then he skinned the beast, pulled out the tendons, extracted the skeleton, and stored the meat and organs. Every part of a King Tier beast is valuable and can be forged into different high grade treasures.

Not to mention the blood essence which can be mixed in with a spirit wine. The wine would then nourish the bones, muscles, and meridians of the body, as well as strengthening one's own blood essence.

Taking a good look at the Energy Spirit Tree, Bai Hu hesitated for a few moments before cutting a large branch down and digging up several roots. He then snapped his fingers.


A fireball appeared, heating up the entire cavern and lighting up the rocky walls with an orangey red hue. He then promptly threw it at the tree.

Fwoom! Crackle!

While destroying this fully grown spirit tree pained Bai Hu slightly, he didn't want anyone else coming in here and finding such a precious natural treasure. It would be better to destroy it and see if he could plant it outside in the future.

A shiny reflection caught his attention and Bai Hu swept his sleeves, sending forth a gust of wind. The flames and ash were cleared away, allowing him to see the origin of the reflection.

"This is...!"

A rather large mound of a mushy gold substance appeared in his view.

"Unrefined Gold Clay!"

Unrefined Gold Clay is a rare metallic clay formed with Gold Essence melts into a patch of particularly nutritious dirt. There is then a 1 in 10,000 chance some amount of Unrefined Gold Clay will be formed.

This miraculous clay is said to be sought out by the top alchemists and Deity Spirit cultivators alike.

Not only can it make herbs mature at an incredible rate, but it can be refined to make the best cauldrons for alchemists, or the best weapons or armor for cultivators, with a single pound going for upwards of 1 million high grade spirit stones. That is enough wealth to fund a medium sized sect for an entire century!