

A tale of a Princess who soon overthrow the monarchy of Zendalia. The kingdom of fairies, And now, she'll be hunted down for her crime. But as soon Alex, the author of the story woke up on the princess body she had no choice but to protect herself not to die twice and change the story

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70 Chs



I came late, I promise myself that I'm going to protect him even just a little, yet what am I doing? The lunarian asked me to sleep even if I tried I can't. I can't just lie down like nothing happened. My chest is heavy. There's a thick lump on my throat and it's almost choking me. I pushed the blanket away and went to the window, overlooking the town and port. High up on the mountain side had a stear view across the land. I had spend the past few hours staring out to sea lost in thoughts. Heartbeat was so fast and it seems that my heart is trying to escape from my chest with the way pounding heavily against my breastbone. I'm guilty coz I couldn't even save him.

I glanced up to the sky. The moon was hidden behind the never-ending cloud. It's dark,too dark and cold mixture of miserable. I decided to see him and left the room pulling the cloaks hanging beside the door. Once outside I wrapped my body on a tightly, protecting myself from the bitter evening wind that had sprung up in the past hours.

I made my way stopping outside the room. I saw an unfamiliar faces of pixies, puffy eyes and head hanging low. My footsteps echoed as I walked towards them and they look at me and then turn back to their position. I saw how anxious they are as I am. I stop at the door, debating whether to go or not. The door flew open before I could reach the handle and saw the Viscountess sniffling.

She embraced me, she was so generous of bending herself just to level my height, running her soft hands on my head and she left wiping her tears calling the maids. I tried to sneak in but the doctor stop me and his a fairy too.

We heard the clicking of heals coming and it's coming closer and saw the lunarian panting in shocked and the prince is with them, Prince Airell. He's more anxious than I am. He's catching his breath and pat me before he slipped inside.

Few minutes past, he open the door and whistles. A bird came inside and landed on his finger. Pecking and he whispered on the feathered creature. And after that the bird nodded and flew away fast like it was on a hurry, carrying his message back home. The fairies are talking beside me and I couldn't understand their languages and flew away like they were on a hurry. Airell's eyes were terrified and furious at the same time. But he has a second thoughts. I made the first move and he pat my head.

"Your highness I'm taking him home with me, but he can't go, your contracts are forbidding him to go back, if you won't let him he'll loose a lot of blood, he'll die, let him go"

It hurts me because Luna Crest will be taken away from me. But I don't want to loose him. The contract appeared in front of me. And I nicked myself as an agreement. Soon as my blood drop on the piece of paper it's burst into flames and disappeared. My heart was torn apart, I don't know why, but it feels like a sharp edge of the broken glass were stabbed on my chest.

The lunarian drag me away and saw pixies sunshine on the halls, flooding the room. We went outside the garden and saw the Pixies carrying him on the back door and carried him inside the carriage and it just disappeared and the fairies flew back to Zendalia. The weak light of hope left in my heart and was completely covered with nothing but darkness."Will he be alright?" Parang pinipiga ang lalamunan ko at nung nabura na ang contract para akong nawalan ng piraso. Half of me is missing. Tears form on my eyes until it slip down my eyelashes. It's was weird because I'm crying in disappointments.

"We don't know, we'll wait for the results" said Luna vanessa and gave me a smile "Luna crest wouldn't like that expression of you when his here, he'll be alright... I guess"

"This is my fault I couldn't even ordered him to stay close to me.."

"Your highness its not your fault. The Junakian's will be there. They won't leave him. For now, you need to focus on your kingdom. Your people needs you here" said Luna Quartz with a smile. And that eased the pressure.

I let out a sighed and nodded my head. I wipe my tears and inhaled and ordered Luna Ziegler to give me a sword. I'm on my own now, I must protect myself I can't just rely my life because they have their own life to be save. Luna crest left so soon. I pray for your recovery don't forget to come back to me.

"Your wig your highness" said Luna Quartz with a mocking bow. I take it with a snort

"Where did you get this? Did you sneak inside the tavern? Mabuti di ka napansin ng mga scout tsaka delikado ka dun"

"No, Actually I came here and stole that"

"Oyy bad"

"De joke lang hininge ko yan kase alam kong di kapa pwedeng magpakita hanggang maayos na ang lahat. Mabilis na kaming bumalik sa Esther town at hinintay ang pag dating ng araw. We are sitting on the tower watching the towns below.

The festival is ready. Everything works according to plan and the tunnel is guarded by the soldier of Bel'air.

And when the time past. The golden hue of light are now peeping behind the mountains. The mist on top of the evergreen pine of trees are lifted. And the birds are flying seeking food for their new hatchlings. We rushed down and blend in with the towns people. We help ourselves with the bountiful of foods and drinks. It's a festival after all.

Someone poked me and I saw Chancellor Ghudan in disguised as townsfolk. He shaved his beards he looks a bit young and I couldn't even recognize him and the other aristocrats are here and I saw Earl Grey munching food with his jamming legs, listening on the music and just do a samba. He spin in front of me with a nice stop, aligning the leg fried chicken on my mouth. I was under the spell of it's luscious smell and I sopen my jaw widely and he pulled it back.

"Sorry it's been years since I long for the taste of this delicious food!" Luna Ziegler patted his shoulder and gave him food and they both enjoyed it. Dalawa na ang foodie Ang cute. Kaya ko nakilala ang clone ay dahil he was not from Esmere but rather than Esther. Earl Grey Kuran of Esther.

"Why are you here, I told you to stay hidden"

"We're not a coward your highness. See this ring, it's my price possession" he let me see his ring. It's carved perfect, the emblem of Estheria "I married twice"

"Oh my..." I heard the lunarian starting to gossip "Make that three feel ko kolang"

"It's not like that!" He bellowed and his face turn red "I was married to my wife and married again ties myself with a promise to protect the royal family including you, your highness"

"We're not leaving you again. That good for nothing Queen of Devuniak must be send away or might as well be banished!" said the lady with a hint of wrath of her tone. She appeared to be a women in her early 30's.

The Chancellor patted her head like a child and that made her growled and bit his wrist "It looks like your back on your old self again ey, baroness"

Oh.... That's her? That woman is none other than Baroness Amara Von dutch of Endolfeia.

The well known city is Estheria and Endolfeia is a province near the borderlands. In my story she is a bit tyrant, even born in a lower rank of all nobility, yet she carries herself with dignities, pried loyalty to the king and queen. She is not well mention but I described her to be the youngest noble woman who fought against the flocks of army. She withdraw her sword in the air, screaming the name of her beloved kingdom and as she won the battle. She fearlessly raise the bloody head of the commander and the army surrendered.

Estheria is a target of any kingdom because this land is blessed with natural golds and any other materials. She's a bit tomboy because when she was young, the never like gown and she even stole her brothers clothes. But even many people are disliking her, the Queen love her very much. Leaving the people who badmouthing her, envious as they can't even get the Queen's attention. She often invited to any occasion, making her the Queen's favorite of all the ladies.

"Let's get our way back!" Said she and rushed but the Chancellor stop her by grabbing her collar, yanking her back to his side.

"Let's waits for her our princess decision"

"Ohh.... right, right, so what is it? I'm in fire right now!" Aniya sabay suntok at nabigla kami ng may nasuntok siyang tao at nahimatay ito habang masayang nagdadala ng pagkain "Oh sorry.... Bat ka kase paharang harang sa daan kasalanan mo yan e..."

The head bonk got her and she apologized. And the man rushed away in terror. "Geez no wonder your single... Opps I slips" the Chancellor stop and I felt her aura. I move away to save my life and the Chancellor prayed for his life and ended with amen and she sighed at him.

"Kung makakahanap ako who you ka sakin chee!"

"Single oh sino may gusto, bente lang!!!" I secretly laughed because he just sale her in a cheap price. Namula lang siya sa hiya ng may lumingon at may lumapit sabay abot ng bente na kinahagikhik ko sa gilid


"Chill sis, mukhang na traffic lang si true love" sulpot ng Isang lalake, this is her brother? I carefully observe him. He appeared to be 40 years of age, with fine, handsome features, and tall, well shaped figure, his forehead compact and unwrinkled, his face rather pale with cute freckles.

Napatingin naman kami dalawa ni Chancellor. Ang cute nilang siblings. I saw a cotton candy on the cart nearby. The Baron, his brother named Stevann von dutch.

He bought me one and he wants to talked to me about the next plan. We went to find a nice place and saw the tavern opened for business. We went inside saw the couple and the other workers, working with a big smile, entertaining their costumers with love like they always do. It's like everything went back to normal. We sat down by the corner.

"Your hig... Miss can I picked your order?" The waitress said with a wink. My lips parted

"Serve me with the best food you have"

"Coming right up!" She is full of energy delivering the new order.

After a minute of waiting she serve the food promptly on the table.

"Are you not going to the festival?"

"Mamaya pa po. I want to see the fire works display and also thanks for prince Inavie I met the love of my life" she said it with giggles and hug the tray.

"So who is it?"

"One of his soldier name Jaiden his downstairs watching the tunnel, and I heard that they're going to blocked the tunnel in cement to prevent any incident like this, involving deaths on many casualties"

"Great, did inavie ordered it?"

"It's him" she pointed directly to the Baron and his face turn crimson red and he sip on a coffee, poker face.

"It supposed to be a secret" aside from Luna crest, there is another kind nature, being bashful

"His humble isn't he" i nodded and the waitress leave with a bow and he put the glass cub and held my hand "I want to help, I might be a low ranking aristocrats but I can be a big help to you, I'll prove it, the other high ranking belittle our strength and we were simply called by a nuisance and sometimes they mistreated us because our power house didn't have that much power like the others, having a large title of land that they can offer the people and supports them more like instantly, we have failed since our father died. Please let me help I want to be a used of you"

"I never belittle a person my dear baron, I belittled the ones who mocked and bragging about their powers. I want a people that will serve the monarchy by heart, and that's why my mother loves your family" I said. And I saw his genuine smile and it was priceless. I saw how he missed the old days. The Baron might the the lowest in all the peerages of the aristocracy but his till important. I grant a sense of direction, an unwavering, unperturbed focal point I'm that infuses each making moment with a distinct vibrancy.

I want to make a stronger and powerful monarchy, like an intricately crafted tapestry, a purposed weaves together threads of our love, values, humility, power, dedication anything more that will gives us hope for the brightest future of everyone.

I'm gonna change the world..