
Ascendance Online

A 21 year old NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Izayuma Makoto is the top ranking player in the VRMMORPG game【Ascendance Online】until one day, a mysterious event was given to all players, steeled to finish it first, he rushed all the way only to encounter a player that made him unconscious and upon regaining consciousness the user interface in the game does not appear, no signs of any player, the map cannot be accessed and what's worse is that. . . MY AVATAR BECAME A GIRL!!

Potatopon · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Chapter. 4 - Magic and Departures

"Hey! You! Stop walking and start runnin!"

Early in the morning, a deep and loud voice conquered the field.

"Haaaaa~! Iron man's at it again, what the hell's up with this demonic training? We've been running 14 laps under the sun."

Jerard clicked his tongue and continued to jog.

"What about you? Aren't you tired?"

Jerard looked at Miyata, but only a nod was given as a reply. As if he was used to it Jerard tried to brighten the atmosphere.

"Haha, don't worry, one lap left and we're good."

However, Miyata didn't even feel tired at all. She followed Jerard's pace and jogged with him. Although the heat of the sun proved to be quite troublesome.

"Haaaaaaaaa~ I thought I was gonna collapse! Iron man should give us a little break for God's sake."

Jerard and Miyata headed towards a tree that was quite further from the fort.

Jerard laid down on the grass trying to catch a breath, while Miyata sat down near him.

"Aren't you hot in that cloak? C'mon, let's take a break."

Jerard's hand moved towards Miyata to remove her cloak, only for a punch to hit him.

"Ouch! D-dude that hurts.... Ugh...."

*Pat* *pat*, Jerard pats his arm totally regretting what he did.

"Sorry... Ouch, well I'm never gonna try that again."

*Pat* *pat*, Jerard's patting can still be heard.

Minutes had passed and Jerard had dosed off, lying down like log. Meanwhile, Miyata day dreams whilst looking at the fort.

[I guess my body right now is abnormal, all the other men were tired as they ran but I don't even feel fatigued. But as expected, just because my physical strength is abnormal; it doesn't mean that I can withstand the heat.... The sun's seriously annoying. It's fine for now right? Jerard's dosing off anyways.]

Miyata gave herself a nod and sounds of rustling can be heard as she removes her cloak.

"Ah, the wind... It feels good."

With the wind blowing her hair and caressing her cheeks, a woman with the beauty of a goddess smiles as she missed the feeling of the wind.

This lasted for a few minutes until:

*Clang* *clang* *clang*

A bell was rang from the fort signaling everyone to gather.

Even with the loud clanging in the fort, Jerard's consciousness is still elsewhere.

Putting her cloak back on; Miyata came to wake Jerard up.

15 minutes had passed since the bell rang and all the men had gathered at the fort's training ground.

Iron man stood on a platform, wearing his full plate armor dragging all eyes to him.

His loud voice akin to an announcer with a microphone echoed in the fort.

"Men! Although you have not been here for long, and you have steeled your resolve to protect your families and friends through intense training, some of you might leave here and now."


Murmurs of men started and faces of fear and anxiety rose.

"But that doesn't mean you won't be able to train anymore, yes, you will leave this fort. But, that doesn't mean you are out of the army.

Everyone lost their fear yet anxiety remained.

'But how else can we train? Are we going to be sent to another fort?'

'No way, I don't want to be further away from my family' men muttered.

"Silence! And let me explain!"

A thunderous sound (his voice) echoed around the fort and all noise ceased to exist.

"At this moment, a representative from the Royal City had been sent to our region, and only those with this so called magical affinity are allowed, to go. You are not forced to leave but believe me, once you are selected, you will have enough money to feed your families forever."

'So basically, the Royal City is drafting people to become mages? But why?'

'Who cares!? Iron man said that we won't go hungry anymore!'

More muttering began.

"Again! Silence you maggots!"

The atmosphere became somewhat lively with a hint of anxiety.

"But trust me, I'm pretty sure only two to three of you will be chosen, heck maybe no one will get picked too."

Iron Man's words echoed and everyone clenched their fists.

3 hours after Iron Man's announcement, two elegant carriages entered the fort.

Shining gold and lustrous silver would be the best description for these carriages as they carry the book with starry skies.

Everyone became rowdy as the carriage reached the center of the fort.

From the first carriage: four men in white robes came out with a hood to disguise them.

And from the second carriage: three hooded figures came out whilst it was obvious that one was a woman because of her proportioned body.

Eyes of men glued on to the woman as some whistled.

[Ugh! Are all men this disgusting?]

Miyata clicked her tongue with the men's obnoxious reactions.

"Alright men! It's time, line up!"

After the preparations, four of the robed men sat down and gave a signal that they are ready to start the test.

But, the faces of men became disfigured as the proportioned woman was not joining in to test them as well.


Miyata clicked her tongue once again.

"Dude, are you okay? This is the 2nd time you've clicked your tongue..."

Jerard asked with his head tilted. But only a nod was given as a reply.

"Everyone's ready? Alright let's proceed."

A feint blue light came out from the man. And with this, the first future Mage was chosen.

Twenty minutes had passed since the tests started and already half of the men were tested and were deemed to have no magical affinity at all, causing their faces to turn sour as someone else was chosen instead of them. And the man himself had a thin body and an awkward posture, definitely belonging to the third set.

Iron Man stood firm and nodded his head.

Another twenty minutes had passed yet no other fruits bore within the half of the men.


This time, it's Jerard's turn. His body is stiff and cold sweats dropped non stop as he walked toward the Mage.

As Jerard sat down, the Mage took his hand and opened his palm much like a fortune teller.

A few seconds later and a feint yellow light hovered over his palm.

The Mage nodded and with this, the second Mage is chosen. Yet, there was none chosen on the other tables.

Once again, men clicked their tongues. And dejected feelings seeped from those who had just failed.

Meanwhile, Jerard was at a loss for words as he walked slowly to the passing side.

The last batch at last. Containing four men, while Miyata was left alone, last in the line.

An awkward situation indeed.

Unable to maintain her composure with her awkward situation, she was about to walk out, until the woman whom the men had admired walked up to Miyata.

"I'll be the one to test you."

A lovely calm voice came out from the disguised figure.

Miyata only gave nod and followed her.

The men gave Miyata intense glares, giving the feel of being stabbed by a hundred knives at the back.

The voluptuous woman led Miyata to the carriage, signaling everyone that she'll be testing her inside.

The men once more leaked their envy, some even bit their clothes.

"Well then, let us start. Please take your gloves off and open your palm."

Alone in the carriage, Miyata and the woman sat on opposite sides devoid of any presence inside or outside within 50 meters, this, Miyata can confirm.


Miyata gave a slight sigh as she took her gloves off.

A beautiful white hand appeared unfitting for a place such as this fort.

"Eh? This is unexpected."

An awkward silence occurred in the carriage.

"Eh-hem, let us start the test then."

The woman took Miyata's hand and a soft incantation was recited with a melodic tune.

A dark sphere devoid of any light appeared on top of Miyata's palm.

"Eh? How's this possible."

The dark sphere shifted into a golden light, the beauty of this light was incomparable to the latter, a wondrous pure and bright gold.

"It shifted to gold....."

Stunned for a few seconds, the woman attempts to regain her composure.

"Umm, can you please remove your hood? Miyata, right?"


A voice leaked out from the hood.

[Crap! My voice leaked out! Should I dispose of her??? Wait wait wait, let's not get hasty now Miyata, let's act as calm as possible.]

"How? Why do you know my name?"

Bringing her hood down, Miyata asked with a cold tone.

"Umm you know, you were releasing some mana unconsciously, although it cannot be seen easily, one whose forte is magic detection would sense it instantly. As for your name, I overheard a rumor in the nearby town that a beautiful girl named Miyata went missing exactly the day the volunteers left."

The woman brought down her hood as she declared her skill.

A woman with elegant features, a beautiful face and a short blonde hair, adding those up with her beautiful body, she's one woman which everyone envied or desired.

"I am Ceciliana Von Eirch, tis a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Worry not, I swear on my family's name that I will keep your talents as a secret. As payment, let's be friends, okay~?"

Although her words became pretty sophisticated and was akin to a Shakespeare novel, it contained no ill will.

"*Sigh* Since I've already been found out, I don't have anything else to lose now do I?"

"I'll take that as a yes, hehe~ well, it's about time I announce that you're qualified to be a Mage, but please try your utmost best to keep your talents as a secret, and as for your leakage, try imagining a cup of water, not too much contents inside, but it is stable and contained."

"I'll try, thanks for the help."

"No problem~ I expect our promise to be fulfilled fufu~"

Miyata exited the carriage, and after her came Ceciliana, both wearing their hoods back on.

Ceciliana looked at another Mage and gave him a nod and the Mage gave a nod to Iron Man as well.

"Alright! Looks like we have four future mages. Although I didn't expect anything, I'm quite amazed to hear that four of you managed to pass. Heh, I guess I'm just growing old. Now! Gather your luggage and prepare to be transferred."

[It seems that me, Jerard and two other guys passed, out of a hundred people, it's amazing how lucky we are.]

At that moment, Jerard had an ecstatic look on his face, mumbling some things. This expression was broken in a minute's time, as Miyata came up to him.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I was just so happy! anyways, we're both Mages now! Isn't that cool!?"


"Hehe, when my parents hear of this, they would probably brag until it reaches other villages..."

As Jerard was busy being happy, one of the cloaked Mages came to us, giving off an aura of killing intent.

"You're the best soldier here, no? I asked the soldiers here about who's the strongest, so why don't we just have a little duel to show if swords are better than magic?"

Together with the Mage's declaration of the duel, the soldiers were dumbstruck and the other Mages had no reaction as if this happens normally.

Miyata didn't flinch and immediately walked to the training grounds, making the rest of the soldiers make a path as the Mage followed.


Annoyed with Miyata's nonexistent reaction the Mage spat in annoyance.

The preparations were finished, the audience had stepped away to make space for the two, and the Mages had created a barrier to avoid unwanted injuries.

Iron Man, obviously annoyed with the current situation clenched his fists.

The opponent had taken down his hood, and took out his catalyst; a wand with a blade at the end.

Miyata on the other hand, looked unchanging as ever. Jerard gave her a wooden sword and she sat down, waiting till the duel starts.

"Tch, try to be so cocky after I beat you down."

The arrogant Mage spat on the ground and placed himself ten meters away, in front of Miyata.

"Just so you know, I've never lost a duel, especially versus someone who can't even use magic! Kahaha!"

"Alright! This duel has no holds barred, victory is only acquired when your opponent concedes or gets knocked out."

Iron Man declared the duel's rule, even the arrogant Mage flinched.

". . . 3"

". . . 2"

". . . 1"


As the duel started, a chant is being quickly recited and magic runes are being formed piece by piece with every word.

"Thine soul shalt be judged with the sphere of destruction, o'holy flame, bring judgement to thee!"

A large fireball appeared midair and flung itself to Miyata.

The fireball with its tremendous speed closed in its distance from the Mage's position to Miyata in a second causing all the soldiers and volunteers to have open mouths.

"This is over! Die!"

Unfazed, Miyata whispers quietly.

"Dimension Shift."

In the blink of an eye, the large fireball which could have incinerated the small figure vanished without a trace.

Right at that moment, everyone's jaws dropped and eyes wide open as the scene unfolded.

"W-what?! I-impossible! How could someone who knows nothing about magic do that?!"

With a perplexed face, the Mage stood still, still trying to process what just happened.

While the Mage's thought processing is stunned, Miyata's appears, then disappeared once more.

The gap between the two was just a single step for Miyata as she instantly appears behind the Mage, unable to recite his magic due to being shocked by the current situation, Miyata started her attack.


A powerful kick was sent to his stomach, a wooden sword down his head and a light flick on his forehead, the Mage fell down to his knees, vomiting blood with a nauseous expression, a few seconds later, the Mage had fainted.

"H-huh? . . *Cough* the victory goes to Cloak here."

Even Iron Man was a loss for words, still trying to comprehend what happened. The soldiers and Mages are left speechless after such an unbelievable sight that was just displayed.


Jerard muttered, looking at Miyata like some sort of God.

"Alright! That's over, you mages get your friend back."

Iron Man makes a composed face. A few seconds later he took a look at Miyata and gave a thumbs up.

[I guess even Iron Man has a childish side.]

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"For Brynarc to be defeated by a volunteer soldier, how amusing."

[Here's another troublesome person...]

"Hey, tell me; are you sure you're a man?"


[Eh?! Hey hey hey! What's this guy going on about?]

"Ara? Why are we so quiet? Cat got your tongue?"

The man grins as he came closer to Miyata.

"Well then, why don't we take that hood away~"

The man stretches his hand towards Miyata with the intent of revealing her identity.

With just a few more inches away from her hood, Miyata sends out a punch to the man's stomach.

Quickly evading with a surprised face, the man's grin grows even bigger.

"Hey hey, why are you so afraid of showing your guise?

Miyata clicks her tongue and just hopes that the man would just back off.

Taking advantage of Miyata's annoyance the man silently chants.

"Wind of unrelenting force, heed my call and send all to the sky."

An insanely strong gust of wind attacked the whole fort, cloths were flying and the soldiers barely held their ground.

"Oi! Just what are you trying to do?!"

Iron Man yelled, furious at the man.

Meanwhile, all the other men had stupefied expressions.

Miyata and her cloak had parted ways.

With the cloak up in the air, Miyata's figure was clear to all the men.

"""""EH!?""""" (Soldiers)

"Eh?" (Jerard)

"Oh my, this is unexpected." (Man)

Miyata regained her composure and looked around the fort.


"And here I thought that a Demon had infiltrated, for it to just be a girl. Ah, I'm sorry for the uncomfortable situation, my name's Friedrich Bernue. I hope you can forgive me for this, well, farewell."

Quickly introducing himself and escaping, Friedrich went inside a different carriage from the Mages but just as elegant.

And thus, leaves Miyata to this awkward situation.


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