

I jumped out of the cot in a hurry.

It was still early morning so I quieted down. It took me a minute to remember that horrible dream but it still made me shiver even after the second time I saw it. Then suddenly a nurse walked in, she looked a bit like the one a week ago, although a bit taller and older. Perhaps they were related somehow?

She looked at me worriedly. I assume it was because of how sweaty I was or maybe the small tears rolling down my now-soaking face.

"Are you alright, honey?" In a hushed voice, she asked me while inspecting my body, I shouldn't lie so I told her the truth.

"I had a nightmare. But I'm fine.."

She looked at me unsure but continued with the check-up. When the woman finally left it was lunchtime, but I skipped that. Hospital food is not as good as people say it is..for the rest of the day I sat near the windowsill, reading.

It was almost midnight when I got up and left my room. The nurse had left hours ago and I was alone.

I walked through the silent halls and located the back entrance. It was the perfect place to go.

Walking through the double doors I felt the cold air hit my skin, it was pleasant. I wasn't supposed to leave this early but orders have changed. I had to depart. Now.

My breath hitched as I ran through the tall and thick forest, dodging bushes and fallen trees until finally, I reached what looked like just an old hut.

It was just an old hut.

I walked inside and closed the door that looked like it would break any moment.

It was creepy being here by myself, In a dark forest with nothing but my phone as a light source.


'I just need to get this over with' I thought to myself. I tossed my book bag to the ground and took out a few things, Crystals, A paintbrush and paint, and lastly water. I looked at my phone in anticipation, it was finally 11:55. I began to set up the portal, by placing the crystals in a circle and painting an intricate flower on each crystal so I could go to Ahana, a place in the Garden Of Nénuphar.

I closed my eyes as I saw the time on my cell phone change to twelve, I kept my eyes closed until I felt water on my skin.

"Hello my dear, Leilani" I heard a soft voice.


I opened my eyes and looked around for the source of the voice until my eyes fell on her, my Mother.

"Mother!" a smile crept onto my face when I saw her standing there so majestically.

"Hello, my flower," she said with a smile as she walked over and embraced me in a tight hug

"How are you? Did those humans disrespect you? Shall I drain the Earth of life perhaps?"

I was shocked and worried, I just heard my mom tell me she wanted to turn Earth into Mars!

"No, no Mother! That won't be necessary!"

"Aww. I guess not then.," She looked at my hospital gown with a frown and then proceeded to wave her hand instantly changing my clothing. Now I was wearing a green Hanfu from the Tang dynasty, it went well with my pale pink skin and dark green hair, which had recently changed color due to coming here.

" Now then, I have something to show you."

I let go of her and followed her inside the pistil of Ahana. It was nice being here. It felt like a therapy session without the useless talking part. I found the life I lived currently neutral, I was happy but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. And so I've become extremely bored in a manner of years to the point where I even thought of trying death. but I waved that idea off quickly. Repos would surely be scolded by Mother if she ever felt my soul make it to the mer d'âmes and I feel bad for the poor guy so..

Anyway, we made it inside and I was greeted by the sweet perfume of the flowers. It was nice and it didn't feel too overwhelming either.

As we made our way to the throne room my mother began to speak.

"You know why you were called here, correct?"

I glance at her then look at the ground,

"yes, I do-"

I pause thinking back on the notification stating my mission, a lost world.

"-It's to help 'That' world right?"

We finally make it to the throne room and we go to sit down. I take the seat that is a bit lower than my mother, the Empress. These two seats are reserved for the two rulers of Gaia. When we sat down my mom looked at me with a smile and closed her eyes so they made this crescent shape. She looked gorgeous right now, with the moonlight shining through the windows of the room it made her glow.

It wasn't long before she opened her eyes again, still smiling.

"I'm sorry I have to send you away like this, but you are the most suited for this job ma chère fille, please understand."

A sad smile crept to her lips, much different than her previous one.

"Haaa..Mother I will only be leaving for a few decades and we'll still be able to contact each other.."

I heard a sniffle and then looked at my mom

"oh my..how unproper..please wait a minute.."

I looked at my mother with a frown. Then I stood from my seat and moved to hug my mother. I sat with her for what seemed to be an eternity, still hugging her tightly. I looked up from the crook of her neck and slowly whispered to her.

"I'm afraid it's time for me to depart.."

She looked at me with tears still threatening to fall.

"Au revoir Maman"

I said this as I was fading away, slowly heading towards my new destination. Asblik, a world destined for destruction.

"Au revoir Leilani"