
As long as you have the courage, fierce ghosts go on maternity leave.

Alexander, a world-class sales training expert and a holder of the Social Tyrant certification, found himself transported to a parallel universe, entering a world that seemed straight out of a horror story. However, this world wasn't as terrifying as he had initially thought. In this realm, being a social maestro meant you could do almost anything you pleased. Leveraging his exceptional social skills, Alexander turned even the most fearsome ghosts into friends. Moreover, as his rapport with them grew, he received additional rewards. Affinity Level 60 Headless Ghost: "If you like, I can give you this head as a keepsake." Affinity Level 100 Female Ghost Teacher: "Darling, stay with me tonight, and let me show you what the Ice and Fire truly feel like!"

DaoistpjUWEL · Thành thị
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391 Chs

Ghost Nerve

Alexander hadn't expected that Quillhart would recklessly rush forward, risking his own life to stall the black beetle. Although the presence of his niece and nephew here could account for some of it, this fearless charge still took Alexander by surprise.

Just as the black beetle was about to reach Quillhart, Alexander's form flickered. In an instant, he appeared beside Quillhart, sword in hand.


With a sword that cleaved the air and a blade that gleamed with a deadly aura, the Emperor-class black beetle was, without any surprise, cut in half by Alexander.

For a moment, all three of them gaped, unable to believe the scene that had unfolded before them. An Emperor-class beetle—just like that—had been effortlessly slain in an instant by the man before them. The terrifying fluctuation of Ghost Energy that emanated from him in that moment of swinging his sword left them completely horrified.