
As a Hunter Does

Gates had opened within the subways, tunnels, forests, and caves throughout the world, odd creatures crawling out from within. Hunters are set out to eliminate these beings to protect those who can't defend themselves against this threat.

CynicalPepper · Kinh dị ma quái
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The Day

Total Number of Deaths (The Span of 20 Years Before Calysto Event):

Canada: 4 million

United States: 72.3 million

Mexico: 193,801

Cuba: 30,291

Puerto Rico: 60,281

Guatemala: 40,201

Nicaragua: 21,109


Total Count in all of America: 2 Billion

Total Count in Europe: 231 million

Total Count in Africa: 10 million

The Middle East...

India was consumed, Pakistan was consumed, and Afghanistan is fighting.

Iran is a traitor.


There have been recorded incidents of the entities that had appeared in full during the Calysto Event but were ignored due to them being considered simply urban legends due to the distance of events happening before the main event and infrequency during the 20 years of our history before the event. Luckily, god or some higher power has also prepared us for the Calysto Event before we even truly understood this was an event that was even happening in the first place.

"Urban Legends" are what they were referred to as since they were frequently referred to as, Skinwalkers, Wendigos, Chupacabra, Mothman, and can probably find even more cases even before that but on a lesser degree as the more recent years (the last 20 years) since those myths and legends even existed then too, we were just incapable of actually confirming it unlike now, which we have been able to confirm after the Calysto Event.

The last event before the Calysto Event was the second most major event regarding these "Urban Legends" which occurred in a small town that no one knew about, or rather, forgot. In the town, they were referred to as "Special Emergencies".

To establish further context, there are multiple types of monsters that exist currently that were also referred to in this "Special Emergencies" section.

We'll go over Special Emergencies first then we'll go over what the rest of the world had experienced years later with the Calysto Event.

Mimics are often referred to as skinwalkers. They mimic animals, humans, and the like, with obvious differences between what a real animal or human would be like. They often appeared in forests, open plains, and even large swaths of desert land, or even at night in an average neighborhood.

They are generally easy to spot since the differences are obvious. They will typically have one exaggerated characteristic that would make them appear unusual and inhuman. Be it a smile, voice, limbs, et cetera. Mimics are known to experiment with human bodies, or other animal bodies which can cause confusion, but at that point, the people are animals that once were living beings and were now the equivalent of zombies.

These "zombies", were referred to as "Abnormals" by the townsfolk due to the horrific distortion these beings have gone through, including their violent nature, they were always put down quickly.

The third thing that they had known about was something that they had referred to as "Impossible". This would be the perfect time to address the danger levels that they'd give these beings. Mimics are what is referred to as, "Moderately Dangerous", Abnormals were referred to as "Very Dangerous", and the Impossible types were referred to as "Incomprehensibly Dangerous."

The world would refer to these Impossible types as Catastrophe-Rank Aberrants. Mimics and Abnormals are in the Murderous to Mass range in rank though are all referred to as Aberrants within the wide world.

These were the events that led up to the Calysto Event, including people who appeared to be superhuman to some degree, though not many had known about them beforehand.

Then the Calysto Event started on December 15th, 2015.

6:50 AM, Metro systems across the world were hit. A very small few people survived the coming hours and police were called. Police inaction within multiple countries caused the deaths of thousands and those who had reacted managed to push back the monsters and even managed to eliminate them with only a few extra casualties due to lack of experience dealing with said monsters.

10:53 AM, multiple hotels and motels were hit by the existence of monsters and cannot contact the police. After an hour only two people managed to escape and contact someone.

11:40 AM, before two people had escaped, the corpses of monsters who had managed to reach the surface began hatching more monsters without people's knowledge.

1:20 PM, Three hotels collapse and kill those in the surrounding vicinities, and those who were superhuman and there during these events at the time began helping others. Police finally moved into the hotels wherein people escaped, with total escape numbers ending with 243.

Police casualties got up to the three hundreds, civilian casualties are up to one thousand.

4:30 PM, many have been rescued or are dead, the eggs have hatched and an outbreak of monsters filled the streets. They were weak monsters so the outbreak didn't last long.

5:03 PM, India had become a hazardous place to live in and people were escorted out of the country. Nobody at the time knew how bad it had gotten there.

5:30 PM, multiple catastrophic events happened in most major cities started across the world as a tear in space could be seen sitting above each city.

Nobody had known what was coming.

6:00 PM, Multiple monsters that could be considered Catastrophe-Ranked monsters appeared killing as many people as possible before disappearing.

7:00 PM, a World-Ranked threat appeared, the only one in existence. It appeared in Russia and didn't do anything. It just sat there, waiting for something. We only know how powerful it was due to Russia's immediate action against it, calling its entire military, which was wiped out swiftly by its existence.

It didn't pursue conflict, it just waited for conflict to come to it.

With this, the Calysto Event had ended. The monster sightings had become more frequent in subway stations and even in forests and the like but we were prepared for that. We could fight them and not be taken off guard by what seemed to be a mass attack from another world.

A Subjugation squad was created from the ones who were superhuman in abilities and referred to as "Hunters."