
Arthemis ; The god of Ellenora.

The god of love, his name is Arthemis. Reincarnated as a human for thousands of years in order to get a soul that took his heart in an accident. That soul was lost ten years ago and was inside Ellenora, a cold girl with no love. Will the God of love be able to get his soul in Ellenora? Check it out on Web Novels!

Avengelisha24 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


After successfully getting out of the groups of women in the bar. Arthemis immediately walked away from the crowd of men and women who were swaying at will on the stage because his ears hurt. Plus he doesn't like the crowds like this time.

His legs continued to take him away until he didn't realize Arthemis had only been circling for almost an hour in the bar because Arthemis didn't yet understand what kind of place the bar was like.

After getting tired enough, Arthemis chose to sit in front of the mini-bar while ordering some fresh fruit pieces. Meanwhile, Ellen and Wulan were right behind him but Arthemis was prepared not aware of this important thing. At the same time, his Emerald Emerald stone glowed and brightened. It signifies that the object he has been looking for all this time is getting closer and closer to his existence. But he didn't realize what object he was looking for in the bar and in the end, Arthemis decided to be ignorant. Though Ellen was so close to him.

On the other hand, Wulan, who had been sipping alcohol since just now, was completely drunk. While Ellen just kept persuading her best friend to go home immediately before the girl acted crazy.

"Wulan, let's go home." Ellen persuaded while shaking Wulan's shoulders hard.

"Come on Lan. You're already drunk don't force it anymore." Ellen said as she quickly lowered the glass sloki from Wulan's mouth. The girl was even more worried in case Wulan reacted like crazy later.

But Calmly Wulan nodded, glanced at her best friend for a moment, and then said again.

"Come on, go," Wulan said with a soft laugh.

Hearing Wulan's words, Ellen just fell silent and glanced at her best friend with a look of confusion. The girls responded very well to his remarks. Usually, it will not behave accordingly as it is today.

"Ahh, foolish times!" thought Ellen.

After that, Ellen and Wulan stepped away from inside the bar. In Ellen's hands were already bags that belonged to her and Wulan's and her best friend's high heels.

Because Wulan was so drunk, all the things were decided to be carried by Ellen when she saw Wulan walking over staggeringly and almost fell. But the two young women managed to get out of the middle of the crowd of humans who were temporarily swaying and feasting inside the bar

Arriving outside, Ellen let her best friend take a step first and she could only follow Wulan from behind while continuing to exhale irritably.

Does anyone know why Ellen is upset? Because the girl acted like crazy.

Oh! What a shame!

"You Wulan! He said he wouldn't act strangely anymore. But what? Look at all this madness he's made up of?" said Ellen as she patted her forehead when she saw her best friend screaming, dancing, and acting like a lunatic fresh out of a mental hospital.

Unlucky! Unlucky!

"Oh my gosh, Wulan!" Ellen closed her eyes when she saw her friend running around on the sidewalk and then hugging a tree and even singing.

"Ahh, hard sound." Ellen softly as she covered both ears as Wulan sang confidently.

Oh, What a shame. But what can Ellen do besides holding back the embarrassment and following her best friend's footsteps?

"Watch out for you well. Get home later, I make sure you are nagged with me!" Ellen said irritably.

After a few minutes of walking, Wulan finally sat down on the street bench. Then Ellen, who was still behind there, could only step quickly closer to Wulan.

"Cape?" asked Ellen to her best friend Wulan.

"He is." Soft Wulan.

Soon, the drunk girl continued her words. His voice seemed hoarse and uninspired.

" You know no El if I'm tired of this life. Can we just run away from the reality of life? Or we can't go back to being young children. Where we just focus on playing and laughing at the load not laughing at the weight. Tired of me." Wulan softly while leaning his shoulders against the back of the chair.

"Can't Wulan...," Ellen lovingly rubbed her best friend's shoulder.

"For now you have only two choices in this life. Take a short break or give up? But if I may make a suggestion, you might as well rest for a while, Lan. But remember! Never give up." Ellen exhorted Wulan.

"In life.., that cape flavor is a natural thing. What is unnatural is to give up the same trials of life. What we're living to this big is just to give up on circumstances. So, girls, you have to keep your spirits up. I believe you can! Okay." Ellen said confidently with a big smile.

Hearing Ellen's words, Wulan jacked up, and glanced at her best friend for a moment but didn't smile. The look in Wulan's eyes was different at that time. It looks more like it's a pain that's been stored for years.

After being silent in silence for a moment, Wulan asked again.

"You're not sick of life, El?" Wulan glanced at the girl. His gaze was quite sharp.

"Why should I be fed up?" Ellen turned to ask.

"I know you are also fed up with this life. Don't lie," said Wulan with a terrifying look.

"You mean?" Ellen began to get confused. He was completely confused and didn't understand the meaning of his best friend's words.

"Why don't we just decide to die? What if today?" Wulan said confidently. His words sounded as if they were hope wrapped up in prayer. Because indeed, Wulan is so anxious to end his life in the world.

"Don't be kidding, Lan. Let's go home!" Ellen said, who started to get annoyed with Wulan. Then without waiting long, the girl forcibly pulled her best friend's hand and then took her away. Because Ellen thought, if it continues to be laden, Wulan will become more and more so.

It was about a dozen meters that Wulan and Ellen walked through on foot. The two were equally silent and continued to step without any meaningful talk under the night sky.

While he was walking, Ellen's eyes saw several taxis in front of the fork there who were temporarily waiting. Afraid of missing the taxi and thinking that it was the last taxi, Ellen immediately let go of her best friend's hand and then stepped first to hold the taxi before finally leaving. But an unexpected incident almost cost Ellen her life for eternity.

Where when Ellen was busy walking through the fork, the girl's eyes were just busy staring at the watch in her hand. The clockwork that kept moving and making a sound made Ellen even more scared. The girl was afraid of missing the taxi until she didn't realize there was any danger in front of her.

While Wulan, who was sitting waiting for Ellen on the road bench, was still half-conscious. The girl's eyes were weak and her body was staggered. The influence of alcohol that night made him like a drunken person who lost consciousness. But when he saw Ellen, who was right in the middle of the fork in the road, Wulan immediately shouted when he saw two cars from the opposite direction heading at high speed to the middle of Ellen. The effects of a hangover due to the influence of alcohol just disappear.

"Ellen!!! Watch out!!!" the drunk girl shouted in a loud voice. However, because the distance between Wulan and Ellen was so far that Wulan's voice was inaudible and instead sank into the crowd.

But Wulan did not give up hope. The drunk girl kept screaming to distract her best friend who was in the middle of death. Slowly some people around the fork in the road began to realize that there was a girl who was in danger. They began to try to help and resuscitate Ellen in various ways. Some shouted, lit car horns, or even hit electricity poles around them. But still. Ellen's focus was only on the old watch on his wrist.

While away from the crowd, there was an elderly old man in shabby black clothes standing on the top of the six-story building and observing Ellen with his weird smile. His face was invisible because of the long hat that partially covered his face. The smell of his body was rotten and the black aura symbolizing evil radiated clearly from him. He is the god of all evil. It was he who made Ellen focus on the old watch until he was unaware of the danger.

It was the old man who moved Ellen's little heart to keep staring at the watch in his hand and ignorant of the surroundings. In the end, the honking sound of the two cars that had approached him made Ellen startled and realized at the same time.

Pip... Pip... Pip...

Tict... Tict... Tict...

The sound of horns and the pounding of clockwork came together in the lonely night. The life of the girl who became the destiny of the god would be threatened.

Ellen realized that she had been trapped and couldn't run anywhere. He could only fall silent and sculpt out of thin air. His face was tense and looked panicked when he saw the two cars driving closer to him at the same time. The light of the lights from two different sides made Ellen unable to see the road well let alone, his left eye was a minus.

The pounding of his heart was beating wildly. Her pulse throbbed unceremoniously and sweat poured out like a torrent of water on her tiny body. His hands were sputtering and he was afraid.

And in the end, Ellen was caught halfway through. Fear and tension made his body reluctant to take a step. While death was already in front of him and death was preparing to bring him to meet with separation forever.

But in great doubt, Ellen remembered the story of twenty years ago. When he almost died in the middle of a pile of snow and a ****'s warm hand saved him.

"Whoever is in power in this world, help me!" said Ellen quickly in her heart as she hugged her tumultuous body tightly.

The short sentence Ellen said just now was the same sentence she said many years ago when death was so closely lurking around her.

The sentence with a million meanings was able to thrill two worlds and bring the same person who saved him in a cold-blooded accident on Prayer Hill is Arthemis-the god of love Ellenora.

And now, the warm hand of the god again saved him from the deadly accident that almost took his life for the second time.