
Arthemis ; The god of Ellenora.

The god of love, his name is Arthemis. Reincarnated as a human for thousands of years in order to get a soul that took his heart in an accident. That soul was lost ten years ago and was inside Ellenora, a cold girl with no love. Will the God of love be able to get his soul in Ellenora? Check it out on Web Novels!

Avengelisha24 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Colorful of human life

About hundreds of thousands of years ago before the gods were incarnated, they used to be ordinary humans who lived in the royal era.

In those days, some people had been set by the sky to become gods after discovering death. And one of them was Arthemis.

In the past, his name was not Arthemis. His name was Arthur-a great and loyal royal archer. Because of his prowess, he was appointed advisor to the defense and security of the kingdom.

It was then that Arthemis met with Virginia. The two of them at that time were not yet gods and goddesses. Still, an ordinary human being has an attraction to the opposite sex.

But one tragedy made them separate for good. That is the situation where the two of them love each other.

In that kingdom, everyone was forbidden to love or be attracted to the opposite sex unless directly married. Otherwise, one of them will be killed on the spot. And because of the fate that had established them to be gods and goddesses of the sky, the consequences happened.

Arthemis, who was still named Arthur and Virginia at the time, was arrested and then confronted before the king to be punished. But seeing Arthemis more experienced than a weak girl then they decided to execute Virginia to death.

Such was the tragic love story of Arthemis until his death picked him up and became the god according to the decrees of the heavens. Despite having become the god and meeting Virginia in the form of a goddess, their stories are no longer the same. Because fate made them not know each other anymore. It gives pain and love and it tortures the god. Arthemis secretly felt lonely because there was nothing meaningful in him anymore.

On a beautiful night, a festive turn of the year, or even the change of seasons, Arthemis always feels lonely.

Until the time of a thousand years, the god was tasked with giving love to every human being whose soul was lost since they were first born in the world. And Arthemis' task of giving him love so that his reincarnation period can be extended or even shortened.

And that was the second time Arthemis had come down to earth just to find Ellenora-the lost soul. During the search and recovery in search of lost souls, Arthemis was given 360 days by the sky. And to find Ellenora Arthemis spent 100 days and the rest was to figure out how to give her love.

Before descending to earth, every **** including Arthemis had gemstones. The stone is Emerald stone. The stone with a distinctive light green color is indeed owned by every god including Arthemis.

The Emerald Stone is not just any stone. But it is a stone that has the power to give instructions to each god in completing their respective missions.

While driving the car, Arthemis did not realize that the stone was glowing but the light seemed to fade so the handsome god was unaware of it. However, when he parked his car for a while in the rest area, the reflection of light from the car glass made Arthemis sober.

Slowly he watched the stone and then saw the light. The seemingly faded light gave clues to Ellenora's whereabouts. Arthemis quickly started his car and then drove the speed of his car towards the bars where Ellenora was.


Ten minutes had already passed time and Ellen was still silent and staring at the three-story building in front of him. The building was known as LOUNGE BAR. The second largest bar in the city of Craz.

The bar with a monochrome design and dominant color of black looks elegant and the bar design looks modern. The bar had been a second home for Wulan during her stress and now for the first time, Wulan took Ellen there.

The innocent girl looked confused looking at the magnificent building with strange noises that kept disturbing her eardrums. While Wulan is the opposite. The girl seemed to be enjoying the sound of the music.

"Come on, come in El!" The loud sound of the music made Wulan have to shout for her best friend's name.

"A-come on," Ellen replied hesitantly as she stepped her feet inside.

How shocked Ellen was when she was inside the huge building when she saw the new things she saw. Music with twinkling lights that continue to glow. What a blinding eye!

"Don't they need a few lights to illuminate this dark room?" asked Ellen. The innocent girl looked confused when she saw the little light twinkling everywhere.

"Hahahahah, this place doesn't need such a thing, Ell." Wulan laughed crisply while patting Ellen on the shoulder.

"Come on!" Ellen pulled Wulan and led her inside.

When the two of them got inside, Wulan went straight to the mini bar and picked up two sloki along with some other liquor.

"That's what, Lan?" asked Ellen as Wulan came over with a few drinks in hand and some fresh fruit pieces.

"Do you want to?" Wulan turned to ask and Ellen nodded without knowing that it was booze.

"You just eat fruit," Wulan said, holding back a laugh and then thrusting fresh fruits to Ellen. Seen Ellen's eyes, inside the white bowl were watermelons, green melons and grapes, and strawberries.

"If this is the case, let the stressed man be rich in me," Wulan said again and then pulled two bottles of liquor.

"You weird girl." Ellen softly, shaking her head lightly. The girl didn't dare to forbid her best friend. He knew very well that Wulan was very stressed and how hard the girl was to live her world.

Wulan is just like Ellen. Became an orphan since childhood. Because the girl was the first child in her family, Wulan had to work as the backbone of the family to pay for her younger siblings at that time.

No encouragement gave the girl encouragement. While the demands as well as the ever-pressing realities of life made the bar his escape and a second home for him.

For this reason, Wulan is so obsessed with finding a life companion. She thought that by following online dating, everything would feel easy. He can get married and build a family. Or at the very least, anyone can help him stand up from all the problems of life that make his legs keep standing to live such a harsh reality of life. But he was wrong. Online dating was too far from her expectations that Wulan was so devastated to see her online partner who was far from her expectations. And in the end, Wulan's only way is to calm down with alcohol.

It was fortunate that Wulan and Ellen met as best friends and Ellen had best friends like Ellen. Not only did she understand her best friend's position but rather appreciated every choice of the girl who seemed to be acting crazy.

But that's life. The difference between Wulan and Ellen is the colorfulness of life that helps them understand what gratitude is.


After nearly an hour of driving, Arthemis pulled his car over at one of the city's largest bars with his Emerald stone clues. He wasn't quite sure and knew what clues he was going to get there. He just followed the stone and his heart without knowing the girl he was going to help was there too.

With a white shirt and cloth pants in navy color, Arthemis looked hot and sexy when he stepped into the bar. Moreover, some of the buttons of his top shirt that he left exposed, pointing to the fine hairs scattered on the chest. What a beautiful appearance for the eyes let alone the eyes of women.

As Arthemis stepped in, all the eyes of the women inside the bar looked at him except for Wulan and Ellen who were sitting aloof in the corner of the bar.

Arthemis's signature face is so charming. None of the men in lounge bar has such a handsome and charming face as him. Until slowly one by one the ladies of the night came and offered to play with the handsome god. But quickly, Arthemis went away from there.

Arthemis knew very well that, his Emerald stone brought him here for the mission of searching for lost souls instead of seeking pleasure alone.