
Arthemis ; The god of Ellenora.

The god of love, his name is Arthemis. Reincarnated as a human for thousands of years in order to get a soul that took his heart in an accident. That soul was lost ten years ago and was inside Ellenora, a cold girl with no love. Will the God of love be able to get his soul in Ellenora? Check it out on Web Novels!

Avengelisha24 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Blind date

It's been a week and Ellen still feels the melody from the melody of the poem "Poem of Love" playing in her ears.

The girl was even confused. Why was he the only one who could hear that strange melody?

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Ellen was sitting alone in front of her flower shop watching the plants. Suddenly his cell phone rang from inside the room. Ellen just reflex immediately ran inside to get her cell phone.

When the last ring rang, Ellen answered the call which turned out to be from her best friend Wulan.

In the call.

[Hello?] Ellen greeted first in a questioning tone.

[Are you busy?] Instead of greeting back, Wulan asked a question.

[What do you think?] Reluctant to answer, Ellen turned around to ask.

[Do not know. That's why I asked. Are you busy?] Wulan said with the question he asked earlier.

[BUSY! I AM SO BUSY!!] Ellen replied.

[You know at this hour I'm guarding the shop while arranging flowers.] Ellen added.

[Oh yeah yeah. Forgot me, sorry.] Wulan apologized. After that, the atmosphere was quiet again. After a few minutes of silence, Ellen asked again.

[Hmm, what's the matter? Suddenly you call, it's not usual.] Ellen said. Because according to Wulan's habits that Ellen learned over the years, the girl rarely uses cell phone calls. Often and usually, Wulan only sends text messages through online applications.

[Do you want it or not?] Wulan asked Ellen before continuing her speech.

[No!] Ellen answered with certainty. He already knew that Wulan would take him on another blind date.

[Why don't you want to, anyway? Anyway, you have to want, you have to, Ellen. I don't want to know!] Wulan insisted. The little girl always forced her best friend to follow her wishes.

[Okay I want but-]

[No buts. Anyway, you agree. Bye!] Wulan said quickly and ended the call unilaterally. Ellen's aim was good. He wanted to ask Wulan but apparently, Wulan misunderstood the meaning of his friend's question.

"Huh ...," Ellen took a deep breath and then shook her head slowly after making a phone call with her best friend, Wulan.

"That girl is stubborn," Ellen whispered as she continued her activities in the morning.


Early in the morning when the sun had not yet appeared in the eastern sky, Artemis had taken a bath and prepared to leave. That day Artemis wore more informal clothes to look more casual. He the usual black sweater and cloth pants he was wearing. Although everything he wears looks simple, he is Artemis looks perfect.

It had been a few days since Artemis had made plans to meet Ellen. And today, Artemis was planning to meet Ellen at her flower shop. He wanted to observe Ellen up close. But not as a god carrying out tasks but as an ordinary human who can fall in love.

It was neat, fresh, and fragrant when Artemis the handsome god stepped out of the gate of the house.

There is a purple butterfly that is beside him always. It was a butterfly in its true form which was a god. The butterfly is also the one who often delivers the melody "Poem OF Love" to Ellen every night.

Once at the crossroads, the famous Tov-branded car at that time was parked in front of the road. The bright red car is the god's car.

The music of the DJ accompanied Arthemis' long footsteps as he entered his private car. It's the same scene in dramas that depict wealthy male characters.

And without a long wait, the hundreds of millions of cars drove away at high speed.

On the other hand, Ellen was confused by a text message from Wulan who had just entered and was notified on her cellphone.

A few minutes passed, and Ellen's forehead looked wrinkled slowly, staring at the screen of her cell phone. A message from his best friend asking Ellen to join a blind date.

"Huh..." Ellen exhaled slowly.

"Are you sure Ellen?" Ellen asked herself as she shook her head slowly and resumed her activities.

In front of Leon Blossom, Arthemis' sports car was parked. The god of love chose to be in the car while observing Ellen-the lost soul from inside his car.

After a few minutes passed, suddenly a pink bicycle with a basket full of daisies was parked in front of Artemis's car. Realizing this, Artemis immediately got out of his car as the cyclist walked hastily into Ellen's flower shop.

By reflex, Artemis's gaze followed the girl's footsteps. For the next few moments, Arthemis observed Ellen and a short girl whom Artemis believed was Ellen's best friend.

Without wanting to wait long, Artemis stepped into the flower shop, following Wulan and Ellen's friends. To be honest, Artemis wondered what the two women were talking about inside.

As the god's footsteps stepped on the front door, the small bell that Ellen had placed above the threshold rang. The bell notified Ellen that there were visitors at her flower shop every time the bell rang.

When the bell rang, Ellen's gaze immediately turned to Artemis. Seeing Arthemis-the man she saw in the dream and in the coffee shop at that time made Ellen shocked. Not only surprised, but Ellen was also embarrassed.

Wulan, who was standing next to Ellen, could only silently observe the change in her best friend who suddenly became a fool.

"Hey! Say hello to El's guest, not silence." Wulan nudged Ellen's waist with a little pinch seeing the girl silent.

"Come on, quickly!" Wulan whispered as she pushed Ellen's body forward when Wulan saw Artemis walking towards the two of them.

But before that, Artemis had heard Ellen and Wulan's brief conversation. Where Wulan asks Ellen to be her date.

For some reason, when he heard that Ellen was going on a date, Artemis's expression immediately changed. The handsome god was not excited.

"Hello, good morning, welcome to Leon Blossom. Can I help you?" said Ellen with a friendly smile. The girl was so calm when faced with Arthemis-a handsome man who always fascinated her and now, Arthemis came again as a customer at her flower shop.

Flustered? Yes! pounding? Definitely.

But have you forgotten that Ellen can control her admiration and act normal in front of a man who fascinates her?

While Artemis looked silent staring into Ellen's eyes. His gaze was full of warmth as he stared at Ellen's hazel-colored bead. He didn't care if Ellen was currently waiting for an answer to his greeting. To Artemis, the girl who took part in his soul was really like the goddess he had fallen in love with a thousand years ago.

The goddess is the first love of the god of love. Her name is Virginia. It was this beautiful goddess who was the first to completely take Artemis' heart and feelings of love. In addition, Virginia has the same eye beads as Ellenora's, which reminds Arthemis of his first love who had been separated by death.