
Arterisa: The Autumn goddess

Iyadi_Amen · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


It's dinner time and mum had added an extra plate on the table.

"Mom!" I called out. She came out of the kitchen with the dishes.


"Whose plate is that?" I asked getting on a


"Someone special."

She planted a kiss on my head. Almost immediately the bell rang.

"He's here."

"Who's here? Who's he?"

She ignored me. As she got to the door, she smoothened her hair and her silky blue long dress which l just noticed and took a deep breath before opening the door with a wide smile. She smiled so much it made her look younger.

Back to the stranger, he looked sma and handsome but underneath all that, I felt hatred. He doesn't seem to be what he looks like.

"Hey, how're you doing?" He said hugging her but it sounded like he was suppressing something, like he was hiding something, like he was doing whatever he's doing for someone, for a purpose, against his wish.

"I'm okay."

"You look really nice."

"Oh, thank you."

"Mum." I called from my chair.

"Oh yes, this is my daughter, Autumn. Autumn this is James."

"Nice to meet you, Autumn."

There was silence.

"Won't you say anything?" My mom asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah, can we eat now? I'm starving, I ate only burgers for lunch and I haven't had anything since then."

My mom gave him a glance that expressed the words  ' I'm sorry ' but he shrugged lightly.

When we had all settled down, I dished out a small of food and slowly started eating.

Looking for a way to start a conversation with me, James started asking me questions.

"So, what class are you?"

"My final year." I murmured uninterested.

It was obvious he didn't know when someone is not in the mood cause he asked another question.

"What college are you thinking of going to?"

I hesitated before answering.

"I don't know yet."


It seemed like he just got the message cause he didn't ask me another question.

During dessert they announced their intention of getting married. It was like an explosion. I looked at my mom dumbfounded only to find her looking at her Prince Charming smiling. More like prince devil

"You're joking." I cut James short.

"We're actually not jo..."

"I mean you not both of you. Look, I don't like you and I won't hide. You don't seem to be what you say you are."


"Mom, why would you want to get married to someone like him. I mean can't you see he is just lying to you."

"Stop it Autumn. I raised you to be a respectable young girl. You will not talk to our guest like that."

"Our guest or your guest because I know I won't invite someone like this to our home."

"Watch it Autumn. I am your mother. You will not talk to me like that."

"Well, you're certainly not my mom after doing this. I don't even know you anymore. So this is why you have been coming late this past weeks."


"Mom! I just wish you had told me, not him."

"I can explain."

"No you can't! I don't even trust that you will tell me the truth. I don't know who you are anymore. You're a different person. You're not my mom."

I stormed out, going to my room. I heard my mom apologizing on my behalf.

Instead of crying, like  other girls would, I paced around thinking of what I'd done and I would have to do.

There was a light knock on the door. I sighed and opened the door. My mom was there, not as radiant as before.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you but I thought it will be better if he did seeing that he would be your father."

"He will never be my father." I crossed my hands.

"Autumn... why don't you like him?"

"I feel an aura around him, an air of wickedness and hate."

"But you barely know him. Let's give him a chance."

I hesitated before answering.

"I'll think about it."

She smiled and hugged me. I smiled back. She left walking as fast as she could.

After a while, the engine of a car started. James was leaving. I sighed , I hope I'm not right.