
Arterisa: The Autumn goddess

Iyadi_Amen · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


I turned back slowly, cursing under my breath. I'll recognize that voice anywhere, Lena. When she came into view, I started apologizing in one breath.

"I'm sorry. I was practicing and I was with Ryan and he told me to tell him my secret since I wasn't normal because he found out that I am a goddess so I had to tell him everything, and we lost track of time, we didn't know it was late and already past curfew and I didn't know the way to my room so he used the exit spell to bring me here since I was spent. I'm sorry, it will never happen again."


I opened my eyes and saw Fofo staring at me with a confused look on his face. 

"You were too fast. I couldn't catch up on anything that you said."

"Ugh! Fofo, you scared me."

"I did? I only asked you where you've been."

"Using Lena,s voice?"

"Oh, right. It doesn't matter though, Lena did not come over to look for you."

I heaved a sigh of relief. I went to bed thinking of what had happened. I couldn't even sleep. I stood up after a few hours to get m mind preoccupied with the book of spells. After a long time, I slept off with the book over my head.

  🍁 🍁 🍁

I wandered about the forest and this time I knew where I was. I was in the secret goddess land that Diana created to hide. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a man with his back turned towards me. His blonde hair made me realize that it was dad. I ran to him and hugged him from behind. 

"Dad!" I released him and he turned with a grin on his face. 

I stepped into his arms again and this time we hugged for a long time.  With my head on his shoulders, I could see the tattoo on his neck, a scorpion. My eyes widened but I didn't step out of his embrace. Suddenly, I felt a rush of pain through my back. A shiver went down my spine. I pulled away from the hug, staggering on my feet and going down to my knees. I looked down to see blood seeping through the fabric. I looked up, my father stared back, his eyes were cold and void of any emotions. This isn't dad. Then his face started melting and changing and after a few seconds, a different face stared down at me. James! My eyes became so wide, it felt like they were going to pop out.

"Autumn, the only thing I need to bring the world to my master's feet. Killing you will make my job easy."

He walked towards the knife that was deep into my back and twisted it before pulling it out. Blood sputtered from my mouth and dripped on my clothes. Energy drained from me and I fell backward. James's laughter sounded sinister. It wasn't long before I blacked out, James's laughter ringing in my ear.

🍁 🍁 🍁

I jerked up. I looked around to confirm if I was in my room or on the cold floor in the forest. 

"It was just a nightmare, go back to bed," Fofo said standing by my bed.

"What's the scorpion sign for?"

"It's the sign Zuka gave to his minions."

"But I thought he was powerful enough to fight this battle all by himself."

"Yes, but he needs them to weaken anyone capable of defeating him."

"And James is one of them. How am I supposed to tell mom without her thinking that I've completely lost it? She might think I'm saying it because I don't like him."

"You should go back to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day. Don't tire yourself out because of these. We will think of a solution later."

I leaned back and shut my eyes. It wasn't long before I finally slept.

🍁 🍁 🍁

Swords clashed, arrows whizzed and hit the targets, spears flew overhead and horses ran. Today was the last day in camp. It was all tests today to see what you've learned so far. Autumn pulled out her sword from the scabbard after hitting enough targets. Steve stepped forward to spar with her. She watched as he drew his sword out and took a stance.

She waited for him to charge and he did not disappoint her. She sidestepped at the last minute. She continued to dodge all his blows which were coming out stronger as he became frustrated. He discovered her tactics and charged at her with full force, his sword over his head and then coming down on her. She blocked it with her sword. He pushed down with more force and she fell to her knees, struggling to keep the sword from her face. With his strength bearing on her, she pushed the sword to the side causing it to leave his hands and land a few feet away from them. Since he was unguarded and open, she kicked him in his gut. He flew into a tree. As he stared at her in awe, she moved forward to end the fight but he grabbed her hand and twisted it causing the sword to fall out of her hand. I almost ran to them to stop him from hurting her but I remained still reminding myself that she is a goddess. He lifted his other hand to land a blow to her ribs but she caught it, twisting his fist until he let out a shriek, good job. He released her hand to pry his hands out of her iron fist but she wasn't having any of that. She twisted it again before releasing it and rolling backward, stopping a few feet from him.

 He took up his sword and launched after her. She saw her sword lying beside the tree and ran towards it. He realized what she was doing and ran with full speed towards her to stop her. She waited until the last minute before she jumped on a nearby stone and leaped into the air over his head and landed beside her sword. She picked up her sword and charged just as he was getting over his shock. She kicked him from behind and he landed on the ground. He turned around to face her, putting his hands over his head as he surrendered. She pointed the sword to his neck, staring right into his eyes before lifting her hands and bringing her sword down with full force.

"Autumn!" I heard Lena shriek and the other warriors talking among themselves stopped to watch. She reached her hands out for him to grab which he did. Her sword had not been aimed at his throat but the ground beside his head. He stood up and clasped her hand, a silent thank you passing between them. He left her hands after some time, picked up his sword, and left the arena.

"Autumn," Lena called. She pulled her sword out of the ground and sheathed it before taking off to Lena's side.

"What's up?" 

"What was that?" She crossed her arm looking mad.

"I'm sorry. It just happened. For a moment there I thought that we were in a real battle like all of it was real. And I needed to let off some steam, everything is going haywire in my brain."

Her glare softened as she took hold of her hands.

"I'm proud of you, Autumn. I am."

"I had a great teacher." They shared a smile before she left to meet with us.

"It was you, wasn't it?"

"Someone has to keep you in check so you don't lose yourself in a battle that isn't real."


"By the way, good job. I'm proud of you."

"Yeah, you were great out there," I spoke up. She finally noticed me and gave me a smile that nearly broke me.

"Thanks, Ryan."

🍁 🍁 🍁

The last day of camp was finally here. We were all seated, waiting for Lena's send-off speech. Everyone whispered excitedly about how training was and the inevitable war approaching since the goddess had arrived. I sat down quietly beside Fofo with a bored expression, playing with a ball in my hands. I was in my senior suit. There was no time to waste so I was promoted but that also means intense training like never before. Zuka already knows I'm here. If not he wouldn't have sent James after mom. My hands balled into a fist at the thought. Fofo squeezed my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"We'll think of something." I nodded hesitantly and turned back to the stage just as Lena mounted the stage. As soon as she did, everyone became silent.

"We gather here to celebrate another successful Wester Warrior camp. Another session, another set of people who will journey far to help save our kingdom. Though it was not in the prophecy we are growing an army that will help the chosen one bring back Wester land. We will fight to take back what is rightfully ours."

There was applause that was later stopped by Lena raising her hand.

"There are a few recruits who will have the honor of fighting by the chosen one's side; sorceress, warriors, sword-men, archers, combat-men, horse-men, and many more. I want you to know that you are very lucky if you are chosen, and if you aren't, there is a next time. Even after the war has been won, the land will need protection and you will be called upon for it. Now let's welcome the best warrior for this season, Autumn Rutherford."

Applause erupted as I walked towards the stage, avoiding eye contact and walking ahead. I walked over to Lena's side who handed me the microphone.

"Let me just say it is an honor to learn with you all and fight side by side with the best warriors I have ever seen. The truth is I would have never made it this far without courage, determination, endurance and the best teacher ever and that is Lena. She taught me to believe in myself and work hard and those teachings paid off today. So, never give up, always stand strong, and believe in yourself. Thank you."

With that, the hall was filled with a round of applause. I waited on the stage with a wide grin on my face as Lena calmed the students down.

"We will now be calling the best students who will be recruited. Audrey, Ryan, Steve, Christain, ..."  The list went on and on until she had mentioned fifty students.

"Congratulations to those who made it, we wish you good luck."

She left the stage before we made our way to the rest of the students. Ryan glanced at me the same time I did. He held it for a while before dropping his gaze. I turned to Fofo who was smirking at me.
