
Art Of Truth

When a sword falls from the Holy Land....I still holed up in my cave When Lord Primodial making a trial to select his new personal disciple....I still holed up in my cave When Princess Helena began a contest to select his husband.....I still holed up in my cave But when a mortal said the mana is wave....I asked how are you gonna prove that? The mortal said is simple my guts telling me it wave!....Well I still holed up in my cave Disclamer Hello readers english is not my first language and also this is one of my school project, so if there is any grammatical error or mistakes in my writing please let me know xD

Lazy_Yellow_Panda · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Heavenly Shit Luck

Chapter 1: Heavenly Shit Luck

"My granddaughter is lovely doesn't it, hahahaha!" An old man began bragging about his favorite granddaughter.

Well if you see her in the photo you will understand how stunning his granddaughter is. With long black hair, smooth skin, and delicate features. Heck, even a gay person will be straight immediately if they see her.

But if you think her physique is the greatest part, you will be utterly wrong! Countless amazing things have already been grabbed on her wheel, Being a champion at an International Math Olympiad (IMO), setting up a profitable company in the field of AI, entering an Ivy League University, graduating at the top of her class, and also she is renowned as a humble and kind person.

With all of these factors adding up together is not very surprising that many people see her as an angel incarnate, even in some dormitories some people worship her as their goddess.

"Yes Mr. President, your granddaughter is a very lovely young lady, I always admire her, especially for one of her papers 'The Crime Against the Free Will', and also her determination against child predators all around the world!"

Naval thus began using his sucking-up ability, after countless times of interactions with other people he knew that to win people's hearts one thing you need to do is to make an illusion that you're on the same team as them.

Well, this supposedly works for most people, but for elites like this old man is inefficient. But upon seeing the pride and the smug on the face of the old man, he knew that his tactic is not utterly fail.

This old man is not as simple as he seems. He was a President of a Multinational Company and also the owner of one of the biggest hedge funds in the states, the Frankerstein-Oxtavi. His name is Brent Oxtavius, in the business world he is known as a ruthless and ambitious person, he managed to make his falling household company from on the verge of bankruptcy to become one of the key players in the energy industry.

"Hahaha, speaking of which your action a couple of years ago is commendable young man, I don't know what kind of guts and mind you have to be able to imprison that bastard Andrew in his haven, My granddaughter is very fascinated by your persona to the point she began take law as her major, Hahaha, I remember at that time I'm very confused why she choose Harvard law school. Only to know that there is a crazy guy who braves enough to imprison Andrew for his pedophile activity in Mexico" After speaking for a second there is a hint of marvel in the old man's eyes.

"It's an honor to be recognized by the young lady. But being able to imprison him is only a fluke, the fact that I'm able to stand here alive is already a miracle itself, Mr. President", Naval began to humble himself.

The Andrew case is known as the most controversial case in the relationship between the United States and Latin America in the 21st century. Because there is a human trafficking scheme not only from Latin to the states but also from the states to Latin America. The case began to blow up when Naval who see his disadvantage while fighting in the court of Mexico, got an idea and dug for evidence. He began to spread the issue to the states and to make the issue much louder he also began to leak numerous email messages between Andrew and States official who backed him in the US.

In short with the seriousness of the matter and also Naval pulling the string behind the scene the cases began viral and successfully incite the wrath of the masses, in Washington D.C, following the leaked email from some high-ranking officials and politicians many of them began assassinated and most of the federal building, including the white house, senate, congress, and several important government facilities being blocked by the masses. Even though the situation was chaotic the government at that time still believed that the situation was still under its control.

But that illusion shattered after some soldiers who serve overseas see their son or daughter on the list of victims and in very pitiful shapes, at first only a handful of soldiers overseas began to conduct mutiny and demand an explanation, but after much evidence was brought to light and many uncivilized photos of the victims began to revealed one by one. Many soldiers overseas also began to sympathize with their comrades and drop their weapons and mutiny spread out.

The situation in the country also doesn't become any better so in order to concentrate their resources to stabilize the mainland the government ignores the soldier mutiny overseas, but as the issue began to spread out in the mainstream media many veterans who sympathize began also voice their opinions. On April 1st, They organize a march on the street using casual shirts but attaching their medal of honor to it and also singing the national anthem of the United State making the march very heartbreaking and tearful. Many people called it 'The March of The Abandoned Soldiers', which made the anti-Andrew movement in the states intensify.

Following the march mutiny also began to spread rapidly among the national guard troops on the US mainland, especially in the southern states where most of the victims originated, it also began to spread to the northern states and the situation began to grimmer by any second for the government.

In the end, on April 3rd the President of The United States make the fifth official public statement to condemn the atrocity of Andrew and his cronies. He also asked Mexico to hand over all of the preparators in the human trafficking activities to US soil and get charged according to federal law, he also assembled an independent investigation team consisting group of experts to investigate and clean up the remnants of human trafficking activities in the US. At the end of the speech, he also suggests to all of the soldiers to come back to the barrack and ends the period of mutiny.

In the end, this case closed with many high-ranking officials and politicians dragged and Andrew himself sentenced to death. And US President also handed over his resignation to congress over the guilt of this case. As Naval himself, he began famous across the country and even around the world for his bravery in uncovering these cases. Many of them hail him as the candle of light and the hero of the country, hell even some call him a saint.

But at that time when people glorified him as a hero, Naval is dragged to the ambulance and sent to the emergency room after getting shot in the shoulder and abdomen by an assault rifle when he was searching for McDonald's for dinner after the final trial against Andrew in the court of Mexico.

Thinking about his action a couple of years ago he still has chills every time he remembers the shot in the abdomen, Isn't because is fatal or his first time getting shot but rather the randomness of the event! Because he is not getting shot by an official gang member or any group affiliated with the human trafficking case he handles. But a random old Mexican man with a cataract that thinks he wants to rob him in the middle of the night.

He was still lamenting how his luck is very bad, to the point that even a random old man 20 meters away from him considered him his enemy. Because if that is the case there is a high probability that someday a random child carrying a Glock began 'accidentally' shot him and ended his lineage.

The truth was ever since he was a child his luck is always bad, to the point that when he was 6 he was caught in the middle of a gang war when he was selling newspapers, from elementary until high school he already experience multiple mass shooting, ammonia, and cyanide food poisoning, terrorist attack, gigantic earthquake, earth liquefaction and heck even rebellion.

"Naval, Naval, can you hear me?" The sound of the old man woke him up from the trance.

"Oh I'm sorry, I just remembered some unpleasant memories here, is there anything that I miss?", answered Naval as he began focusing his though and collecting himself. After becoming a lawyer he already mastered the art of changing faces. To the point that he was sure that if he got hit by a truck as long he was still conscious, he can smile and make the truck driver get chills over his body.

"Em….mm, Hah just forget it, anyway my granddaughter is already graduated from law school and has also begun the phase of internship. Regarding the legal process of acquisition your team handles, I want you to pick her up as one of your internship assistants, I just want her to have a hint of knowledge about some of the legal processes in the field of finance, especially regarding a company that she destination to inherited on in the future. Even though she has already shown her capabilities in the field of tech, finance is more complicated especially when you live in a country that runs by an investor." said the old man solemnly

"No worries, my superior Lawyer Ho already been planning to include her in our team regarding this case, but to protect our credibility and efficiency proceeding with this case we can't assign her for any main or key of the project, but rest assured I will guarantee that she will learn a lot from this project, Mr. President," said Naval solemnly, even though the old man said this is a request he know it wasn't, he guesses that this placement has something to do with inheritance and distribution of benefit in the House of Oxtafi-Frankrut in the future, but curiosity kills cats so as long it's not a hindrance to his work and safety he doesn't care.

"Hahahaha, this topic is so boring just lemme open this bottle of alcohol for you, this is called eclaire or enlighted in french this brand is very exclusive and made by a factory established by one of the branches of the Orleans dynasty back then. Up until today, only a noble descent has the right to purchase it!" Said the old man proudly as he began to open the bottle of liquid and pour it into his glass.

Naval is not a drunker, not that he dislikes alcohol but rather with his shit luck being drunk is akin to giving his life away. Is like you have a sinus and you began smoking it'll not kill you immediately but who knows out of nowhere you will get a chronic disease. In short, being drunk is a very terrible idea.

Calculating in his head he began formulating a worse scenario that might happen if he began drinking alcohol. such as a terrorist attack, earthquake, or even an alien invasion, and how he will be dealt with that correspond to his severity after he drunk. He also began formulating pros and cons and also making a swift plan in case of emergency and his state of mind doesn't as clear as normal.

In the end, after careful calculation, he concludes that drinking alcohol has more merit and he already has a set of plans in case an emergency happened. Even though it's a long process, for Naval who always does this every time there is a slight deviation in the event he planned, it only lasts for a couple of seconds. This is always his habit and one of the main reasons he is still alive today. Even though for many people this is an overkill kind of calculation for Naval who is cursed by the god of luck is a necessity. Without further, though he began to take a sip of alcohol and thinking what kind of sucking-up line that commendable.

"Ah.., such a good alcohol, the concentration, and the taste are very good," said Naval thoughtfully, even though he barely knows about liquor and alcohol but this kind of praise is general so he doesn't see any kind of error making this statement.

"Of course, well to tell you the truth I prepare this alcohol specifically for your stupid superior that Ho, he always likes this kind of alcohol but he is very sucked in the process of storing so he doesn't have any supplies back home. Oh yeah, I forget where is that hoe going" Asked the old man jokingly.

"Ah if I remember correctly he has an emergency meeting with the Secretary of State, I don't know what specifics they want to discuss but in genera…", just as he wants to continue his sentence there is a burning sensation in his old wound.

Even though he is not a drunker his alcohol tolerance is very high, when he was young he was living in a gang-controlled neighborhood. A lot of alcohol lying on the ground and also with the price of alcohol sometimes cheaper than a bottle of water forced the little Naval to familiarize himself with alcohol as early as 6 y.o when his grandpa died and he need to collect his own food. So he isn't unfamiliar with the burning sensation upon drinking alcohol even in his old wounds.

The problem was the current sensation is very different. He doesn't know the specifics but he feels that this alcohol stimulates the sensitivity of his old wound making it want to open again. Just as he began contemplating he heard the sound of the old man groaning in pain.


And just like that the old man began to pass out, terrified he want to check the old man but just as he want to walk, the old wound began to open again the alcohol he drink began to invade it and make the situation very serious, groaning in pain he falls to the floor with his hand touching his abdominal. Is not the wound he gets after getting shotted by the random old man in Mexico but the wound he get when he was only 6 y.o and get tangled in a gang war when he was trying to sell some newspaper.

At that time because of his fragile and inconspicuous build, he was not directly targeted by either gang but when he tried to hide behind a garbage can one of the gang members spotted him and thought that he was a member of another gang who is waiting in ambush. So from behind using a baseball bat, he bit the shit out of him until he finds out that the person he beats is only a child. But even though Naval was not dead that was close after all, his body at that time is extremely fragile making some of his bones break and there is an internal organ that was damaged.

And that's internal organ precisely that he currently feeling a tremendous amount of pain. The sound of his fallen body startles the bodyguard outside. They began to see each other and start to enter the room only to see a person laying on the floor and an old man just like pass out on the chair.

Naval who is laying on the floor, is aware that the bodyguards have already spotted him and the old man. But before he can hear the sounds of the footsteps going louder his vision became blurry and just like that Naval Allen Azentine, a Lawyer whose name can make even an experienced lawyer getting intimidated in the court, breathed his last breath. He died due to wound inflammation and being poisoned by alcohol.