
eating alone is better than not eating

In the middle of singing, the door opened, revealing Cherry.

She looked super happy as if she has won a lottery of billion dollars.

Olive and Eleena looked at her with confused eyes.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Eleena, a girl scolded you earlier without any reason right?" She asked in a sweet tone.

Eleena nodded her head, not understanding what was going on.

"Yes but how do you know that?"

"I was in the school due to some work and happened to hear a few students gossiping about how a girl scolded the sensitive girl today. When I asked them the names,they said Aurora and Eleena. I got mad and wanted to slap her but just then I saw Arabella. She was looking angry. I asked her what has happened and where was she during that?"

"What did she say and why was she angry in the first place? Did someone scolded her as well?" Eleena asked in a worried tone.