
Arrogance and Assumptions

My mother always told me "Chandani, if you play your cards right you'll find a great husband someday." My grandmother would always add in "a nice Indian boy!" If either woman could have their way, I suspect he would be a tall, tan, green eyed, wavy haired, Indian. Who loves nothing more then the smile on his mothers face, and approval from his father. They could see him clearly, striding in the room in all his greatness, and at that moment our eyes would meet. He would see no one else, Que the spotlight on me in a deep red sari, hair long and flowing. He would right then and there bend on one knee and whisper those sweet words "Muhjse Shadi Karoge?"(will you marry me?). Taken by surprise I would place one hand on my heart and utter a soft yet determined "yes." Sounds like the ultimate Bollywood love fest huh? Well as I sit here at my desk, I can tell you that at twenty four years old I am still waiting for my Salman Khan to break through the doors. ***************************************************** Chandani is a young woman on her path of self discovery. Doing so is not easy with her strong Indian roots, her families expectations, her own dreams and her headstrong mother all pulling her in different directions. She thinks she knows what she wants and who she is, until she meets Akhil Dharma. From their first meeting he is arrogant, and brutally honest, so much so that Chandani decides then and there he is not worth her time. Leading her to assume the worst of him, it doesn't help that the people around her add fuel to the fire. They must both learn to get over themselves and come to understand that sometimes our own arrogance moves us to assume the worst in people. In the end we must let go of our arrogance and trample any assumptions in order to freely fall in love.

wordslikehoney · Khác
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22 Chs

Just my luck

“Hey,” Rishi smiles at me as I hop in the backseat of his escalade. “You’re looking good!” Kiran says admiring my sari. My cousin Sheetal turns around in her seat to look at me “The sari, really is what you look good.”

Sheetal has always been a big time rival of mine. We’re constantly butting heads and competing. It seems like if I do something she has to do it better, or at least try too. If I liked a boy, she dated him. If I got an A on an assignment she got an A+. I like classical music, she mastered the piano. I decided to go to Sac  State, she decides to go to UC Davis.

Kiran on the other hand has been my life companion. For as long as I can remember we’ve been inseparable, we could sense what the other was thinking with a simple glance.  I look over at her, and she rolls her eyes and whispers “Jealous cow.” I smile at her with satisfaction.

As we pull in to the gate check in, I look at the homes, mansions I should say. “Wow this guy must be loaded.” Sheetal lets out checking herself in the mirror. “Yeah his family is from money.” Rishi looks over at Sheetal and nudges her. “Perfect.” She blows herself a kiss in the mirror.

Looking around I can see that these homes are no joke. Each home is like two football fields, what’s the point in having such a big house? Driving all the way to the back of the community, there’s a drive way to a hill. A security guards booth sits there, and inside is a big broad black man. “Name?!” he shouts over at Rishi, his face still fixed on CSI. “Rishi Bilgrami.” Rishi pulls out his I.D. the security guard grabs it and inspects the guest list  “Alright man, have fun” he hands Rishi back his I.D. and points up the hill.

I follow the mans heavy hand with my eyes, to the top of the hill and catch sight of the most beautiful and breathtaking home I have ever seen. There’s a long gravel pathway, leading to the entrance. As we find a spot to park, I take a moment and soak it all in. The stone columns, the immaculate garden, the fountains, it looks like something out of “Better Homes” magazine.

As we get closer to the door, I can hear the music, violins, and cellos. “Dinners about to start.”, Rishi says in a hurried tone, fixing his tie. He knocks, and opening the door a butler says “Good evening, right this way.” As we follow him the music seems to be getting louder.  We reach, the rest of the party in the back yard, the landscape is even more intriguing then the front.

There’s a tennis court, in the far left, a golf course to the right, and a swimming pool the size of my whole house. All of this is so delicately put together. For the party there are these white tents, and inside them guests are seated in round tables of six. 

“There’s a lot of people here Rishi.” Kiran says self consciously pushing her hair out of her face. “Don’t worry, Kiki, you look gorgeous.” I reassuringly nudge her. She smiles and I can tell she’s okay again. “Whoever your friend is,” Sheetal says to Rishi looking around “I’d like to get to know him.”

Instead I let it go and glance over at the orchestra, I love classical music. The violin has always been my favorite, it can pull me away from everything, it puts me in my inner sanctuary. When I was younger my grandfather would play classical music, while we would read. Or on some days he would teach me to waltz, it was hard for me to learn due to my lack of rhythm, but I got the hang of it. And have since mastered it, if I do say so myself.

I close my eyes, and for a second remember him. For some reason he always smelt like mint, I can feel his strong hand in mine leading me, and I can see the warmth in his smile. I remember his laugh, and his easy going nature. I get lost within my head, when I feel a pull on my hand. “Chalo yaar!”, Kiran demands, pulling me towards our table.

As I take my seat, in the corner of my eye I can see someone staring at me. I slyly turn my head to the right so I can get a better glimpse, but he turns his head. I turn my head forward, he probably wasn’t looking at me. Sheetal leans over to Rishi and says “Oh I remember him, the one with the really nice smile?” she giggles. “Yeah, I guess,” Rishi confirms pushing his hair back, “Here he comes.” He says standing up. “Aye man! Your aunt went all out for this party huh?” Rishi laughs giving him a hug. “Yeah, my mom made her come decorate it,” He says to Rishi but looking at me.

In that moment my stomach does a flip flop, “Chandani, right?” he asks extending his hand, “Mmmhmm.” I nod and reluctantly meet his hand shake. He has strong hands I’ll give him that. He’s still a jerk. “You, must be Kiran, I’m Akhil.” He leans over to shake her hand. “Do you remember , Akhil?” Sheetal interrupts, flirtatiously. “Uh, Sheetal?” He looks at Rishi, hoping he’s right. “Right.” She says “Its been what six years since I’ve last seen you, where have you been hiding?” she giggles.

“I had transferred to Oxford, after the summer I last saw you, I needed a change of scenery.” His demeanor changes, he stiffens up, lets out a sigh, and places his hand on my chair to lean. I glare at his arm, when I notice him suddenly jerk his hand off my chair and stand up straight.

He looks over at the caterer, and nods his head. I guess that means its dinner time. He sits down next to Sheetal, and across from me. She smiles at me, as if to tease me. I roll my eyes, sit back in my chair, and take a deep breath. For a jerk Akhil cleans up nicely, he’s wearing a black suit, with a red dress shirt, and black vest over it. His wavy hair is loose, yet put together. He like a perfect gentleman but underneath I know there’s a jerk waiting to emerge. I smirk to myself, and take a sip of the water before me.

As the waiters come in and place our food before us I look at the tiny grilled chicken, salad, and vegetables. This is good food, but where’s the stuff? For some reason all I can think about is that aloo curry my mom had at home. I would much rather be chowing down on that, and arguing with my sister over who gets the last roti, but I’m here.

“So what brings you here?” Kiran asks Akhil, “Well, my sister started college here at Sacramento State, and feels alone without me. She’s been begging me to come here since August, but I was working on a project. So I promised her when I was done I would find a home out here, and me and her could live together. It’s a good thing my aunt helped me find this home, it’s the best one in the whole community.”

“Why’s that?” I shoot at him looking up from my salad. “Well it stands alone by itself at the top of the hill. Its remarkable in size, and with my landscaping skills its gonna be featured in Better Homes Magazine.” He smiles to himself satisfactorily. “I’ve seen better,” I mumble, lying through my teeth. His eyes flinch, and I can tell he’s contemplating brushing it off, which he does by taking a bite of his salad. I however cant let it go, I know its not a big deal but he’s a jerk.

 “Its actually kind of ” I say looking over out at the same landscape that took my breath away seconds ago. He clears his throat, “Really?”, he puts down his fork. Kiran starts questioning me with her eyes, I know she can tell I’m just giving him a hard time. “Chandani’s dad knows a lot about landscaping, huh Chand?” Sheetal laughs taking a sip of her wine. I smile back, “Just about as much as your dad knows about running a business.”

“This food is really good!” Rishi lets out, trying to break the tension as he takes a big bite of salad. “Its not that good.” I roll my eyes. “You must be used to better.” Akhil rolls his eyes back at me. “As a matter of fact I am used to better.” I let out full of unrestrained attitude. He just stares at me, Sheetal glares at me, I exhale and look away.

As the night drags on, the music changes and people are dancing. I can see a trail that leads down the side of the house, and decide to take it. Even though its October, it’s a nice night out, not too chilly. I follow it and see that it leads to a lake. There’s a huge wooden dock, I place my right foot down on it checking to see if its sturdy enough. I grab hold of the railing and continue on, there’s a point where the railing ends. The dock continues and makes an “L” shape. Its too dark to walk that far out though.

 So I take off my heels, and drop them to my side. I pull up my sari and take a seat just beneath the railing. I stick my feet in the cold water, its not that bad once you adjust to it. I love the feel of water as it flows over my feet, and through my toes. I lean back on my palms, take a deep breath, and look up.

I can hear the laughing guests, and bass of the music in the distance. I look back at the mansion, and see the tents, and sigh. I look down at my feet, and start to pat them around in the water. When a flash light is shown in my eyes, its blindingly annoying. I put my hand up to block it, its coming from the side of the dock with no railing.

“What are you doing here?”  Akhil looks at me a bit too annoyed. “I followed you, I just couldn’t bare to be away from you.” I roll my eyes and cross my arms. He clears his throat, and shines the flashlight on the ground. I can see his dripping bare feet, and rolled up pant legs. He looks at my feet still in the water, “Your getting your dress wet.” He scoffs “No-” I begin when I notice my sari floating on my feet,

I pull my sari along with my feet out of the water, and ring out the material. He’s just looking at me again, with those annoying, captivating green eyes. Standing there in his stupid broadness, and then he turns around and walks back to where he was. I look up after him.

I’m about to stand up when I notice he’s coming back. “Here.” He says flatly, and holding a towel in front of me. “uh- thanks.” I reluctantly accept it. As I begin wiping my feet, he doesn’t say anything, just leans back on the railing and looks over at his mansion.

I start to stand up, and put my heels back on. I hate the heels with straps in the back, it always makes it hard to get back on unless you unclasp it first. As I’m putting my right heel on I grab for the railing with my right hand, to lean on it. Only there’s no railing there, I let out a loud yell, as a fall side ways into the water. Its so cold, it feels like little pins sticking me all over. I didn’t have time to catch my breath, and now I wish I would have stayed home and-
