
Arrogance and Assumptions

My mother always told me "Chandani, if you play your cards right you'll find a great husband someday." My grandmother would always add in "a nice Indian boy!" If either woman could have their way, I suspect he would be a tall, tan, green eyed, wavy haired, Indian. Who loves nothing more then the smile on his mothers face, and approval from his father. They could see him clearly, striding in the room in all his greatness, and at that moment our eyes would meet. He would see no one else, Que the spotlight on me in a deep red sari, hair long and flowing. He would right then and there bend on one knee and whisper those sweet words "Muhjse Shadi Karoge?"(will you marry me?). Taken by surprise I would place one hand on my heart and utter a soft yet determined "yes." Sounds like the ultimate Bollywood love fest huh? Well as I sit here at my desk, I can tell you that at twenty four years old I am still waiting for my Salman Khan to break through the doors. ***************************************************** Chandani is a young woman on her path of self discovery. Doing so is not easy with her strong Indian roots, her families expectations, her own dreams and her headstrong mother all pulling her in different directions. She thinks she knows what she wants and who she is, until she meets Akhil Dharma. From their first meeting he is arrogant, and brutally honest, so much so that Chandani decides then and there he is not worth her time. Leading her to assume the worst of him, it doesn't help that the people around her add fuel to the fire. They must both learn to get over themselves and come to understand that sometimes our own arrogance moves us to assume the worst in people. In the end we must let go of our arrogance and trample any assumptions in order to freely fall in love.

wordslikehoney · Khác
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22 Chs

Fancy meeting you

           “Chandani, make me some coffee.” My uncle says rearranging his classic Indian movie  display in alphabetical order. I obey, walk towards the coffee maker, pour water in and turn it on. I walk back to my desk, and open my web browser. I can hear the sizzling drips of the water as it falls to the bottom of the coffee pot. It's a slow Monday, from my desk I can see the cars zip by, its eight in the morning, and people are rushing to their real jobs.

   To me a job is a what makes you money, but if you don't enjoy what you're doing, you're just making money. I've been thinking about what I've chosen to do with my life, and now I'm not so sure if being a nurse is what I really want. The long hours and stress makes all the perks seem worthless. I think back to when I was a kid, how I wanted to be a teacher.

Granted the pay is way less, but I think it would make me happy. I've thought about switching my major before and going after what I really want. Then I think about what my family, really my mother, will say “you want to be a teacher over a nurse? And no rich husband yet? How will you pay the bills? Happy doesn't pay the bills!”

      I'm brought back to reality by a ding from the computer, its an email. I click on check email, its a message from Wahid:

    Hey there,


   I pull out my phone and think to call him, “No personal calls at work.” my uncle glares at me and then back to his movies. “sorry dhada.” I sigh. I get up as the coffee is done and make him a cup, take it to him, then slide back into my chair. I decide I'll reply instead.




I close the browser, and return to my drill Monday morning. Around noon it starts to rain, and my uncle asks me “Can you go to pick up some food?” I look at him and smile, I'd love nothing more then to get out for a moment. “Sure, what do you want me to get?” my uncle looks pensively in the air. “Uh, maybe some Chinese food, I think Panda Express.” he reaches into his wallet and pulls out a twenty dollar bill. He hands it to me and says “Go to the one on Calvine, its better.” He looks at the clock and finishes with “you have to be back in forty-five minutes so hurry.”

I take the money, and grab my keys. I head down to Calvine as the rain begins to pick up. Heavy droplets pound on my windshield as I park and realize I forgot my umbrella. I look in my mirror and say “well it was nice while it lasted.”  I took my time this morning to get dressed up. Nothing fancy just a little silver shadow, and eyeliner, with a glossy lip gloss. I even flat ironed my hair which is an accomplishment in itself.

I open my car door and bolt out to the entrance of Panda Express. I guess I shouldn't have been in such a hurry in the rain, especially in high heeled boots. I glide on the pavement and almost crash into the glass door. Unfortunately, I instead slam full force into a man as he is leaving. His stunned mouth dropping a piece of his egg roll and chocking on the other.

He clears his throat, and regains his stance, all while making sure I don't topple over. His strong arms encircling me as if we are in the middle of a hug. Our eyes catch and now I am the one who is stunned. His square jaw clenching, and his deep gaze pulling at my eyes. I step back and begin to apologize “Uh, I-Im so sorry.” I let out pointing to the pavement.

“Yeah,” I say in agreement. He leans down and picks up his lost piece of egg roll. He frowns, and holds it up “You owe me one!” he laughs again, I say nothing and just nod.

He steps back and fully opens the door, waiting for me to go inside. I take a deep breath and walk in. I walk to the line as he throws what was left of his  egg roll away and follows me.“Can I take your order?” an Asian woman behind the counter begrudgingly asks me, I tell her my order and add in an egg roll. She grabs everything and tells me the price. Before I know it Akhil whips out his bank card and hands it over to her.

I look at him puzzled, “Its cool.” he shrugs his shoulders. “You don't have too.” I scoff at him. His face looks hurt, and then he flashes an uncomfortable smile. “I wasn't trying to-” he pauses “over step my boundary. I just thought that-” I interrupt him “you thought what?”.

The woman looks at us and lets out “New customers!” shooing us away. Akhil signs his receipt and grabs our order. “I just thought that we got off on the wrong foot. I think you, well I can tell you don't really like me.” he gives me a half smile and waits for me to respond. I breathe heavily thinking of Wahid and how Akhil treated him.

“I think so.” I say as I feel the blood in my veins heating. “Give yourself time to get to know him, and then tell me if you still feel that way.” he squints his eyes at me, I can tell he's trying to see what I know. “I don't think its him we all have to worry about.” I shake my head a little.

“Look,-” he starts as my phone rings. “It's my uncle,” I say holding up my hand to shush him. “I've gotta take this.” I answer as my uncle barks into the phone “Where are you, you should be back by now!” I look at the time on my phone, I've only been gone for fifteen minutes. “I'm sorry dhada I'm on my way.” I sigh. He says nothing in return just hangs up the phone.

“I've gotta go, my uncle needs me.” I say in a rush, he just stares back at me, and holds up my bag of food. I take it from him and head back to my uncle. I wish I could've heard his excuse for what happened. Instead I leave him there, with an expression I cant make out and  his egg roll in hand.
