
Arranged marriage to love marriage

It's a story of a women when she meet a men with arrange marriage in mind but destiny plays a totally different role with them... "You should have called me first " it's a cold voice but a little hint warmness can be easily feeled by Priya ... But Priya didn't answer to Jeh ... And Jeh wrappes his arms around her to hug her harder.... Suddenly Priya nostrils hits with his natural smell ... And she also leans in his embrace....

Anna_Shen · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Calorie intake....

"sir,, today I tried a new sweet dish and as you are here please give your feedback"

Jeh nodded and take a look at the cake on the table....

"its divided in four colors and has four different flavors with each colour... "

"The new invention in it is the calorie count is very low but with that we maintained the creamy texture and moisture"

head chef gives a brief overview of his work..

"President if you pass this dish it will gone to bring our hotel to different heights"

Manger standing next to head chef said...

Then they be and left...

"No doubt that dishes here are way too good..

The hospitality of the staff and dining hall is booked"

with a smile priya said..

" so its belongs to Rana group??"


by this jeah takes a bite out of one of the flavor from the cake with spoon and moves the spoon towards priya to feed her

"let me know if you like it"

By seeing the spoon coming towards her ..... her flutters ....

Before Jeh only her family ever feed her like this specially her father....

With smile priya takes a bite from the spoon..

Jeh taste the flavor from the left over of priya in the spoon....

With every move of Jeh, Priya cheeks burn red with her Knowing...

He give bite of every flavor to priya and take the rest of himself...

He tastes and think its becomes more sweet with touch of her lips...

"do you like it??"

Jeh asked..

Priya nodded with smile

" its yum and the best part is that it has low calorie intake so you can have it until you full"..

By hearing this Jeh gives her a smile

" so you are conscious about your figure?? But you are not a picky eater"

"well I am conscious about my health but it really doesn't mean I will stop eating delicious food"

They both share a laugh...

And after today's dinner Jeh takes the a note that Priya loves to eat and definitely not a picky eater ...

But still she is skinny...

I will make sure to feed her more meet in the futher.....

"so you are the President??"

Priya asked with a smile....

Jeh lips tilted a little and he nodded..

" you can say that... Its my hobby just like yours but let me tell you by profession I am lawyer"

With that they have some small chats in between priya got a message from Bonia...

[ Bonia : how was it?? Are you done with your date???]

[ Priya : not yet talk to you later... Bye]

[Bonia : ok then call me first in the morning]

[Priya : okk]

After they finished with the sweet cake head chef and manager come again ....

And very carefully they ask ...

"how is it??? sir.."

head chef ask ..... after he spoke manage pat his on his shoulder as if saying it will gone be okay.....

Priya take a look at Jeh and then the two people standing near the table.....

' I think he is also a strict president '

Priya thought to herself and didn't say anything...

She just wanna to observe the situation....



Jeh and Priya reached the gate and the Black Mercedes was already there Neil comes out after seeing them coming and bowed to ninety degree...

And opens the gate priya can't help but smiled and said underneath her breath...

" you have taken it too seriously"....

and slid down on the back seat of the car...

Neil and Jeh both heard it clearly and smiled..




"I don't want unwanted troubles... So its better to do my job quietly and efficiently... Isn't it Mr. President??"

By hearing this priya smiled and look at Jeh for response and Jeh moves a little forward from his seat and patted on the back of Neil who is on the driving seat...

just as they started their journey back to home ..

Priya got a call ...

As it's already around midnight so she took a glance at the litted phone screen.....

"Bro " name showed up.....

Priya gave a glance to Jeh and accept the call without any further delay

As the lecture she received in the evening is still fresh in her mind .....

"back home??"

the first thing Mohit asked ....

"on the way "

Priya replies in the lowest volume....

"can you speak a little loud I can't hear you ???

what that lawyer is not even allow you talk in front of him ???"

To start with Mohit never liked the idea of pairing them..... But in front of Mrs. Thakur and old lady his grandma his opinion doesn't count....

So Father Thakur and Mohit both have to follow the arrangement just with a saying it's just a natural meeting ...

"On the way back to home "

Priya replied....

"it's midnight already"

Mohit said in displeasure....

He never thought that one day her little sister will come home at midnight with that Lawyer....

Priya lowered the volume of her phone in the beginning itself but she still think Jeh can hear them ....

" bro I reach my building..... good night... sweet dreams"

Priya said in cheerful voice and cut the call without waiting for Mohit reply ...

After cutting the call .....

Priya gave a quick glance at Jeh ...

Jeh doesn't say anything and no expressions on his face but somehow the surrounding is awkward....

Neil drove car to Priya's appartment...

Neil opens the door and Priya comes out...

" stop this... From next time there is no need for doing all this"

by this priya turn her head towards Jeh and wave her hand..


Jeh moves forward with a packet in his hand he gives the packet to Priya..

"w-what is this??"

priya can't help but just frown that much..

"Just a small gift to thank you for your time and wonderful evening and I am looking for the next time"

as the words come out Priya's cheeks got red..

He is too good at words..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anna_Shencreators' thoughts