

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Kỳ huyễn
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Seeing no one was ready to answer me, i decided to go with the Carsons since it seemed my parents didn't even want me in their home. I entered their car which drove directly to the airport. During the drive, mrs Carson kept reassuring me that everything was going to be okay and that their son was going to like me. That did not bother me anyway whether he likes me or not, after all i never wanted to get married to him. I could think of something that could stop this marriage from happening but not right now because my mind was miles away from me. On reaching the airport, there was a private jet that was waiting for us, wow that was something, a private jet! they must be filthy rich to own one. Just how rich were they?

The flight was a long boring and tiresome one. Yes i was fulfilling one of my bucket list by travelling in a plane but this time round i was forced to, in a normal situation, i could have taken like four hundreds pictures of myself in different posses but i was not in the mood for all that. After like forever, the plane landed. There was a chauffer already waiting to pick us , seems like the Carsons are good at planning. The chauffer stopped infront of a mansion, not just a mansion big one i have never seen, in a moment i had even forgot i was on earth , the place felt like heaven. It was more of a palace than a mansion. I think i had underestimated this people, they are billionaires.

I carried my luggage and entered the palace soon to be home. I was wondering why they did not have maids when Mrs Carson read my mind and answered " Julio doesn't like having maids here all days so they come once a week to clean the place". Wow what a man, like what is wrong with having maids all weeks,anyway that was not my business i guess. " Tori i guess we will now leave you because my husband and i have a meeting to attend, you can walk around the house or just wait for Julio, i hope you guys will have a good time." That was from Mrs Carson. " Yes mom" that was all i could say. "And stop calling me mom, just call me Karen, i like it that way" . She said that giving me a motherly smile while exiting the room.

After mr and mrs Carson had left, i just sat on the couch since i was not in the mood to tour myself around the house.I kept staring at the ceiling until when i heard the front door being opened, a young man in his early twenties, he was gorgeous but from the aura he had, he seems to be cold hearted . He came straight to where i was, " I suppose you are Victoria, i don' t know about your opinion in this marriage thing but am not into it, i just don't want to disappoint

my parents so i will doing this. But mark my words am marrying you not because i like you because you are not my type, but because i respect my parents . Am doing this for them, but i have my terms and conditions to you. And this am not requesting am just commanding, i will give the conditions to you tomorrow." With that he left. I mean what an attitude, no greetings even a mere hello. What a spoiled brat he is. Saying am not his type as if i asked him to marry me yet am just forced to. To hell with his conditions am ready for anything anyway i just don't care.

I continued sitting on the couch until when the buttler came and showed me my room, in there were all my things. Since i was tired, i promised myself to unpack the following day. Without wasting my time, i climbed the bed and slept till dawn. I was woken by hunger since i slept on an empty stomach, after freshening up, i went downstairs for breakfast only to find Julio having his breakfast, he had prepared his only meaning i had to prepare mine. My stay here was going to be hard as expected. "After you are done there, you can read this condition, " Julio said to no one else but me before leaving. I went straight and took the piece of paper which contained the condition for our soon to be marriage. 1) Use of separate rooms. Wow that was good since i had no intentions of sharing a room with someone like him.

The rules continued until it reached to the last one which said; Marrying you doesn't prevent me from having affairs. You will be my wife in papers only. What did he think before writing this rule, that i was going to stand between him and his affairs, no way, if he is a play boy he better continue because falling for him is the last thing i will ever do in my sane mind.

After my breakfast i unpacked my things then washed the dishes. I got a text from my mom telling me they had fixed my wedding and it was in three days time. Wait, three days time, are they trying to kill me, this can' t, seems like Julio had already talked to his parents. My wedding in three days , is it not much or i may just be the one who is freaking out.

I can do this, i will just try my level best but i just don't know. What about i get married and after a few months i complain of Julio cheating and sign for divorce, i think that can save me from this marriage. In three days time i was going to be his legal wife, he can do anything he want to me,,, thank God he doesn't like me or else i was going to die.

To my readers, any mistake just lemme know please. Is not easy so i just need your support