
Chapter 7

“I’m sorry if you are not comfortable with that”. Alex said and went to have a seat on the dining. “U-umm i-it is okay”. What’s with this sudden behaviour.

“Sam I was thinking why don’t we go on a date so, lets try to know each other it won’t hurt will it”. “Sure let’s go”. His sudden behaviour towards me caught me off guard”. “5pm don’t be late”. He planted a kiss on my fore head and left.

I went into the room to change for today’s activity. “Butler Wang I will need some painting materials”. “Yes madam”. He went on to bring the materials.

Few minutes later

“ Madam Anders I have brought the materials for painting”. “Thank you, is there any spare room that I can turn into a studio”? “Yes there is , the room beside Mr Anderson study”. “Alright thank you”.

I went straight to the room to start painting .

2hours later

“At least I tried” I said to myself. I decided to paint a beautiful scenery of a garden. I set up some calm music to help with my painting. materials

5pm already

Alex’s pov

Knock Knock. “Hey it’s 5p nm I thought by now you would be ready”. No response. “Is she ignoring me on purpose”. I entered the room and saw she was not there. “ Butler Wang, where is Sam”? “Sir she is in the room beside your study”. I went into the room beside my office and saw her sitting on a stool painting. “Hey”. No response I went towards her and saw she was painting with earpiece in her ear. “ Babe”. I said as I pulled out her ear piece. “Oh, hey”. “You haven’t dressed up for the outing”. “Its 5 already”. She ran to the room to get changed.

“Hey I’m here, is it fine”. She wore a black body con dress. It hugged her body so tightly. “ It’s beautiful, let’s go shall we”? We left for the restaurant.

2 Hours later

“Hello what would you like to have”. A waiter asked us as we sat on our reserved table. “Sam what would you like to have”? She looked lost and I could see in her eyes she looked pained. “Sam what’s wrong”. She stood up with anger. “ Don’t touch me”. She screamed. “Sam I’m sorry”. She ran out of the restaurant crying and screaming. “Hey are you alright”. She didn’t respond. “Alright since our day is ruined I think it’s best we go home”.

Through out or ride home she was quite. I didn’t bother to ask cause what’s my business. “Hey I know you are not in the right mood”. I turned and saw she was already asleep. “ She looks cute”. I said out loud. Wtf did I just say.

We arrived home and I had to carry her ‘bridal style’. Disgusting. I laid her on my bed. “she is so going to dirty my bed”. I said out loud in frustration. I went to the balcony and saw how she set up the place . A mosquito repellant, net, a big blanket cover. Was this how she always slept in the balcony. I felt instant pity for her..

Next morning

She came down in a cute yellow body hug gown.. “Good morning”. She greeted me. I nodded. “Where are you off to”?. “ Work, Andrew’s office”.

“Resign from there”.