
arrange marriage wangxian part 2

Before starting this story, I want to talk to you guys. I have forgotten my previous id, that's why a new I'd has been made. I will complete my first all book This is my second id and I have come back after two whole years because I had to study so I forgot my i'd and my favorite How are you all, I am meeting you after a long time, I hope you have not forgotten me. And without taking much of your time, let's start the story, this story starts from where I ended the previous story. o(〃^▽^〃)o

kimsimin5555 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

chapter 26 lan wuxian date

...and Jiang Cheng always end up getting beaten although he looks like a cool guy but inside he is a jealous baby haha"

Wei Ying who had oath to Ignore Hanguang Jun' is now nonstop blabbering

to Lan Zhan about his golden times in Yunmeng- "one day I went to Lotus lake with A ling,shijie and didn't informed him. It's

not like I didn't wanted to but I didn't saw him thought he must be busy with father. So I left without his knowledge and guess what?" Wei Ying spoke while taking bites from the round pie he was holding. It was

round puffed and filled with cream at the centre of it, a sweet snack which they bought from nearby food stalls," The next day when he found out he started ignoring me. No matter what I do or ask he didn't reply to me."

He spoke every part like he was portraying a story with full expression can make anyone excited and want to hear him all day, which Lan Zhan was doing gladly. He himself was holding the round pie which he had take only

few bites from and was now attentively listening to Wei Ying "later I had to treat him 3 jars of alcohol and gift him 2 latest edition of pornography book just to coax him. Can you imagine this Lan Zhan it's a

open rob...", Wei Ying.

"..Lan Zhan, are you listening? why aren't you saying anything?" Wei Ying

suddenly asked when realised that he is the only one talking

"Speech is forbidden when dining" Lan Zhan said and Wei Ying made an


"Then I'll not talk. Hurry finish it already. You haven't finished half of it. quick we have to visit so many places"

Lan Zhan slightly nod before taking bites from round pie, patiently chewing.

"let's go " Lan Zhan

It was then Wei Ying realised he had been staring at lan Zhan for minutes now . He blinked few times before started walking again.

The street was lighted as it was already evening. They walked for minutes with silence engulfing them. They aren't holding hands like earlier but their no need to hold the hands to feel the burning heat inside their heart. The warmth feeling of contentment. The strong feeling of fulfillment ...

Everything is infront of Wei Ying's own eyes but he is still pretending to be blind.

For now he doesn't want to start a conflicting battle inside his mind instead he want to cherish this beautiful night with Lan Zhan beside him. Who

knows if he will able to spend time with Lan Zhan like this again?

Wei Ying stopped when something caught his attention. He look at his side

and a beautiful smile formed in his face. He pointed

"Lan Zhan look it's a blossom tree'

He crossed his finger at the back and with a little hope in his heart he asked

Lan Zhan, hoping he remember their first meeting.

Lan Zhan, do you remember ?when we first met I gave you a white cherry blossom flower " Wei Ying asked his eyes brighten remembering the day.

Lan Zhan didn't replied immediately he look at the blossom tree with his eyes containing lots of emotion. It was like he was looking at something so beautiful. Wei Ying was astonished when he saw the corners of lan zhan's lips.

"Hmm I remember " Lan Zhan finally replied.

Wei Ying smiled, so he remember. He felt his lungs filled with warm air.

He subconsciously smiled thinking about the day and today. It's going to be stay in his memory forever.

"Lan Zhan I talked so much that now I m again hungry. lah Let's grab something to eat"


In Cloud Recesses

Wen Qing returned to Cloud Recesses and went straight inside her room, after making sure she has closed the door. She sat near the tea table. As soon as she closed her eyes the images from earlier flashed on her mind

which instantly made her angry. The words, the action everything she could see and hear like it's happening infront of her eyes.

Every spoken words of Wei Ying kept ranging in her mind. She punched on the table to release her anger but it wasn't helpful instead her hand became red, because she hit on the edge of the table, her hand got a slight cut too but instead of worrying about her bruised hand, she is still sitting beside that table not minding the pain.

"Hanguang Jun this Hanguang Jun that why is it everytime had to be Hanguang Jun!" she said, knelt on her knees and finally broke down into tears. Slowly tears fell from her eyes and roll down to her cheeks wetting and staining her cheeks.

If wen Ning would see her, he wouldn't able to recognise her at first sight she is totally a crying mess now. A weak and helpless woman crying her heart out over something that can't be her.

Why love is so cruel ? Is it her fault for falling in love with Wei Ying? Who to blame? Wei Wuxian for not understanding her love for him? or Lan

Wangji for snatching the love of her life? Why the hell on earth he had to marry Wei Wuxian ? Why didn't he choose

someone else to be his cultivation partner?

There are so many women dreaming to be' Second Young Master lans' bride

why can't he choose one of them? Why the hell it had to be Wei Wuxian ??


Why?! Why? "Aunty, He is my Zhang fu and we both are married to eachother. Give us your blessings "

Suddenly those words flashed on her mind making her clenched her fist. She fumed in pure anger and once again punched on the table. Getting hit on the same spot twice the wound opened and this time it pained more. Placing her head on the table, she hugged her bruised hand.

" lady are you two newly married? you two look good together "

Everyone can see us being a good couple together then why can't you see? When will you understand my feelings for you, Wei Wuxian ? I left everything for you? Why can't you leave your everything for me too? when you don't

feel anything for him...

Then why stick to the same wood?

Back to lan couple date

"Welcome Young masters to our inn" The inn master greeted the two newly arrived customer.

His eyes inspecting that two young masters from top to bottom and already assumed they must be rich cultivators. The man in white is truly a gentleman but isn't looking so interactive rather giving a 'don't come near me 'vibes with him is a man in black, he is looking friendly.

Rubbing his palms together he approached them,

"welcome welcome Young masters. Im Wu xiong the owner of this inn "He

introduced himself.

"You came here on right time our inn is have a festive sale going on so their is 20% off on every person's stay"

"Festive sale ? is their any festival going on?" Wei Ying asked excitedly. The man's face lighten up as he saw Wei Ying getting excited " Yes yes there is

a local festival. All are celebrating"

"You must have noticed the street is all decorated with lantern's. all these

for the festival"

Feeling the curiosity in the latter's eyes he continued, "At night there will be

fireworks too. Everyone is going with their partners. The atmosphere makes it looks like valentine's day in the month of November. The food, the night everything is just so amazing!"

"Since you are here you should visit there at night.

"Yes we will ! Lan Zhan don't forget I owe you something. You can't reject. You have to come with me "Wei Ying said as he looked at Lan Zhan, without him knowing he was already behaving like lan Zhan's wife.

Wu xiong, the owner who heard the demanding wife's ordering his husband lookes confuse at both of them.

Lan Zhan who heard this gave a light nod. Being an idol husband he is, he immediately agreed.

"Good. The fireworks will start at 7 pm, it's 5 pm now. If you want we can arrange rooms from where you will get a clear view to the fireworks and also

the traditional clothes and some wine to make the night memorable"

"That's sounds great. "Wei exclaimed.

Wu xiong didn't wait any further and called his worker, a young maiden to show the young master's their room.

"Then lady xing will show you our best rooms"

Before going, the owner came a little closer and whispered something to them, "Don't hesitate to ask us we can arrange some beauties if you want" Wei Ying chuckles as he saw the white ears of Lan Zhan turning pink.

Wei Ying laughed and politely rejected. Although he looks like a playboy but

in fact he hasn't even went on a date (until today) talk more of hooking up. The lady xing showed them every room one by one." Young masters, This room is also big like the other one, enough for two persons to stay in one room from here you will get a good look of outside,just open the windows and you will able to see the stars at night while sleeping on the bed. Talk about bed it's comfortable to sleep on "

"we kept other people's opinion in our mind so the design of this room is neither too fancy nor ordinary."

"Yes I like it ", Wei praises

"Not only room but the bathtub is also big. The room beside this one isn't booked yet so noone will disturb you if you stay in this room " As she speaks she tried to steals glances at the two young master's flawless beauty. If these young masters will stay in this inn she would love to serve them and get their attention. It's not like everyday they get such rich cultivators. She wouldn't miss the chance to get big tips.

"The other room beside this is the same as this. No major changes made. As big as this one...so hae you decided which room you will like to stay in ?" she asked

"oh I forgot to ask how many rooms you want?" she placed the question infront of them and watch the atmosphere became silent all of a sudden since noone replied.

To be stories by kimsimin 5555 continued..

Hello my sweet babies I missed you so much xoxo

please forgive this bad writer for not feeding you for so long. You must be starving for updates. so I may give you another update today. Ignore silly mistakes and other. Credits goes to the respected owners.

Love Love!

Your author,
