
Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Private Airports

  Damazin in the south of SD, a small town deep into the grassland.

   Qiaojia completed the formalities ahead of schedule, ended his labor dispatch career, and became a free man completely after paying his wages.

  From this moment on, if something goes wrong with him, it has nothing to do with the labor service company or the employer.

  Joga drove his pickup truck for nearly 500 kilometers, and finally arrived at Damazin, a small town built near a lake with excellent scenery.

  The size of the town is not too big, but because of its geographical environment, it is the best location in SD, so it attracts some foreign tourists.

   No one knows whether those people are pure tourists. Anyway, Qiao Jia felt that he wanted to see Afika but refused to go to a place with better reception capacity, so he came to this place, which is somewhat wrong.

  Joga's destination is a private airport in Damazin, where he can rent a plane, and then directly enter the territory of South SD.

Choga made a lot of friends in SD, and the owner and pilot of that private airport was one of the better friends, because Choga helped him repair an old-fashioned 'Senna C-172A' small plane, let him saved from bankruptcy.

Directly drove the pickup truck onto a crude concrete runway full of cracks, looked at a C-172A parked at the end of the runway, Qiaojia glanced at the time and complained about the bizarre time concept of African buddies , he directly drove the pickup truck to the side of the plane, and then began to unload the goods himself, stuffing the wooden boxes containing 25 AK74 rifles into the luggage rack welded on the belly of the plane.

   This thing was designed and installed by Qiaojia. Two wooden boxes are laid side by side at the bottom of the luggage rack. After fastening, there is still two-thirds of the space on the top.

This thing greatly facilitates the pilots to transport personnel and supplies. As for the so-called safety, it is not in the consideration of Afika pilots. They are the magical species that can fly the plane at low altitude to visit giraffes and cut their throats. It is only for them that they can make money. is the most important.

   Compared with taking tourists around on the grassland, it is more profitable to earn some freight or special product price difference between North and South SD.

   It wasn't until Qiaojia arranged the salute that two security guards armed with AK47 ran over yelling all the way.

  Joga didn't pay any attention to them, they were security guards pretending to be, they were nephews of the boss, and the AK in their hands was given to them by Qiaojia for free.

   Two black boys rushed to the front, only to find that it was Choga.

  When a strong boy with no front teeth saw Choga, he put his gun behind his back happily, and rushed over, yelling, and hugged Choga's waist and turned around.

Choga held the toothless boy's chin with one hand to prevent him from harassing him, and at the same time pointed to his pickup truck, and said, "Zab, let me down, there are gifts for you in there, I heard you have all of them." I have a child, so I bought some clothes and shoes for children."

   As he said that, Qiaojia stretched out his foot and kicked the buttock of another boy who was missing half of his palm, and cursed: "Nas, don't rummage through my things, everything for you is in the carriage."

  Nas's palm was split longitudinally with a knife from the gap between the **** and ring finger during the war when he was a child, so he still has three fingers left to grasp things.

  He wasn't angry when he was kicked by Qiaojia, but when he found a pair of white sneakers, he yelled in surprise, and put them on his feet without even thinking about it.

Zhabu, who had no front teeth, was not so impatient. He scratched his head and looked at Qiaojia and said, "My uncle probably hasn't woken up yet. He was drunk yesterday and went to a woman's house in the town. Do you want me to find him?" ?"

  Joga angrily stepped on the foot of Nas who was wearing new shoes, causing him to let out a heart-piercing scream, as if it was not the shoes that were ruined but him.

Slapping Nas **** the back of the head, Qiaojia dragged down the two boxes containing bullets in the truck, and said angrily, "Drive my car to send the things back, and take that old Sailimu by the way." Get me here.

  We made an appointment to leave at 10:00 in the morning. I drove on the road last night. This old guy is drinking and flirting with women. Does he still want to make money? "

  Nas jumped into the car and drove out of the airport.

  Zab, who stayed where he was, grinned and said: "My uncle received a few white skins from the scientific expedition team last week and made a lot of money, so he decided to give himself a vacation for the second half of the month.

  If it wasn't for you, I guess he won't sober up in the next three days. "

   As he spoke, Zhabu bent down to help move the two boxes of bullets into the luggage rack, then grinned at Choga and said, "Jackal, do you want help?

  I don't have any work here, and my uncle's wages are pitifully low. Let me do some work for you.

  I'm strong and I can shoot..."

  Joga patted Zhabu on the shoulder and said, "Stop thinking about it, what can you do with me? I don't even know what to do behind me.

  You learn to fly from your uncle honestly, and when he dies from drinking one day, you will be Damazin's ace pilot. At that time, your wife will be able to find a few more. "

  Zab shook his head in disappointment and said, "I'm afraid of heights, every time my uncle takes me on the plane, I feel dizzy and want to vomit.

  Uncle hasn't let me go to heaven since I vomited wet on a female tourist's chest. "

   Qiaojia laughed aloud and said, "Then you really deserve it, and I sympathize with you, but unfortunately I don't have a job suitable for you here."

As he said that, Choga looked at Zabu, who was still strong, and he shook his head and said, "It's a pity that you are too simple and honest. If you have the body and appearance of Alan, the bison in the town, or the ability of Kaman the hyena, I will It can provide you with a little temporary work."

  Zab was stunned for a moment, then carefully approached Choga, and said in a low voice, "You want Aaron the bison and Kaman the hyena? Is the place you are going dangerous?"

   Qiaojia nodded and said, "That's right, so I said my job here is not suitable for you. After all, you have a wife and children."

  Zhabu heard this, and said with concern: "Then can you really do it alone?

   Would you like me to call the bison Allen and the hyena Kaman over here? Allen has lost his job, and Kaman has also encountered trouble recently. If you want someone to help, as long as you pay enough, they will definitely be happy. "

Choga has been to Damazin many times. He has a general impression of the bison Allen, but he has always admired Kaman the hyena. Seeing Zabu's swearing look, he said in surprise: "Kaman is in trouble? What's the trouble?"

  Zhabu saw that Qiaojia seemed interested, he turned around and ran and shouted: "You wait here, I will call them over, remember to give me a little introduction fee."

  (end of this chapter)