
Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Fierce Battle

   When Qiaojia and the others attacked, there was also a firefight in the village.

   There were a total of ten people on the other side, three of whom were beaten to death by Qiao Jia, and seven people remained.

  But it was these seven people who beat Boss Huang and his people to the ground.

   In less than two minutes, a brother died on Boss Huang's side, and a young man who had just escaped from the tiger's mouth was also beaten to death.

   This is a killing team. Although they are all black, their combat capabilities and equipment are outrageously elite. Now Qiaojia suddenly has a more terrifying guess...

  Turn the gun According to Kaman's description, Qiaojia found a guy hiding in a residential house. He was holding a very high-end camera on the windowsill, but the lens was always pointing in the direction of Boss Huang and the others.

  Choga couldn't see his body, so he aimed at the guy's arm, and shot through the lower edge of the window sill, hitting the 'photographer' on the forearm.

   The other party's screams could not be heard from 700 meters away, but Qiao Jia knew that the guy would definitely not be able to escape without the help of others.

  The moment Choga tried to turn his gun and continue looking for the target, a bullet hit the mound in front of Nice with a whistling sound.

  But this girl didn't seem to feel it, she quickly found the opponent's position according to the trajectory, and then pulled the trigger...

With a loud "bang", Qiaojia saw through the scope that a hole was opened in an adobe house in the village, and then a guy with a sniper rifle fell forward with the upper half of his body and fell on the ground. on the road.

  Seeing the guy dragging his rotten intestines and crawling hard for a few meters before he died completely, Choga glanced at Niss who was chanting scriptures, nodded in admiration, and began to look for his goal.

   Following the tragic death of the sniper on the opposite side, the village fell silent.

  No one dares to stand up at will, and no one dares to move at will.

   Just as Qiaojia was thinking about how to break the deadlock, Boss Huang called, but this time it was not Boss Huang who spoke, but Dorian.

   "Hey, Jackal, my current boss is trapping me. I can grab that vehicle-mounted machine gun to suppress them and buy time for Boss Huang to retreat. Can you cover my flank?"

Qiaojia put the phone on the speakerphone and placed it on the ground in front of him. Through the scope, he carefully checked the position of Boss Huang's vehicle and the position of the other party's vehicle-mounted machine gun. After half a minute, he nodded and said: "I Cover you, let Boss Huang and the others go first."

Dorian, who was squeezed between the two military trucks, handed the phone to Boss Huang, and said, "Climb to the front along the ground, the two pickup trucks should not be damaged, I will cover you, give you Gain time to retreat."

   While talking, Dorian gave an account to Boss Huang, and said seriously: "If you are not dead, you must put the remaining 50,000 dollars into this account."

   Boss Huang looked at Dorian with a serious expression. He nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, as long as I live, I will definitely pay the bill. My son will also pay the bill when I die."

   As he spoke, Boss Huang began to direct his people loudly to crawl under the truck, not even forgetting to take the two corpses away.

   When they were almost in place, Dorian took a deep breath, pulled out a cross on his chest, kissed it forcefully, drew a cross devoutly on his chest, and then rushed out like a cheetah...

  The moment Dorian rushed out, several bullets hit the truck behind him, making a crackling sound.

Dorian buried his head and ran for a distance of more than ten meters. When he was close to the pickup truck, he dived and plunged into the pickup truck. Then, regardless of the big bag hit on his head, he stood up, supported the machine gun and turned the gun while firing. The side of the gun shouted loudly: "You guys go~"

   Boss Huang still has basic organizational skills. He and a few boys threw the corpse into a pickup truck, and then ten people drove two pickup trucks and started sprinting northward, preparing to bypass the battlefield and enter the desert to avoid pursuers.

  Dorian's desperate cover worked, and several enemies who could attack the pickup truck were suppressed.

When two gunmen appeared on his side and wanted to kill him, two bullets landed on them. One was shot in the head, and the other was hit in the chest. The whole head was hit with half of the shoulder. flew up.

   There are only four people left in the ten-person killing team.

  The moment Dorian emptied the belt, he scrambled and jumped out of the pickup truck, ran into the gap between the two trucks in embarrassment, and picked up his AK74.

   Just when Choja was thinking about whether to let Kaman circle around and enter the village to flank the remaining four people, the Kinderwick militia who had been away for a while suddenly came back.

And they obviously knew where Qiaojia and the others were. The truck parked more than 20 militiamen 300 meters away from Qiaojia and the others, and then the militiamen began to charge while shooting, and a few guys were carrying RPGs towards them. Qiaojia and the others fired a few rounds.

  The smoke waves raised by the RGP obstructed Qiaojia's sight. He shouted to Nis beside him, "Change your position and go behind those people to block them. I will deal with these guys with the dragon lizard."

  Nice crawled back a few meters without hesitation when he heard the order, then stood up and held the heavy TAC-50 and ran towards the south of the breakthrough.

   There's no proper shooting range there either, but if the remaining four want to head south, they'll have to gamble on Nice's marksmanship.

Qiaojia saw through the flying smoke and dust that more than 20 militiamen broke into the minefield he had set up, he laughed at Kaman next to him and said, "Don't you want to feel the power of the 'broad sword'? Let's start, three, two, one, press~"

  Following Qiaojia's call, the two pressed eight remote-control detonation buttons at the same time.

  Because the dust was too large, they didn't take a closer look. They only heard a series of explosions, and then the ground below the **** became a **** of flesh and blood.

  The reason why the directional mine is called "broad sword" is because when it explodes, it looks like a big sword sweeping across the front.

  The explosion of MON-50 will form a fan-shaped absolute killing zone. The killing range of this directional mine is only 50 meters, but because the fragmentation matrix inside it is designed to be very vicious, people inside it will definitely feel miserable.

  Those militiamen stepped into the thunder formation so desperately, who can bear it?

  After the huge explosion, except for the desperate wailing of a few surviving militiamen hugging their tattered bodies, no other voices could be heard.

   Kaman, who detonated the directional mine for the first time, took a deep breath of the gunpowder smoke in the air. When the smoke and dust subsided a little, he stood up and slid down the dirt slope, walked among the tattered corpses and began to shoot at the survivors.

  Choga didn't care about Kaman either. The remaining enemies only had assault rifles, and they couldn't hit them at such a distance.

   Instead, he himself began to mutter a little, wondering if he should go down and directly enter the village to fight them.

  Because there is no way to continue this stalemate, in case they call the militia for support, they don't have directional mines to use.

Just when Qiaojia was hesitating, Kaman rushed into the truck driven by the militia, dragged two RGP-7s down, and then pressed the communicator and said in a hoarse voice: "Boss, I will go around and force them out. Take care to block their escape routes."

  (end of this chapter)