
Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Thank you

  When Qiaojia was about to rush to the back door, he saw a group of armed gangsters break in from the back door, shooting and killing several waiters and hotel guests who were trying to escape.

   Was hit by a 7.62mm bullet fired by the AK at close range, and the death of the person was very tragic.

   The front may be just a small hole, but the back is a bowl-sized blood hole.

The splashed blood, brains, and body tissues instantly dyed the walls on both sides of the corridor red. Qiaojia, who was a step too slow, slipped on his feet, turned around and rushed towards the elevator, and rushed into the elevator amidst the shouts behind him. He got out of the safe passage and ran up desperately.

   While running, Choga took out the pistol and two magazines and held it in his hand. When he rushed to the second floor, he pushed open the safety door and broke into the elevator room on the second floor of the hotel.

  Seeing that the black suit was scolding the previous waitress loudly, Choga waved his hand and shouted loudly in Arabic: "Run, run."

   When Qiaoga yelled, a series of bullets hit the wooden door of the safe passage. The bullets shot through the wooden door and smashed the stone wall of the elevator into pieces.

   Qiaojia originally wanted to shoot to cover the two of them, and interrupt the pursuit from behind, but the black suit and the waitress fell on the ground very skillfully, and quickly crawled towards the exit of the elevator.

  While the black suit was crawling, he consciously pulled the car over and blocked it in front of the wooden door.

   Facing the pistol in Qiaojia's hand, the two of them didn't seem too scared. When the black suit passed by, they shouted loudly: "Follow me, I know where there is an exit."

  Looking at this guy's appearance, Qiaojia felt that he still underestimated the heroes of the world.

  Ordinary people would not be able to be as calm as him without experiencing ten or eight terrorist attacks.

  Just now he was a mean hotel supervisor, but now he has become a seasoned soldier. This kind of role switching made Qiaojia very uncomfortable.

But what surprised Qiaojia the most was the waitress. The young waitress was also very calm. She didn't scream or lose her mind. She followed the steps of the black suit and kept her body against the wall as much as possible. Running fast.

  Joga, who had little experience in actual combat, now realized that it was safer to run against the wall, because it would take time for the terrorists chasing him to turn around, so he could buy at least one more second of safety time.

However, Qiaojia did not make the same choice as the waitress. He rushed into a large open restaurant, using the cover of the Roman pillars to run all the way, turning his head and shooting four times at the terrorist who had just rushed out of the corner. , hit the two fastest guys.

  Death made the pursuers pause for a moment, and then the dense gunfire rang out, scaring the running Choja into hiding behind a pillar about 50×50.

  Huge gunshots kept echoing in the restaurant. While squatting on the ground in embarrassment to reduce the size of his body, Choga took out a tactical vest with a bulletproof insert, and put it on himself in a very awkward posture.

   There was no time to tidy up. Hearing the sound of those terrorists who love to pull the trigger to the end to change the magazine, Choga's first reaction was to rush out with a pistol and shoot continuously.

  Eleven bullets were emptied in two seconds. Qiao Jia lightly buckled the magazine latch. The moment the magazine in the pistol fell, he sent a new magazine in with his left hand.

He fired two shots in a row to headshot the last two terrorists who were still able to move. Just as Qiao Jia was about to escape from the hotel following the footsteps of the black suit, he saw the black suit coming from a corner at the end at a faster speed than before. The position ran out, and four terrorists were still chasing after him.

  This time this guy acted very manly, he pushed the waitress hard in front, and at the same time kept pulling the objects on both sides to create obstacles.

When he was about to approach the restaurant, the black suit glanced at Qiaojia who was holding a gun. The moment the gunshot sounded behind him, he pushed the waitress into the restaurant with all his strength, and then rushed forward with a diving motion to stick to the restaurant. Sliding for a distance of more than ten meters, he plunged into the pile of corpses, picked up an AK from the corpse, and started to fight back.

  Choga was not within the shooting range of the terrorists because of the angle. When the black suit counterattacked and attracted all the firepower, Choga leaned over from behind the pillar and shot.

  Choga's shooting feel is very strong, especially pistol shooting.

   This time without the pressure of bullets chasing, Qiaojia chose to lead...

   "Bang bang bang bang" four quick gunshots, and the heads of the four terrorists exploded immediately.

   After succeeding, Choga took the initiative to help the waitress up, and when he was about to grab a black suit, there was another gunshot in the elevator when they came...

The black suit stood up with a gun in his hand, took out a spare magazine from a corpse, limped to Qiaojia's side, glanced at him holding the waitress's hand with a strange expression, and said: "I can't get out, the fire exits and garbage passages are blocked, I can only wait for rescue..."

  Joga doesn't want to stay in this place. If SD's troops are really powerful, how can there be terrorists here?

  It is better to think of a way than to count on them to save people.

  Hearing the screams and gunshots from the elevator, Choga glanced outside the window of the restaurant. A dozen armed policemen in blue military uniforms in the opposite embassy established a line of defense with their guns.

  Choga, who was unwilling to sit still, glanced at the black suit and said, "The downstairs of the restaurant should be a green belt. Let's jump down. No one will be killed if we fall 5 meters."

  The black suit froze for a moment, then glanced at the silent waitress, finally nodded heavily and said, "Jump, hurry up~"

  Where did Qiaojia need his reminder, he rushed over and opened the window, then flipped down, and landed on the green belt smoothly.

   But unfortunately, a team of terrorists is escorting the guests to the lobby on the landscape corridor on the first floor of the hotel.

  Seeing Qiaojia falling from the sky, both sides froze for a moment, and then Qiaojia took the lead and pulled the trigger with his gun.

   "Bang bang bang bang..."

   With a series of gunshots, five of the six terrorists fell down.

  The last lucky terrorist standing behind his companion shot Choga in the chest, causing him to grunt in pain, and fell backwards under the flower bed, hitting the back of his head heavily on the ground.

  The moment the terrorist held up the AK, looking for an angle to kill Qiaojia completely, a bullet from across the street hit him in the forehead.

  Joga clutched his chest and struggled to get up, when he heard a few blue-clothed armed police waving vigorously at the gate of the embassy a hundred meters away, "Run~"

  The terrorists in the hotel lobby noticed the anomaly here and were rushing towards it.

  Although wearing body armor, it still feels very bad to be shot.

  The most important thing is that Qiaojia knocked his head on the ground, and he felt very dizzy and uncomfortable.

Just as he was trying to find his body balance, he held his armpit with one hand, and the waitress who had been silent all this time also jumped down, supported Qiao Jia and headed towards the embassy run.

   When the black suit jumped down, he turned around and shot towards the second floor, preventing the terrorists on the second floor from attacking downward.

   After emptying the magazine, the black suit dropped the gun, turned around and ran, but when he approached Qiao Jia and the others, his body shook violently, and a flower of blood exploded on his chest.

The waitress who had been silent for a long time finally made a movement at this time. Seeing the black suit fall, she wailed in grief, and when she let go of Qiaojia and turned around to help the black suit, the two explosion-proof shields were on their backs. Close behind them, and then two capable armed policemen dragged them quickly into the gate of the embassy.

  The moment his footsteps stepped into the embassy's territory, Qiaojia's buzzing head could no longer hold on...

  He said 'thank you' to the armed police who saved him, and then passed out decisively.

  (end of this chapter)