
Chapter 24

Chapter 24 I have a thought in my heart

  In the yard of a small stone villa in Damazin…

  The witch medicine bag hanging above the porch drove away the mosquitoes around, giving Choga a quiet space.

  Karman is taking his son Muto to help Choga take care of the garden. They need to remove the weeds and then plant the vegetable seeds that Levi bought.

   A trip to South SD made Kaman a lot of money, one-third of the gold share and one-third of the capture share, making Kaman a rich man with six-figure cash in his hand.

  Choga knew that what he was about to do might cause a lot of trouble, so he always wanted to urge Kaman to send his son to Ethiopia.

  But unexpectedly, Kaman's heart has grown bigger now, and he has begun to be dissatisfied with sending his son to Ethiopia.

  He set his goal on Europe. He wants his son to go to Italy first, and then try to go to Germany or Switzerland. The United States is not impossible.

Qiaojia was laughed at by Kaman's lofty ideals. He, the boss, came abroad from Afika. He, an illiterate native, wanted to send his son to Europe and the United States, and it was the most developed country. .

  However, laughing at the ideals of employees is not something a qualified boss should do. According to Kaman himself, following the boss, the small goal of 500,000 yuan is not difficult to achieve.

  As long as the son can be sent to Italy, even if he first enters the refugee camp through Liberia, it will be worth the trouble later.

  The phrase "poor parents in the world" seems to have a suitable counterpart wherever it is placed.

   It's just that Kaman has a big heart, and he doesn't seem to take the "risk" he may encounter at all.

   Qiaojia took a sip of the sweet SD black tea, took out his phone and watched it several times, then used editing software to cut out the last content about himself, and then used voice-changing software to blur his own voice.

   This thing must be handed over to the consulate, but you can bypass the consulate in South SD and send it directly to the embassy in SD.

   But in this way, Choga's kidnapping of UN officials will be confirmed.

  He doesn't know much about the Huaguo government agencies. If they touch him, it's really hard to say whether he will end up good or bad in the end.

   This is where Qiaojia struggles, because he is just a small person, and SD's business will be fine if he doesn't do it, the big deal is to change to another place and start over.

  But once a small person like himself is involved in a big event, it is very likely that he will be used as a bargaining chip.

  Things must be given away, otherwise it would be too meaningless for Irene to die. The only problem now is how to give it and how not to hurt myself.

   In fact, Qiaojia is very clear that sometimes Europeans and Americans do dirty things without betraying others.

   If you don't know, I will do it quietly, spend less cost and take more advantage.

  If you know, I will do it loudly, use media resources to occupy the right to speak, and some people will shout for them.

  The meaning of this video information is to let the people in the embassy prepare early to minimize the losses of compatriots, at least not to kill their own people.

This unlucky place in SD is not much better than South SD. The dead Liberian Kazuo spent his whole life tossing around the countries. If you are in a mess, you will become a powder keg if you are instigated a little bit.

  Joga's former company was in charge of infrastructure projects, and he knew that many oil fields were located close to the two disputed areas of Kordofan and Blue Nile, and these two places happened to be the most densely populated oil fields.

  I have to prepare my compatriots mentally, even if I run a step earlier, it is good.

  So he is going to go to Kham in person tomorrow, looking for an opportunity to put the things at the gate of the embassy and forget it.

  Don't say whether they will send spies to track them down, but if they really want to check themselves, even if they just call in a few old criminal policemen, they won't be able to hide themselves.

  Anyway, the matter has come to this point, if you ask me, then I definitely don't know anything, if you want to mess with me, then I will run away.

   The big deal in this life is to be in Afika. Anyway, if you have money, why not enjoy it?

   Qiaojia knew very well that once he handed in the things, he would have no turning back.

  As long as I return to my country, I will lose all the initiative, because what I killed was a UN official. Once the incident is exposed, not only will I be unlucky, but my younger brother will also be unlucky, and maybe it will make things difficult for the country.

  Anyway, all the bad things have been done, and people have been killed. If you love someone, if you lose your bottom line of conscience in the end, Qiaojia himself will look down on him.

Qiaojia, who was thoroughly thinking about it, stood up from the chair, and complained loudly to Kaman: "Didn't you say that someone came to install the air conditioner today? Those people were already 2 hours late, do they have a sense of time? "

  Kaman patted his taciturn son on the shoulder, walked to Choga's side, and said, "I thought you should be used to this place and the people here."

  Joga shook his head and said, "This is really an unlucky place!"

  Speaking, Qiaojia looked at the flat and almost small courtyard, he nodded and said: "Let Muto stop busy, and go directly to buy some food, vegetables, fruits, antelope meat, and it is best to have a chicken.

  We have a good meal in the evening, and you will go to Kham with me tomorrow.

  If things go well, then our business should still be able to continue. If things go wrong, then you should take Muto to Ethiopia immediately. "

  Karman frowned and said, "Why? We killed everyone, and no one knew we did it."

  Joga heard this, and said with a slap in the face: "It depends on whether there is any special investigation.

  Now people's actions will leave traces, just like footprints on the grassland, even if you cover them up carefully, they will leave clues.

  The Siruks are dead, but the guns we sold to them have not been brought back.

  Who knows if the Italian and that woman left a call log or something?

  SD There are very few Chinese selling guns. As long as they are caught with clues, they will soon find us. "

  Kaman frowned and said incomprehensibly, "Then why did you spend ten thousand dollars to buy this place?"

   Qiaojia said helplessly: "I want to leave something for myself, because I have always dreamed of having a small courtyard that is completely mine.

  And I don't think things are necessarily going to be bad…"

  Kaman didn't fully understand what Choga said. This guy is a typical Afican. As long as he doesn't have a gun on his neck, he doesn't want to change his plan.

   Now that he has money, he is going to solve Muto's visa through the channel of the airport boss Sailimu.

   Before Muto left smoothly, as long as the sky didn't fall, Kaman would not give up.

  Although what Choga said was a bit out of focus, Kaman finally said: "Jackal, you are a very good boss, and your marksmanship is also very accurate. You will definitely make a lot of money in Afika.

   I listen to you, I am 45 years old, and it is a kind of luck to live to 45 years old in Afika.

  I want to earn money, earn enough money for Muto to live happily in his next life. "

  Joga understood Kaman. A week ago, this guy was an old guy who could sell his life for $20,000, but now he sees the hope of completely changing his life.

  500,000, maybe 1 million, his son can completely get rid of the shadow of the past, and start again in a new place, a safe place.

   If it was Qiaojia, he probably wouldn't give up!

  (end of this chapter)