
Armageddon 2309 (The W-files)

In the year 2309, the world was under the dominion of Synthetiks (AIs), SynthHumans (hybrids of humans and AIs), and humans. Rio, a remarkably intelligent human, had been chosen for transformation into a SynthHuman. After spending five years at the coveted AI Harmonics Central (AHC), Rio's life took a drastic turn when a chance accident revealed a government secret concealed from the world. Struggling to survive in Slateville, a forsaken province for humans, Rio employed his skills to forge fake IDs, counterfeit cards, and devise methods to breach government security systems for a living. Amidst his covert activities, a mysterious woman sought him out. A secret agency approached Rio with a mission-to investigate restricted files and expose the hidden truths the government sought to keep in the shadows. In "W-files #1: The Missing Flights in 2030," Rio finds himself thrust into unraveling the biggest flight disappearances in history. All flights operated by SkyVista Airways vanished from radar screens every 9th of the month in the year 2030, precisely when they reached the coordinates 12°31'58.4"S 79°17'01.5"E. Now, in the year 2309, a survivor miraculously emerges, potentially providing a breakthrough to this enigmatic case.

JH_Lee · Khoa huyễn
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41 Chs

Chapter 32

Batho, struggling to speak between gasps for air.

Rio was perplexed. Batho had been fine just minutes ago at Professor Landon's house, yet now his condition was rapidly worsening. With a sense of urgency, Rio carefully lifted Batho and placed him in the Hyperloop Pod.

Rio stood over Batho, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't understand how Batho's condition had deteriorated so rapidly.

Time was running out, and he needed to find help for Batho before it was too late. With a determined expression, Rio set the coordinates for the nearest medical facility and engaged the Hyperloop Pod's propulsion system.

The pod shot off into the distance, leaving behind a trail of dust and uncertainty.

Rio arrived at a nearby hospital, where Synthetik receptionists typically manned the front counter. They were adept at screening identities, a security measure that Rio had been avoiding ever since using his fake ID.

Medical facilities had stringent security systems not to be underestimated.

The entrance was a grand, transparent dome that shimmered with embedded holographic displays. Inside, the air was filled with a soft, calming hum, and the walls seemed to pulse with gentle, soothing lights.

Synthetik receptionists stood at the front desk, their features perfectly symmetrical and their movements fluid and precise. They greeted patients with digital smiles, their voices warm and welcoming. The reception area was adorned with living plant walls, their vibrant greenery contrasting with the cool, metallic surfaces.

As Rio walked through the corridors, he noticed how the hospital was designed to accommodate both human and Synthetik staff. Robotic nurses moved gracefully among the patients, their movements efficient and their care impeccable. The rooms were equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology, from diagnostic scanners to robotic surgical assistants.

Despite the advanced technology, the hospital retained a sense of humanity.

Rio, not being the patient, didn't need to present his ID for registration. He brought Batho to the receptionist, who quickly assessed the situation and sensed Batho's critical condition.

A SynthHuman nurse attended to them almost immediately, taking Batho's vitals and performing a quick check-up. The nurse's movements were precise, and her expression remained calm and focused as she worked to stabilize Batho.

After what seemed like an eternity, the nurse finished her initial assessment. She turned to Rio with a solemn expression. "He needs immediate medical attention. We need to get him to a doctor right away."

As they entered the room, Batho lay motionless on the hospital bed, his once vibrant presence now reduced to a pale, lifeless figure. The harsh, artificial light of the medical bay reflected off his skin, highlighting the bluish tinge of his lips, a stark contrast against the sterile white sheets.

Rio felt a wave of helplessness wash over him as he watched the medical team swarm around Batho, their movements precise and urgent. The air was thick with tension, the only sound the rhythmic beeping of the monitoring equipment and the hushed commands of the doctors and nurses.

Dr. Samantha, a seasoned physician with a determined look in her eyes, took charge of the situation. She leaned over Batho, her hands moving with purpose as she assessed his condition. Rio could see the worry etched on her face, a testament to the severity of Batho's condition.

The room seemed to close in on Rio as he stood by, a silent observer to the frantic efforts to save Batho's life.

Curtains were swiftly drawn around the bed, blocking Rio's view as the medical staff worked to resuscitate Batho. The sound of hurried footsteps, the clatter of equipment, and the muted voices of the medical team created a tense atmosphere in the room. Rio stood outside the curtain, feeling a sense of helplessness wash over him.

After what felt like an eternity, the medical team emerged from behind the curtains. Dr. Samantha approached Rio, her expression somber.

"We've stabilized him for now," she said, her voice gentle but tinged with concern. "But he's in a critical condition. We need to run some tests to determine the extent of his condition."

Rio nodded, his mind racing with worry. He had to find out what was happening to Batho, what had caused this sudden deterioration.

"Can I see him?" Rio asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Samantha hesitated for a moment.

Dr. Samantha explained to Rio that Batho was experiencing heart failure of an unknown origin. She elaborated, revealing that his blood vessels were inexplicably thinning, leading to the blotches on his skin. While they had administered medication to slow this process, they were racing against time to identify the root cause and provide definitive care. Rio felt a pang of guilt, knowing that Batho would likely need Zonizide, a drug that he had been keeping secret.

"I might know the cause," Rio said hesitantly, his voice filled with concern. "But it's complicated."

Dr. Samantha looked at him, her expression unreadable. "Tell me everything you know. It could help us save him."

Rio hesitated, torn between wanting to save Batho and fearing the potential consequences of revealing the truth. He was acutely aware of the influence PharmaMedicor had, especially in a hospital setting. However, Batho's life hung in the balance, and Rio knew he had to speak up.

"I... I know Batho was given a medication called Zonizide," Rio said, his voice tense with apprehension.

A slow recognition dawned on Dr. Samantha's face, quickly followed by confusion. She turned to Rio, her eyes searching his for confirmation. "How do you know about Zonizide? That's a highly restricted drug, not something we would use here without extensive testing and approval."

Rio swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his decision. "I... I can't explain everything right now. But I know that Batho needs Zonizide to survive."

Dr. Samantha narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Rio. "Are you certain about this?" she asked, her tone tinged with disbelief.

She went on to explain that Zonizide was still in its trial phase and not widely available. The drug was designed to suppress mutated DNA genes by targeting specific genetic markers. However, its mechanism was complex and not fully understood. One of the most common side effects of Zonizide was heart failure and inflammation and thinning of blood vessels, particularly if the medication was abruptly discontinued.

Dr. Samantha continued, "The temporary treatment for Zonizide overdose or withdrawal is to administer more Zonizide. It's a risky approach, treating poison with poison. We still don't have a definitive treatment for Zonizide-related complications."

Rio listened intently, absorbing the information. The situation was more dire than he had imagined. He knew he had to help Batho, but the complexities of the situation were overwhelming.

Dr. Samantha, do you have access to Zonizide?" Rio's voice was urgent.

Dr. Samantha paused, considering. "Zonizide is still in its trial phase. Not many doctors have access to it."

"I understand the risks," Rio insisted. "But Batho's condition is deteriorating. Zonizide might be our only option."

Dr. Samantha nodded slowly. "I'll need to get approval from my department head."

"Please, hurry," Rio urged, watching as she hurried off to seek approval.

Opening the curtains, Rio revealed Batho lying motionless in the hospital bed. Batho's complexion was ashen, his features drawn and lifeless. Tubes and wires snaked from his body to various machines, monitoring his vitals. The room was filled with a sense of urgency, the beeping of machines providing a steady backdrop to the tension in the air. Rio stood by Batho's bedside, silently willing him to hold on until the medication could be administered.

As the moments stretched on, each second feeling like an eternity, Dr. Samantha finally reappeared. Her usually composed demeanor was now marred by a flicker of uncertainty. Rio, his heart pounding with anticipation, approached her quickly.

"Did you get the approval for Zonizide?" he asked, his voice edged with urgency.

Dr. Samantha hesitated, her eyes flitting away for a brief moment before meeting Rio's gaze. "My department head is trying to get it..." She trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

As Rio stood there, his thoughts churned like a turbulent sea. The air around him felt heavy with uncertainty, and the gravity of the situation weighed on him. Dr. Samantha's evasiveness raised red flags in his mind.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Was their request for Zonizide somehow compromised?

Yet, he couldn't afford to act rashly. Batho's life hung in the balance, and any misstep could cost him dearly. Rio knew he had to tread carefully, weighing the risks and benefits of each decision.

Rio approached Dr. Samantha cautiously, his voice measured. "How much time do we have before Batho's condition worsens, or he... passes?" The word felt heavy on his tongue.

Dr. Samantha took a deep breath, her expression resolute. "We've been promised the Zonizide within the hour. In the meantime, we'll do everything we can to stabilize him with the medications we have."

Rio nodded. However, Dr. Samantha's next question caught him off guard.

"Why would Batho be on this medication? What condition does he have?" she inquired.

Rio hesitated, his mind racing. "I'm not sure," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I had answers, but I don't."

As the minutes ticked by, Rio grew increasingly restless. He paced the room, his mind consumed with worry for Batho. Dr. Samantha, on the other hand, remained focused on Batho's condition, her attention never wavering from her patient.

An hour had passed, but there was still no sign of the Zonizide. Rio's patience was wearing thin, and he couldn't help but voice his concern. "When is the medicine going to arrive?" he asked, his tone laced with frustration.

Dr. Samantha sighed, her expression sympathetic but firm. "I'm not sure, Rio. We're doing everything we can."

Rio nodded, though his anxiety continued to mount. He watched as Dr. Samantha continued her ministrations, a sense of helplessness settling over him.

As another half-hour dragged by without the arrival of the medicine, Rio's impatience reached a breaking point. He pressed Dr. Samantha once more, his tone more urgent this time. Dr. Samantha, sensing his growing frustration, made a call on her AD, her expression tense and uneasy.

After a few tense moments, Dr. Samantha informed Rio that the department head was on his way. Rio nodded, but his senses were on high alert. He watched Dr. Samantha closely, noticing her furtive glances and the awkwardness in her demeanor.

The hospital bustled around them, with patients, Synthetik nurses, and regular nurses moving about, but Rio's focus was solely on Dr. Samantha. His mind raced, considering his next move as he waited.

As Dr. Samantha ended the call, a subtle shift came over her demeanor. She appeared distracted, her focus no longer on Batho's critical condition but seemingly fixed on something outside the room. Rio sensed the change immediately, a cold dread creeping over him. It was as if the impending arrival of her department head held more significance to her than saving Batho's life.

Without hesitation, Rio moved swiftly behind her, his actions driven by a desperate need to protect Batho at all costs. With a calculated strike, he delivered a powerful blow to the back of Dr. Samantha's neck, causing her to crumple to the floor unconscious.

Batho lay motionless, his condition unchanged.

Rio's mind raced as he realized the grim truth: the promised medicine would never arrive. Instead, what awaited them was the arrival of Haydon and his men, intent on retrieving Batho at any cost. Time was running out, and Rio knew he had to act fast to save Batho and himself from the looming threat.

Rio swiftly removed all the tubes and cannulas that had been sustaining Batho, knowing that their time was running out. Batho told him before about the company's relentless pursuit, convinced that they intended to kill him. Realizing that escape was their only option, Rio hoisted Batho onto his back and made for the exit.

As they reached the hospital corridor, a group of men suddenly appeared from the staircase, their faces set in grim determination as they pointed directly at Rio.