
Arkane Bloodburst

A legacy, Kimodo Arshin The Decider, left behind in the days of King Arthur by Merlin is needed in the future, the very far future. In a futuristic era, eight heroes as fortold by Merlin herself will come together to form The Crescent Suns to take down the one and only dreadful mistake made by Merlin of which she failed to correct. The Crescent Suns must gain full mental, physical and spiritual control in an era where futuristic and dragon age components can never meet. They're bond and determination will be their key to putting an end to this dreadful mistake which has shown it's ugly face. Loss, gain, power and pain... what does it all mean if the final answer lies in a memory which Kimodo cannot even remember or does not even know he has. The world's beginning and destined end is a story of which its pen will be in the hands of one man What are his limits and weaknesses?? What does he love and hate?? "What is the universe truly made for?", that's the one question he could never answer..... or. so he thought.

NineTailed_Ink · Thành thị
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8 Chs


After the first meeting of the crescent suns, which was horrible by the way, it was time to see the true identity of each of them. The thing to do this was not what any of the members but Kimodo and Hanson would know.

"Ok, now we are all settled it's time to find out about everyone. Let's start with Zane.", said Hanson. "Hahaha... and how are you gonna do that? Where I... no, when I come from is unattainable with technology. ", Zane said with a nasty grin. " Fully charged and ready, Master Hanson.", said a voice. " Oh shit!!! Who the hell was that? I thought you said this place can't be entered into by anyone but us.", Zane panicked as he drew out his special gun.

Just as Zane was looking around to see who it was, a black sphere with green lines and spell casting circles on its faces the exact shape as a football but smaller, levitated straight to Hanson.

"Oh, it's just a stupid robot.", said Zane with relief. "Everyone meet Tressa. She's the core of this headquarters and a big helper to this team. Tressa here is the most sophisticated AI system in the world. With the fusion of time magic from me and extreme magical upgrades from the team captain fused with her technology, she's able to travel through time and pick up every detail of anyone at all. She also serves as the perfect spy with the ability of cloaking and permeability.", Hanson explained. " Hah.... I'd like to see that happen." said Zane with disbelief.

" Tressa, we'd like a full identity and history search on Zane Brillton.", commanded Hanson. " Yes master. Full data will be gained in T-minus 10 seconds. ", Tressa said. " Ehhh ... 10 what??!! Man that's some load of bull.", said Jack. " Shut up small fry!!", said Tressa to everybody's surprise. " Oh yeah, by the way she has emotions so try to keep your abusive thoughts in your head. ", Hanson said.

With this they all started laughing at Jack who had just been verbally abused by a bot.

Tressa moved to Zane, scanned him and started to spin fast and disappeared with a flash of green light. Immediately after 10 seconds Tressa came back to the headquarters. This left some of the members in shock.

" Full data acquired. Activate full disclosure?", asked Tressa. " Yes please.", Hanson accepted

Info Hunt

Name: Zane Brillton

Age: 1,581 years

Hero Name (hmph hero name my circuits) :Soul Hunter

Father: Axe Brillton

Father's Occupation: Assassin for King Arthur

Mother: Mary Brillton

Mother's Occupation: None (Housewife)

Height: 6.2

Ability: Hell Fist ( Can take away a being's soul with just a hit)

Means of Ability: Contract with the demon Ascavar with the help of Merlin

Partner: Claw, a mutant black panther with the ability to transform into a more ferocious and scarier panther. Although he looks like a kitten

Body Count (Kills): 2,864,902 people

Body Count (Girls): 0

Generally Character: Rude

Fear: Panties and bras

Favorite Food: Pumpkin pie

Hobby: Target practice

"Hahahahahahahaha..... You're afraid of panties!!!!", Jack screamed with tears of laughter. "Shut the fuck up!!! I hate how effective this bot is.", said Zane embarrassingly.

All the members looked at Zane and we're shocked not just about his fears but also age.

This showed there's more surprises to be found out about the other members.