
Arjun The Guardian Of The Moon Chronicle

In a quaint Indian village, Arjun, an ordinary teenager, finds his life intertwined with the mysteries of ancient legends and mythical powers. As he navigates the challenges of school, bullies, and first love, Arjun discovers a dormant strength within him. Unbeknownst to him, he is the descendant of the Aryans, tasked with protecting the world from the forces of darkness. Unleashing a power he never knew he had, Arjun's journey unfolds, filled with mythical beings, divine blessings, and a destiny that will test his courage and heart. Join Arjun as he embarks on a captivating journey where the past and present collide, and the line between reality and mythology blurs in a tale of destiny, love, and the hero within us all.

Jnanesh_Sharma_H · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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5 Chs

Atala : The First Underworld - Land of the Undead

Rishi led me through the winding streets of our small town, his footsteps steady and purposeful. His eyes glimmered with a rare excitement as we approached an unremarkable stone structure nestled between two dilapidated houses. It was easy to overlook, but Rishi's knowing gaze seemed to penetrate its very essence.


"This is where it all begins, the underworld" he murmured, his voice barely audible above the hum of the surrounding city. With a gentle push, Rishi opened the heavy wooden door, revealing a dimly lit corridor that disappeared into the depths of the earth.


Curiosity and trepidation mingled within me as I followed him into the abyss. Torchlight flickered along the walls, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of ages long past. The air grew cooler, tendrils of mystery wafting through my senses.


The passageway twisted and turned, leading us deeper into the heart of the unknown. Ancient symbols etched into the stone walls hinted at forgotten civilizations and lost magic. My fingertips brushed against the cool surface, as if seeking to unravel their enigma.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a massive chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. It was a sight that transcended imagination—a vast expanse filled with towering bookshelves adorned with dusty scrolls and ancient manuscripts.


As I stepped into the dimly lit chamber, rows upon rows of artifacts came into view. Each one seemed to hold a piece of history in its grasp, whispering tales of forgotten heroes and ancient battles. My eyes darted from one relic to another—a gleaming sword with a blade sharpened by countless conflicts, an intricately carved amulet pulsating with untold power, a tiara adorned with precious gems that once graced the head of a mighty queen. The air was thick with the scent of dust and age, as if these ancient objects were holding their breath to share their stories with me. The sheer weight of history in this room was almost palpable, urging me to reach out and touch the past.


I moved closer to a worn leather-bound book that sat upon a pedestal, its pages slightly yellowed with time. As my fingers grazed the cover, a jolt of electricity coursed through me, and the room seemed to tremble in response. The book flung open with a gust of wind, revealing an intricate map that glowed with an otherworldly light.


Rishi's eyes widened as he beheld the map, his voice barely above a whisper. "This, my friend, is the fabled Map of Eternity. Legends tell of its existence, but few have ever laid eyes upon it."


The words hung in the air, heavy with significance. I studied the map intently, mesmerized by its beauty and complexity. Ancient symbols danced across its surface, pointing to hidden locations and unknown realms. Rishi's finger traced a path through uncharted territories and treacherous terrains.


"This map," he continued, his voice laden with excitement, "holds the key to unlocking the secrets of our ancestry. It will guide us on a journey beyond time and space itself."


A mysterious figure emerged from the shadows of the chamber—a tall figure cloaked in darkness, their features obscured by a hooded cloak. The figure's presence seemed to draw all light from the room, leaving only a faint shimmer around their form.


"I have been waiting for your arrival," their voice echoed through the chamber, resonating with an ancient power that sent shivers down my spine. "You are the one who will bridge the gap between worlds and fulfill your destiny."


My heart raced as I took a step back, unsure whether to embrace this enigmatic figure or flee in fear. Rishi's hand clasped firmly on my shoulder, offering support and reassurance.

"Our destiny?" I managed to stammer out, trying to keep my voice steady amidst the overwhelming presence of this mysterious being.

"Yes," the figure replied solemnly, their hooded gaze fixed upon me. "It is time for you to awaken your true potential and embark on a journey through the ages."

I felt a surge of curiosity and excitement wash over me—a longing to uncover the mysteries of my past and discover my true purpose. But at the same time, doubts and fears lingered in the back of my mind. How was I supposed to fulfill such a grand destiny? What challenges lay ahead?

"As your guide, it is my duty to prepare you for the journey ahead," Rishi said, gesturing towards the map with his outstretched hand. "The Map of Eternity will lead you to ancient artifacts that hold great power—the key to unlocking your full potential."

"These artifacts are said to grant unimaginable abilities to those who possess them," he whispered eagerly. "They may even grant immortality!"

My mind reeled at this revelation—immortality? It sounded too fantastical to be true, but then again, everything in this world seemed like something straight out of a fairy tale, after the incident of Mr. Gupta.

But there was no denying that there was an energy pulsating from within these walls—a sense of possibility and wonder that filled me with determination and courage. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.


The figure nodded approvingly and turned towards a nearby alcove where an ancient chest rested upon a pedestal. They unlocked its intricate mechanism with ease, revealing its contents—a set of ornate armor adorned with ancient symbols and glowing with a faint light.

"This is the Armor of Time, this is not any ordinary one, it holds power as much as karnakavacha." the figure said, handing the pieces to me. "It will protect you on your journey and enhance your abilities as you collect the artifacts. But, it will not show its true power until you prove yourself as a worthy master towards it. Until then it will act just like an ordinary mayavikavacha."

I ran my fingers over the smooth metal, feeling a strange connection to it. I could sense that this armor held immense power, but I couldn't begin to fathom how to use it.

"Sacred runes are etched into this armor," Rishi explained, pointing to the intricate symbols. "They have been imbued with powerful spells that will aid you in your quest."

As I donned the armor, I felt a surge of energy course through my body. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before—my senses were heightened, and I felt ready for anything.

"Now, onto the first artifact," the figure announced as they led us out of the chamber and into a dark corridor.

The walls were lined with torches that flickered ominously as we passed through them. The air grew colder and a sense of foreboding hung heavy around us.

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously, my hand instinctively reaching for my sword.

"To retrieve the Amulet of Eternity," the figure replied cryptically.

We entered a large cavern lit by glowing crystals embedded in its walls. In its center stood a pedestal on which rested an intricately designed amulet etched with ancient markings.

"This is it," Rishi breathed in awe as he picked up the amulet delicately.

But before he could take another step, dark creatures emerged from the shadows—snarling beasts with sharp claws and teeth bared. Without hesitation, we readied ourselves for battle.

We fought off the creatures with our weapons and Rishi's guidance. The amulet glowed brighter as we defeated each one, as if it was drawing power from their defeat.

"Quickly," the figure urged as they scooped up the amulet and placed it around my neck. "The guardians of this place will not be pleased with us taking this."

Sure enough, a loud rumbling sound echoed through the cavern as we turned to leave. The walls began to shake and stones fell from the ceiling, narrowly missing us.

"We must make haste," Rishi yelled over the chaos.

Together, we ran through the cavern, dodging falling debris and avoiding traps set by the guardians. But just when we thought we were in the clear, a massive creature blocked our path—a towering beast with glowing red eyes and sharp claws.

"This is no ordinary guardian," Rishi gasped.

Without hesitation, I charged towards the creature, my armor giving me strength and agility. As we battled, I could feel the power of the Amulet of Eternity surging through me, aiding in my attacks and protecting me from harm.

But even with Nandaka(I assume I'm still weak in wielding it), the creature proved formidable. It seemed like an endless cycle of attack and defense until finally, I saw an opening. With all my might, I struck at its weak spot—the glowing red gem on its forehead.

As soon as it shattered under my sword's impact, everything around us ceased—the shaking stopped, the walls were still again, and the creature disappeared in a puff of smoke.

We stood there panting for breath and looking at each other in disbelief. Had we really just defeated such a powerful guardian?


"You did it!" Rishi exclaimed in awe as he hugged me tightly. "I knew you were destined for greatness." 

The figure approached us once again with a proud smile on their face. "You have done well," they said. "But your journey is far from over. There are still many artifacts to collect and challenges to face before you can retrieve the Amulet of Eternity."

We nodded, ready for whatever came our way.

"First, we must travel to the Land of the Undead or as we call it Atala the first world of undead, there are seven stages or planets of the undead. Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasātala, talātala, Mahātala, Pātāla and Naraka" the figure continued.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of facing creatures from beyond the grave, but I knew there was no turning back now.

As we stepped out of the cavern and into the open air, we found ourselves in a desolate landscape filled with crumbling ruins and a thick mist that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Atala is a treacherous place," Rishi warned as he conjured up a protective shield around us. "There are many dangers lurking here."

We made our way through the ruins cautiously, keeping an eye out for any signs of movement. But it seemed like this place was completely abandoned.

Until suddenly, we heard a loud creaking noise followed by shuffling footsteps approaching us from all directions. We were surrounded by creatures with rotting flesh and hollow eyes—a horde of undead warriors.

Without hesitation, we fought back with all our might. The amulet's power surged through me once again, giving me strength and agility as I swung my sword and cast spells alongside Rishi.

But just when we thought we had defeated them all, a larger creature emerged—a towering skeleton with glowing red eyes and sharp claws.


But our celebration was short-lived as we heard a sinister laughter echoing through the mist. "You may have defeated my minions, but you will never defeat me," a chilling voice taunted.

Suddenly, the mist cleared and a figure emerged from the shadows—a dark sorcerer with an evil sneer on his face. "I am Virakasura, knight of the undead," he announced proudly.

Rishi stepped forward, ready to defend us. "We will stop at nothing to retrieve the Amulet of Eternity," he declared bravely.

Virakasura chuckled. "You think you can defeat me? I am more powerful than you could ever imagine."

With a wave of his hand, Virakasura summoned an army of skeletons to attack us. We fought back with all our strength, but there were too many of them.

"We need to find another way," I gasped as I dodged a swing from a skeleton's sword.

Rishi nodded in agreement. "If you can take Virakasura with a strong blow, it would stun him and you could sneak up and take the amulet."

We quickly came up with a plan and put it into action. I snuck behind Virakasura and reached for the amulet hanging around his neck.

But just when I thought we had succeeded, Virakasura's eyes glowed red and he grabbed my hand with surprising strength. With a wicked smile, he held me in place as he prepared to strike.

But before he could attack, my reflexes seemed to know more of the game. A strong surge of electricity passed through my hands and shocked the mighty asura. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, I pulled out my sword which was glowing blue with current surging through it and struck at the amulet with all my might. The cavern filled with blue light and Virakasura was disintegrating to a pile of skeletons.

"We did it," I exclaimed, unable to believe our success.

Rishi let out a relieved sigh. "That was close. I'm glad you are learning to use your powers."

But our celebration was short-lived as the ground began to shake and the mist started to swirl once again. Panicked, we quickly gathered the broken pieces of the amulet and made our way back to the portal.


As we were celebrated throughout the kingdom, feasts were held in our honor and songs were sung about our bravery for years to come. But for me personally, what mattered most was that Rishi and I had become close to me through this journey—both bound by adventure and magic.



And even though there would always be more challenges ahead of us, we knew that as long as we had each other and the Amulet of Eternity, we could face anything.

Together, Rishi and I continued to explore the magical world beyond our village. We encountered creatures we could only dream of and saw sights that took our breath away.


Each time, I fought, Rishi guided me to the farthest extent, his knowledge of weapons was vast, but alas! His curse made it so that he couldn't fight. Though he didn't seem to be grieving over his mistake. Utilizing our skills and the powers of the amulet to overcome any obstacle. And with each victory came a sense of pride and satisfaction in knowing that we were making a difference in this world.

But as time passed by, I couldn't help but wonder about my family back in the village. I had left without saying goodbye or giving them any explanation. Had they been worried about me? Did they think I was dead? Would they ever forgive me for leaving without a word? I missed Dadi's Paranthe, or Dada's survival tips.

My thoughts were interrupted when Rishi called out to me from across the field where we were training. "Hey, are you ready for continuing the adventure?"

I smiled at him before nodding eagerly. "I am always ready."

Together, we set off towards a nearby mountain where tales spoke of a powerful sorcerer who held the key to immortality. As much as I wanted to find it for ourselves, part of me also hoped that this would be my chance to find a way back to my village.

As soon as we reached the foot of the mountain, Rishi froze in his tracks. "Do you see that?"

Who is this powerful sorcerer? Is he a rakshasa? is he an ally? or will this prove to stop Arjun from proceeding to train hard?

Creation is hard, cheer me up! The next chapter may be even more interesting and spicy, make sure to vote for Arjun's Journey! Share your thoughts and suggest me plot twists. Thank you!

Jnanesh_Sharma_Hcreators' thoughts