
Chapter 269: Nhazual's Gift to Curhio Part 1

"Curhio," Clarence raises a brow. "You think Curhio knows where the Floating Ruby is?"

It sounds bizarre even suggesting it, but the Nerwo might be the only being alive to know what actually happened all those years ago. The last time we saw him, we were in the middle of the Vermix invasion and the ancient creature had taken out the six who fled into Nhazual's Pass - his home for the last three thousand years. He'd decapitated all of them, leaving pieces of their bodies in the unlit tunnel that connects Nerwolix's southern terrain with its northern one.

"I had a dream," I explain, already knowing how that sounds. "But I don't think it was a dream. I think it was a vision, like the kind I had on Arosin."

"Another vision?"

"It looked the same - like I was there, like I was watching Nhazual give up the Gift all over again."

"You said you didn't see that," Blovid frowns.

"I didn't," I agree but pause at the sound of the curtain flapping.

The others are here.