
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs


Aiden - dad, mom, I'm home, why is no one showing up at home. This powerful aura there is a battle going on back (mom, dad is safe before I come) mom dad are you guys ok I heard sounds of battle huh. What's going on?

Lucy - where have been doing you know how worried I was when you didn't come home in one hour did something happened at the forest?

Aiden - no mom, I was just at the riverside at after forest that's why I'm late sorry. What's going on mom why is dad battling with them who are these people's?

Lucy - that old lady is royal academy's dean, she is also your dad's personal teacher at royal academy of magic she is sparing with your dad to show them her former genius student, and these are current genius student of that old lady.

Aiden - so that's what's happening, I thought someone had attacked you guys.

Noah - oh your home, why did you take so much time at forest did something happened in the forest?

Aiden - I was at riverside father after forest that's why I'm late.

Noah - come here she is my teacher Charlotte and also dean of the royal academy, and these are my juniors, introduce yourself Aiden.

Aiden - hello my name is Aiden we are honored you guys come to our humble house.

Juniors - look at him how cute he is and his greetings too.

Charlote - your good manners tells how did he treat you until now, he said your sword style is very good and after seeing I think your swords isn't normal. let me see your hand.

Aiden - here.

Charlote - HM, (she's shocked because she had found out what is real genius) Noah can you give him to me?

Lucy - what are talking about don't take my son away from me.

Charlote - No what I mean is can you send him to me for study magic.

Noah - there is no problem for that.

Lucy - what do mean by that honey, he is still a kid, I'm not letting him go anywhere before he turns 17.

Noah - you know dean, he is still 5 year old kid now we can't and we can't make this decision without his opinion.

Junior's - what did see him teacher?

Carlote - he can use all six elements and all its elements are more powerful than my two elements wind and fire.

juniors - this is insane even in the history there is only 2 people's who are able to use only three elements fire, water and lightning. and there only six elements water, earth, wind, lighting, fire and dark elements.

Noah - yes dean how can he use all elements did you make mistakes?

Charlote - do you think I'm someone who can make mistakes?

Noah - then he can use all elements?

Charlote - do think I'll lie to you something about your son? Even his mana sea is a lot bigger than you guys.

Noah - (he super happy that his son is more talented that him and lifting Aiden into the air, he starts dancing everywhere saying he is my son after all) he has to be more power full than me in the future he is my son after all.

juniors - look at senior how happy he hears how talented his son.

Charlote - let him down Noah for a moment.

Noah - yes dean.

Charlote - I'm going use one spell repeat after me and use it with your full power on that wall ok.

Aiden - ok (she cast spells and create a big fireball and throw into the wall, then Aiden copy's that spell with his just little bit of mana and big fir was created by Aiden then he throw that fireball at that wall and as result that wall was destroyed by Aiden after seeing that all of them was shocked with a face like open mouth and small eyes) did I do something wrong? (Did I use more money, but I just used 15 mana I think I have to use little less next time)

Charlote - no, you did better than me.

junior's - holy shit did you see that attack, he is stronger than us, this is insane is he still five year young kid?

Charlote - Now say, will you come to my academy, I will personally teach you all the high level spells, which have not been taught to any prince yet.

Aiden - I will stay with my family unit I turn 17 until then you have to wait.

First junior - this kid is gonna miss this opportunity because dean can't even wait for kings he is still kid.

second junior - can't you read mood, I think our dean will have to wait until he turn it 17 before that if he change his mind, he might have a chance to learn high level spells that even demon king and dragon king can't stand attack on high spells.

Charlote - its a deal, then you have to come to the academy when you turn 17 years old.

Aiden - yes.

junior's - what did we see today two miracles happened first is even five years, young children is stronger than us and the second is our dean who can't even wait for kings she is gonna wait for a child for 12 years are we dreaming right someone please wake us up.

Charlote - then we will see each other in the future lets go brats your time is up you have to study hard from now on.

Noah - dean are you leaving so soon?

Charlote - yes, I have to leave if I'm not at academy someone will attack academy.

Noah - who can attack the royal academy when your this strong, even a demon king has to think twice before he attacks.

Charlote - there are some students who have been drugged by some kind of portion if they don't drink that portion in two days of time, then they turn wild and tries to destroy everything that in in front of them that's why I've been investigating this, other personally.

Noah - how can someone make portion like this and give them to kids?

Charlote - I've found some clues about who is behind this, before I found the full evidence I can't take action, let's see each other again.

Noah - take care of yourself dean.
