

"ARGONAUT 2" follows Bell, a half-vampire, as he rejects Syr's love and reunites with Goddess Hestia. The story includes Freya becoming more obsessed with Bell and Hestia's family getting attacked. Bell is captured and forced to endure a hellish experience, finding himself in a war between Hestia and Freya.

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The Aftermath

The Hestia Fraction emerged as the victors of the War Game. Following this, Freya was summoned back to Heaven. Alfia then resurrected all the children who lost their lives in the battle, including the former members of the Freya Familia. After bidding farewell to Bell, Alfia returned to the Demon Land. Bell and his comrades were unconscious and were taken to bed. The spoils of the war game were divided equally among all the participants. The Ishtar Familia was granted entry into Orario. Hestia expressed her gratitude to Artemis and she returned to her kingdom. Argana and Bache witnessed the strength of the adventurers of Orario and gained the benefit of leveling up, with both of them reaching level 7. 

Bell and his companions regained consciousness after a week. Bell and Bete reached level 7, while Lefiya made it to level 6. Finn and Guild were bombarded with questions about Bell's true identity as Alfia's son. Hestia advised Bell to be careful and not reveal too much information. Riveria was frustrated to learn that Alfia was a demon, not a human. Aiz apologized to both Hestia and Bell, and they forgave her after understanding her reasoning. Bell visited the graveyard to pay his respects to his fallen comrades and told them of their victory. He was overwhelmed by sadness and lost in memories of his departed friends, including Jupiter.

The Guild had taken control over Folkvangr, and after receiving treatment from Amid, the former members of Freya Familia went their separate ways. None of them joined any other Familia, as they vanished into obscurity. Finn urged Ottar and the others to stay, but they didn't listen and left Orario one by one. They were consumed by the pain of losing their Goddess while regretting that they could have prevented her from causing all that chaos. As a result, Orario's power was halved.


Bell had become very withdrawn and preferred to be alone all the time. He stopped smiling and was lost in his thoughts. Despite their attempts, no one was able to cheer him up. One day, Hermes suggested that they take a vacation to Melen. Initially, Bell was hesitant to go, but he eventually agreed when he realized that his friends were worried about him. 

When they arrived in Melen, the girls tried to embarrass Bell by wearing revealing swimsuits. However, Bell and Welf went for a walk along the shore and had a heart-to-heart conversation. Welf advised Bell to look forward and focus on what lies ahead, rather than being stuck in the past. These words inspired Bell and gave him a new perspective on things. 

Later that evening, while they were in their hotel room, Hedin shared his backstory with Bell. He told him about the huge debt he owed to Freya, but how he chose to defy her will instead. Hedin insisted that Bell move on and focus on leading his Familia to greatness.

While Bell was sleeping in bed, the girls competed to determine who would accompany him. Their goal was to encourage him and help him return to his usual self. They wrote their names on a piece of paper, placed it in a bottle, shuffled it, and asked Bell to pick one. Hestia was lucky this time and got to sleep next to Bell. As she cuddled with him, the other girls were listening in envy. While it was raining heavily outside, Hestia explained the true meaning of life and death to Bell. She told him that life and death are never the end or the beginning, but rather a continuous cycle. Sorrow and happiness are two sides of the same coin, separated by a thin layer of paper. She also told him that facing challenges and overcoming them would make him a man worthy of respect. Bell felt like his wounds had healed after hearing his Goddess's words. He apologized to Hestia for causing them to worry, and she forgave him instantly.

The day after lunch, Hermes and Bell went sightseeing in Melen. During the trip, Hermes reminded Bell of his goals and shared the qualities that a true hero should possess. Bell felt inspired and decided to leave his past behind and work towards his ambition. When they returned, they found their friends playing volleyball. The game had a rule that no skills or magic could be used and the losing team had to obey the winner's command. Despite the boys' efforts, the girls won by just one point, with Ryu being the top scorer. She suggested that the boys should crossdress as their punishment.

The Boys were like what the hell. But they have to do it. Ryu, Asfi, and Hestia are the judges. The first one to do it was Hedin. The girls were stunned to see Hedin cross-dressed in a maid outfit. They gave him 9 out of 10. Next was Welf. Welf came up with a party wear with weird makeup on his face. The girls were completely silent. They all gave him 3 out of 10. He was expecting much worse than that. Then Hermes came up with a red outfit which he secretly stole from Asfi. The girls were laughing so heavily. They all gave him a -10 out of 10. Hermes left the stage crying like a girl which made them feel awkward. Then it was Bell's turn. Bell was thinking of repaying them for doing all this to encourage him. So he decided to give him his best shot.

Bell used his vampire ability to change his gender. She bought a sexy black swimsuit from the shop beforehand. Her eyes were light crimson blue colored like a jewel. Her hair was as black as the night sky. Her curves resemble that of a Goddess of Beauty. Her lips were red like blood. Her skin was light-brownish-white and soft. A cool wind was blowing slowly. The sun was so red (sunset). She walked onto the stage with confidence and a sexy smile on her face. Hedin broke his glasses by popping his eyes out. Hermes and Welf's jaw dropped. The girls sit up straight in their seats, eyes wide open, mouths opened wide with excitement. She walked in front of the judges and made a sexy and confident pose like that of a real model. Her hair flickered in the wind.

All of the girls had red faces. They were speechless.

 Bella with a sexy famine voice " How do I look, girls?" 

Hestia and Asfi immediately gave her a rating of 10 without any hesitation. Ryu rated her 100 out of 10 while looking away and covering her nosebleed with her fingers. Bella then smiled brightly, grateful for the effort they put in to get her back. They all smiled happily. The girls invited Bella to swim with them, and she joined them. As the girls enjoyed swimming on the beach, Hermes told the boys that their plan had worked perfectly. Hedin and the other boys smiled as they watched the girls playing in the water.