
Are You Our Father ?

this story is about a boy named le bai hun in his early 20s who died in a quiet funny way but unfortunately he got reincarnated as the reason why he died. now he is Hua Guen..

Alive_star · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

3. ...did we really..GUHH!

Guen was thinking about what did he mean when he said 'you are the same even if you lost your memories' but of course on the other hand Lord Le was kissing and leaving mark in every part of Guen's body that his lips touched.

'this master Hua has a really sensitive body..i really can't stop this body to stop. it's reacting on its own. i feel like it's more sensitive because it's familiar with the father's body..guhh! it's so embarrassing, i can't stop 'my' moans.'

"ahh..mm..won't it hurt the child?"

Lord Le looked up at Guen's face and faced him face to face. their noses were touching now. He gently put his hand on Guen's belly where the baby's head supposedly is judging by the way the child was moving right now.

"oww.. owee"

but of course Guen who was not familiar with the feeling was more focused on the pain than the happy feeling he got from the child moving.

"I think, our son won't mind if it's father and mother have a little pleasure"

Guen didn't know his face was red..but all he knew was that if didn't do anything he would have to get fucked. Guen..no..Le Bai Hun was a pure viegin in his past life. he had too many hoes around him but he was just too dench. he really thought that nobody liked him when in reality everyone thought of him as a god like being, finding it hard to approach.

so while he was having flashbacks like a time back in daycare,

a little girl with brown hair seems to be approaching a cute little light brown hair with silver highlights boy.


hearing that little girl's yell that little boy turned around,

and pointed at himself as tiled his head cutely saying,

"me? "

his black eyes looks like as if it was sparkling. seeing his face that girl threw a lunch box and that fell on that boy's face. that girl ran away while crying..

that little boy was Le Bai Hun. ever since he was young it's always been like this. people try to approach him and ended up doing something weird. which to Hun always looks like bullying..

Hun NO Guen came back to reality by Lord Le's words and those words were,

"Now. Be. Obedient."