
Are you an idiot?

Charmel Külisk was just a normal girl, at least that's how she saw herself. She played video games, watched anime, read mangas, and was a total homebody. She had absolutely no interest in looking for love or starting a relationship, and she was perfectly fine with that. Did she able too find a love her life?

Madszy · Thanh xuân
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33 Chs

Chapter 26: Back to School

Unknown POV

The figure felt a shiver run down on my spine, their spirit senses picking up on an unsettling aura in the vicinity. It wasn't a familiar presence, but something darker, a menacing force lurking nearby.

The spirit realm reacted to the shift in energy, sending warnings through the figure's senses.

The figure's spirit senses intensified, the warning bells ringing louder in my head. I tried to pinpoint the source of this malevolent presence, but it remained elusive yet nearby.

The air felt heavy, charged with an eerie energy that sent goosebumps up my arms. With a determined expression, the figure steeled myself, knowing what needed to be done. I had to rid the area of this malevolent spirit, remove the dark energy that loomed over the surroundings.

The figure closed my eyes for a moment, focusing their spirit energy and drawing upon their innate power.

The figure opened my eyes, their expression shifting from determination to relief. The intense, dark energy that had hung in the air moments ago was gone, the oppressive atmosphere lifted.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, their spirit instincts confirmed that the malevolent presence had been neutralized.




Charmel walked through the familiar corridors of Wisteria High School, her thoughts preoccupied as she navigated the busy hallway. It had been a few days since the beach days and the excitement of the fire cracker incident, and school life had returned to its usual routine.

As she passed by other students, they exchanged greetings and nods, but Charmel was lost in her own thoughts.

Charmel mused to herself, hoping against hope that she and Chika would still be in the same class this year. The thought of being separated from her best friend caused a pang of worry in her heart.

She quickened her pace a bit, making her way towards her locker, the metal door coming into view.

As Charmel reached her locker, she was interrupted by the appearance of Kai, who had just turned the corner and spotted her.

"Hey Charmel," he greeted with a casual wave, joining her at her locker.

Charmel returned the greeting, a small smile tugging at her lips as she turned her combination lock. "Hey, Kai," she replied, her casual tone masking the flutter in her chest at his presence.

Kai leaned against the locker beside Charmel's, folding his arms across his chest. He watched her fiddling with the combination lock, his eyes flickering with a hint of curiosity.

"So, what's got you so lost in thought today?" he asked, a touch of playful concern in his voice.

"That none of your business." Charmel's response was quick and slightly defensive, her protective instincts kicking in, making her hesitant to reveal her thoughts.

Kai raised an eyebrow at her quick retort, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Jeez, no need to get all defensive. Just trying to make conversation," he said, his tone light and teasing.

Charmel continued her walk down the hallway, her eyes scanning the class lists pinned on the wall outside each door. She searched for her name, feeling a flutter of anticipation in her stomach as she approached her assigned class.

Her steps slowed down, uncertainty creeping in as she neared her classroom. Would Chika be in the same class this year?

Finally, Charmel located her name on one of the class lists. She glanced down the sheet, her heart fluttering anxiously as she skimmed down the rows of names.

Then, her eyes lit up, spotting a familiar name. Chika, written in neat print, was listed in the same class assignment.

Charmel's eyes widened as she continued to scan the class list and saw two more names that she recognized. Kai and Leo, their familiar lettering confirming that they too were assigned to the same class as her and Chika.

"where still classmates this school year, Charmel." Chika said

Charmel's head snapped in the direction of Chika's voice, a wave of relief washing over her. She found her best friend standing beside her, a playful smirk on her face.

"Yeah, it seems like we are," Charmel replied, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

As Charmel and Chika continued their conversation, they were interrupted by the arrival of Kai and Leo.

"Hey, you two," Kai greeted with a charming smile. "Looks like we're stuck together in this school year."

Chika rolled her eyes playfully at Kai's comment. "And here we were hoping for a break from you two troublemakers," she quipped, a teasing glint in her eyes.

Charmel navigated through the classroom, her eyes scanning for an empty desk. She located one near the back, next to Chika's usual seat.

As she settled into her seat, Charmel pulled out her notebook and pencils from her bag, preparing for the start of class. The air was filled with the hum of other students chatting and finding their own seats.

The class fell silent as a woman entered the classroom, her authoritative presence commanding attention.

Stussy Momo, their new homeroom teacher, stood at the front of the room, her eyes scanning over the sea of students.

"Good morning, everyone," she began in a firm but friendly tone. "As you're aware, I'll be your homeroom teacher this year."

Stussy Momo continued, addressing the entire class.

"I'd like each of you to stand and introduce yourself, please."

The class exchanged glances, a mix of nerves and anticipation among them. One by one, students stood up, making their way to the front of the room to introduce themselves to the class.

then a stand up "My name is Aaron Rodriguez I'm I am a member of the exorcist club"

As the last student finished their introduction, Chika stood up, exuding an air of confidence.

"My name is Chika Lee," she began, her smile radiant. "But people call me Chika. I love fashion, shopping, and all things sparkly. And I don't have time for useless boys, so don't bother hitting on me." She chuckled, the class laughing along with her playful warning.

"That's my Chika" Charmel cheerfully said

Charmel couldn't help but let a proud grin spread across her face as Chika made her introduction. She knew her friend's confidence and sass, but seeing her in action still amused her.

"That's definitely our Chika," Charmel agreed, her voice filled with affection.

Kai stood up next, a charming smile on his lips.

"Hey, I'm Kai Thompson," he began, his voice smooth and friendly. "I'm a member of the music club, and I play the guitar. But I have a secret talent for magic tricks, so be prepared to be amazed."

Leo stepped forward, his usual laid-back demeanor in place.

"Name's Leon hard, but everyone calls me Leo," he began with a nonchalant shrug. "I'm not in any clubs 'cause I like to keep things low-key. I enjoy video games and hanging out with friends."

Charmel stood up confidently, the attention of the class now on her. She wasn't one for grand speeches or showmanship, so she kept it simple.

"My name is Charmel Gülisk," she repeated, her tone calm and steady. "I don't have any clubs or special talents to share thats all.''

The room fell silent, some students waiting for more information. However, Charmel had said all she wanted to say. Her true interests and hobbies were best kept to herself. Chika, Kai and Leo exchanged amused glances, aware of Charmel's reluctance to disclose too much about herself.

"Very well then," Stussy Momo, their homeroom teacher, interjected, breaking the momentary silence. "Thank you for introducing yourselves, everyone."

The teacher continued with the class, launching into a brief discussion about the expectations and rules for the new school year.

Charmel half-listened, her thoughts straying from the teacher's words. Her mind was occupied with the familiar faces around her. Chika, Kai, and Leo sat nearby, their presence both comforting and distracting.