
Believe Me

After college, the children of the DEB must gather at the SEB Secretariat of the Faculty of Economics because they have to start supervising the work programs of each department. It was quiet there because the others were still studying. There are only a few majors that have finished college. The third-level Management Department has finished college, and Ardilo went straight to the SEB secretariat. Ardilo immediately opened his laptop and saw the work progress of each department. A few moments later, Yola came after Ardilo to the SEB secretariat.

"Why are you alone?" said Yola in a friendly manner.

Ardilo looked towards the door. Yola entered with a smile.

"The others haven't finished their studies yet. Most of those who have finished go home first or eat," said Ardilo.

"Here, I bought a drink. I also bought batagor for you," said Yola, then handed a glass of sweet drink and batagor that was still warm in the styrofoam for Ardilo.

Yola had deliberately bought it for Ardilo. For some reason, her heart just moved when she passed the canteen, suddenly she thought of Ardilo.

"You're bothering, Yol," said Ardilo in a friendly manner.

Yola smiled shyly, "Don't worry, Di. I just remembered that you haven't had lunch yet. Come on, eat it, don't hesitate."

"Wow... thank you very much, Yol. I'm really hungry," said Ardilo, then took the batagor and ate it voraciously.

Yola was so happy because Ardilo was willing to accept the batagor. Now he is also drinking the drink that Yola bought.

"Fresh, right, Di?" asked Yola.

"Yes. I just found out that this taste is delicious. Again, thank you," replied Ardilo and then continued eating.

They chatted with each other without knowing that Stefa had been peeking at the two of them. Stefa knew that Yola was a girl who was known to be kind, friendly, and caring. But for some reason, her hunch said otherwise. There was something different about the way Yola treated Ardilo. Like someone who has other feelings like people falling in love.

"I... I want to say something... " said Yola. Suddenly she became nervous.

"Just talk. But I'm eating," said Ardilo.

"I actually...." Yola was cut off by the sudden arrival of Stefa.

"Wow, wow, it's delicious, Ardilo, eating batagor alone. I'm also hungry," said Stefa, who suddenly appeared to break the atmosphere.

Yola finally failed to say something to Ardilo.

"Here, eat together. I'm not finished either, Stef," said Ardilo, handing his half batagor to Stefa.

"But that's what I bought for you, Di," said Yola, a little disappointed.

"Oh, don't be like that. Just keep eating," said Stefa. She began to suspect Yola's attitude.

Ardilo felt that there was something different about Yola's attitude today. Suddenly he was worried that Stefa would misunderstand and tell Taera this. Ardilo doesn't want Taera to misunderstand.

"It's okay, Stef. Don't be like that. Yol, sorry, Stefa also wants to eat," said Ardilo to Yola.

Yola was just about to protest, But then, Arin, Yuna, and Putra came. The three of them came together.

"Why fight over food? Here I bring food and drink. Don't fight anymore," said Yuna, bringing fried food, batagor, bubble tea, and much more.

"Yes, it's very crowded from outside. Let's eat together first," said Putra.

Finally, they were busy taking food and drinks. Stefa finally relented with Yola. They also eat together. Stefa became convinced that Yola did have feelings for Ardilo.


After the meeting, Stefa went to Taera's boarding house. Today, Taera's schedule is free. So, she's already at the boarding house. Stefa came with food for dinner together.

"Eat first, Tae. Continue to do the work later. I haven't done it yet. It's too late for you to be so diligent," said Stefa as she unwrapped her food.

"It's good. I'm diligent, Stef. It's just that my diligence was buried far away, and I just dug it up," Taera said defensively.

"This must have influenced Ardilo. You became more active and eager to learn. Starting to be different from before," said Stefa sincerely.

"Yes... I admit it, Ardilo influences me. But I want to change. My life is like this forever. I also want to move forward," said Taera, who was ready to eat her food.

"Btw, I want to have a serious chat with you. But don't be angry, okay?" said Stefa, suddenly.

"What are you talking about?" Taera asked, then chewed her food.

"I think Yola loves Ardilo. She cares about Ardilo. I'm sure she's secretly hiding her feelings for Ardilo," said Stefa.

Taera chewed her food casually, "So?"

"So? Well, why don't you just shut up? Find out with Ardilo, "said Stefa, annoyed.

"Ardilo has already told me that he is close to Yola, but she's just a friend. Besides, Yola already has a boyfriend," Taera said casually.

Stefa was irritated by Taera's innocence. It seemed that she trusted Ardilo too much.

"You're innocent, Tae. Seriously, from her attitude this afternoon, it looks really good," said Stefa, who was annoyed with Taera.

"Just calm down. I'll ask Ardilo later. Just eat now. It's getting cold," Taera said, then ate voraciously.


Arriving at the boarding house, Stefa, who was still curious about Yola's attitude this afternoon, finally wanted to ask her close friends, Yuna and Yania. Stefa told the two of them what had happened last night.

Yuna just nodded while Yania responded to Stefa's words.

"They're close, closer than the two of us. But since Yola has a boyfriend, she's not that close to Ardilo anymore. Isn't that right, Yun?" Yania said.

"Yeah. But if you heard Stefa's story earlier, I don't think Yola may have feelings for Ardilo. But Ardilo is already dating Taera. So, don't worry. Ardilo is a loyal person," Yuna commented, which was greeted by Yania's nod.

"Okay, I hope Ardilo doesn't turn away. Just be careful if he hurts Taera's heart. I won't forgive him," said Stefa.


Taera, who was already preparing to sleep, suddenly thought about what Stefa had said earlier. She finally chatted with Ardilo to find out what happened. A few moments later, Ardilo called Taera. Taera picked it up.


"Taera, you believe in me, right?"

Tara was silent for a moment. She had not answered Ardilo's sudden question.

"Taera, I already told you that Yola and I are just friends. Yola has a boyfriend. And I have you. There's no way I could turn my back on you. I love you. So, please, trust me. I and her are just friends. Okay."

"Yes. I know. I'm just curious. Stefa might be worried about me because I'm her best friend."

"She just misunderstood. I know she means well. But really, Yola and I are just friends. I can't possibly turn my back on you."

"Yes. Thank you. Sorry I suddenly confide in the problem earlier."

"It's okay, dear. I'm glad you talked to me. Thank you for telling me this. We can straighten things out if there's a problem."

".Yes, I want to sleep first."

"Okay, good night, honey."


Taera hangs up the phone. She realized that in a relationship a sense of trust and trust is very important. Therefore, she is sure that Ardilo will not turn to Yola.

Happy reading :)

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