
Chapter 9

Parker reads the need, the desire in his eyes. This is a man she has been following into combat for two years. Her mind quickly concedes that it was all a game to her, but if she is going to wake up with a gaming console over her eyes, she wants one taste.

Parker reaches her hands into his hair. They have the same color hair, and she pulls his mouth down to hers.

Brax’s eyes are surprised as he feels Parker’s lips rub against his. He breathes in her breath through her lips, then the tip of her tongue touches his lip, and he explodes, deepening the connection at their mouths.

Brax’s haze subsides a little as he takes in her breath. He feels her body pressed against his and inhales a flowery, warm female scent he has never smelled before. He groans as his hips involuntarily press his dick into the warmth between her thighs. Parker moans as she feels his erection pressing against her center. Parker feels her core burn. Arousal shoots through her. Parker feels a wet arousal pool between her legs as she feels his hardness pressed against her most sensitive parts.

Parker wants nothing more than to strip off her armor and have this rugged male fuck her into oblivion.

A warning beep sounds in the room, indicating minutes before landing on the landmass’ surface. The press of command returns to the forefront of his mind.

Reluctantly, Brax pulls back his mouth and rests his cheek on hers.

“Parker…” Brax rests there for a few moments, holding her, feeling her soft curves against his hard angles. He needs time, but time is something he does not have at the moment.

“Are you real?” Parker whispers against Brax’s cheek, her lips grazing his skin lightly, sending shivers down his spine.

Brax bites lightly on her ear lobe, and intense heat spreads from Parker’s ear lobe down her neck, where Brax had licked her skin with his tongue.

“Yes, I’m real. The bigger question is, what are you doing here? How did you transport? And you are PW001, the primary sniper in my unit in this battlegroup?” Brax whispers into Parker’s ear, still holding her firmly against him

“Yes, I’m PW001. HelixI asked me to take a special mission for tonight. Where am I? Is this really real?” Parker took steady breaths in and out. Brax’s bite on her ear lobe was like a pinch. This was real.

“You are on a shuttle from the ICUS battlegroup. We are landing in a few minutes to secure the last landmass in the Beltway to contain Purix.” Brax held her tightly, trying to tell his muscles to release her from his grip so he could lead his warriors. He had difficulty comprehending that his most accurate and lethal sniper was this tiny Earthling female.

The battlegroups kept statistics, and PW001 consistently scored at the highest levels amongst all the battlegroups. Many commanders had requested the PW001 cyborg for other missions for the sniper’s skills.

“Oh, fuck me! I’m not on Earth?… This is real, really real.” Parker's breath hitches. “I think I’m going to….” Her breath speeds up. She’s having a hard time getting the air in and out. Transport. Brax. Beltway. Brax. Mission. Brax. Parker’s mind starts spinning, trying to accept her situation. She is in space, going into battle, no longer on Earth.

She feels a gentle pressure on her chest as her breathing becomes labored.

“Just breath. I will take care of you.” Brax presses his palm in Parker’s chest, trying to calm her. She had many shocks to her system, but he needed her - not only for him to start their melding, but she was his expert sniper, and his warriors needed her. Parker feels a sense of warming, calm, confidence, and protection through his palm on her sternum.

Parker closes her eyes and slows her breathing. She feels connected to Brax. She can feel his strength pouring into her from the palm of his hand. His commanding presence cal

ms her.

“Ok, I’m good.” Parker rests her hands on his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his muscles beneath her hands, man, he was huge. She runs her hands along his shoulders, relishing the feel of a hard, muscular male beneath her hands.

Brax signs under her touch, but duty calls. Years of discipline spur his arms to let her down to stand on her feet slowly, but he was not quite ready to release her yet—just one moment more.

“We need to go. The mission is about to begin. But what is this mouth to mouth?” Brax asked, placing his lips against the corner of her mouth.

“A kiss. Don’t you know what a kiss is? How do you show affection, attraction?” Her lips teased lightly against Brax’s.

“Hmmm, I like this kiss. But Arcturians use other parts of the body to show attraction.” He presses his hard cock against the juncture of her thighs, and heated wanting surges through him.

Brax stops pressing and rests his head against Parker’s forehead. He breathes in her scent, he has just calmed her, and now he needs to calm himself. Collect himself to get to the deployment ramp.

“We must go, but I am not finished with you. We will defeat Purix. You will need to stay close to me within my unit. Keep your helmet on, cloak activated, and the cyborg by your side. The cyborg’s programming has been changed for a full defense of you.” Brax reluctantly and with great difficulty releases Parker to stand on her own, but he keeps his hands on her arms, needing the physical connection.

“Brax,” Parker touches his arm. She also needs to touch him, “I need to be on the high ground behind your unit to do my job. To be effective. I can not see enemy movements from within the unit.”

Brax could only nod his head, clenching his jaw, struggling with not being able to keep her next to him.