
Archon Of Carnage: A Battle Against the Abyss

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, an unrelenting war rages on. The devourers, relentless hunters, stalk the living, while brave warriors rise to defend them. Amidst the chaos, one name echoes through the ranks: Cedric, a prodigious combatant who never backs down from a fight. His skill knows no bounds, but a treacherous secret lurks within him, a malevolent force born from the depths of the abyss, waiting to seize control. To emerge victorious, he must not only master his extraordinary powers but also confront the tempest of emotions raging within him. As Cedric succumbs to his insatiable thirst for power, he becomes blind to the consequences of his actions. Consequently, his adversaries bestow upon him the moniker of "Carnage."

Discordius · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs


Standing at the edge of the arena, a girl with luscious brown hair watched the fighters with a calm and composed demeanor. Her striking ruby-colored eyes, with slits like those of a tiger, appeared as if they were carved into her face, resembling a marble statue of a goddess, flawlessly chiseled to perfection. The combination of her serene gaze and regal appearance made her stand out from the crowd. Standing at Cedric's height, the girl was lost in thought, her feline-like eyes scanning the fighters with a sense of alertness and focus.

'An Odachi, huh. An odd choice of weapon. I know of only one other Odachi user still alive, uncle Chang Yun. I thought he was just a pervert. Seems like there's more to him than meets the eye.'

Meifeng was a beast-hybrid born to her father Tie Gu, a famed tiger bladesmith, and her mother a human. Catarina, an artisan just as renowned.

Her parents were fellow apprentices in the clan of swordsmiths. Tie Gu, being first in line to inherit the clan, disagreed with the clan elders' views of only forging swords, believing they were destined for more. To be able to craft the best equipment in the entire federation. And so, her father decided to abandon the clan, taking his share of resources out of the clan vault and a couple of like-minded craftsmen, permitted upon him by his father, as a final gesture of goodwill. Tie Gu eloped with Catarina, buying a planet a bit further away from the central area in the federation's Industrial sector.

Tie Gu used his experience and knowledge gained during his time as an apprentice to establish the Duan Shi clan. Known today as the most powerful clan of smiths, they provide the federation with superior equipment, proven to be invaluable in recapturing many planets and expanding the federation's borders.

Meifeng was always drawn to her uncle's combat style. She strived to incorporate it with her own, albeit preferring to use the katana, a weapon more commonly used in field warfare against the devourers, allowing for the user to quickly exercise fast strikes able to slip past the scales of the spawn of the abyss.

Meifeng decided to stop reminiscing about her uncle's style and focused on the fight being displayed on the monitors surrounding the main stage.

As the countdown began to roll, Dhan was sweating bullets. Looking at his opponent grabbing his oversized sword, Dhan started getting the feeling that this was a very bad idea. Looking at Cedric, the radiant smile now gone from his face, replaced by a serious expression radiating sharpness.

Looking at the edge of that monstrosity held in his hands, Dhan's heartbeat began to rise. 'This guy ain't no joke. Me and my big mouth. Why did I even agree to fight him? Siegward must have some strange talent in attracting monsters.'

Now holding the Odachi on his left side with both hands slightly behind him, the blade parallel to the ground, Cedric's mind enters a trance. His breathing is calm, his gaze firmly focused on his opponent's shoulders and feet.

As soon as the countdown hits zero, announcing the start of the battle, Cedric rapidly advances towards Dhan. His shoulders and knees are tucked, and his oversized sword trails behind him.

Dhan begins to ruminate over his options. 'Do I strike his exposed right side? Do I evade? What is he planning on doing? I'll go with a stab to his kidney. That should do the trick. He should be slowed down enough for me to go in for a backstab.'

Cedric, now almost upon Dhan, felt time slow to a standstill. Feeling his opponent's gaze, Cedric decides to throw a feint. Moving his Odachi slightly above his head, indicating he is about to perform a diagonal strike, Cedric scans his opponent's gaze and leg movement. Predicting that Dhan is not willing to bet on himself being faster than Cedric, he sees Dhan pivoting his right foot in the direction of the strike.

'Sigh, I expected more. Come on, please tell me you're not about to do as I predict you will.'

Seeing that Dhan is committed to redirecting the strike before advancing, his shoulders now facing in the direction of the massive edge, his eyes widening in fear as if staring at a scythe of death about to decapitate him, Cedric steels his mind. Lowering his sword back down towards the ground, bringing his weapon's hilt closer to his body, he crouches and performs a sweeping slash.

Now facing Dhan with his back, Cedric is about to perform a flowing step to his left into a spinning rising slash. Feeling his hit strike true, confirming the sound of his opponent's lower half hitting the ground, Cedric's mind grinds to a halt.

He stands and turns to look at his opponent. Dhan, severed in half, disappears into glowing motes of light.

Frowning, Cedric is now haunted by the thought that he might not ever find a decent fight against his peers. Fated to face others above his rank, he is not sure whether it's good or bad.

Good in the sense that he's strong, yet bad in the sense that his generation is doomed to fail, further accentuating the reminder of The Forge's trials looming over their head like a guillotine.

Heya guys! Discordius here. I have been left unsatisfied with the way the beginning four chapters of the novel have been written.

As a small gift, i wish to tell you that I have gone ahead and remade them from scratch.

I would very much like for you guys to have a read and give me your opinions be it with comments or reviews. They are, after all, what drives me to keep on writing and improving my skill as an author.

Have a fun read.

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