
Archive of Omnipotent

You will see one of the most overpower protagonist.

RealityGod · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In the empty expanse of the void, a soul drifted without a direction. It doesn't know how long it has been here. It only knows that its name was Alice and it died when it was hit by a truck.

As it was drifting as it did for thousands of millennium, a bright light hit her. It inspected the assailant and found that it vaguely looked like a truck.

'Did it came here to finish its job?' That thought made her non-existent eyebrows twitch.

When woke up, she felt something different. Something very different and it gave a very familiar feeling. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She saw her body. Yes, now she had a body.

Suddenly, a maid barged into the room. She looked quizzically at the maid as she ran and hugged her.

"You are awake young miss? That is why I told you not to provoke young master. Luckily, he decided to lenient with you as you are his younger sister. If not, this matter won't be ended with just whipping you until you passed out," the maid talked non-stop.

'WTF. What kind of guy would whip his little sister until she passed out. Wait, what is happening?' she thought confused.

Sadly, her confusion didn't remain for long as she passed out. She began to process the former body owner's memories.

She woke up again. The maid still beside her bed. This time she had her memories back and knew what happened now.

The maid stared at her tearfully, "young miss, the master had disowned and exiled you to a desolate region". Then she started to cry. "Master had ordered you to go alone. So, I can't go with you please forgive me," the maid cried more.

Even though she was confused, she silently planned her paths. As of now, she has only one path, death. As she was brainstorming, she noticed something in her sea of consciousness. She probed it mentally and it unfurled as the world stopped.


Alice is currently inside a carriage as she went toward the desolate region, the Valley of Butterfly slowly. The Valley of Butterfly is a beautiful name but it is more like an execution site as it is one of the most dangerous lands in the world.

The valley is indeed very beautiful but billions of soul-sucking butterflies reside there. Soul-sucking butterflies are vicious beasts that can literary suck the souls out of the body of their unfortunate preys.

The world she currently in is called the Anima and it has two layers. The mortal layer called the Idle Globe where mortals with no cultivation and magic live and the Phantom Lands where cultivators and mages reside. The two layers are very close yet separated by a very thin veil.

This world is pretty large as there are many untouched lands. The strongest forces in this world are four factions called Silver Moon clan, Church of Brilliant Sun, Abyssal Sea, and Mage Tower. The previous owner of the body was the daughter of the head of the Silver Moon clan.

Even though she was the daughter of the head, she was the trash with no cultivation talent so, in the Silver Moon clan, her position was worse than animals. The only people good to her was that maid she saw when she woke up.

Ever since her talent in cultivation was revealed to be non-existent, she didn't saw her parents anymore. Her brother was the opposite of her as he is handsome and has heaven-defying talent in the cultivation whereas she was plain-looking and trash. Other people would have killed themselves in despair but the original owner didn't care that much. She lived quite carefreely. She didn't care about any kind of gossips, rumours and being looked down on. Before dying, she lived quite a satisfying live according to her.

The reason for her punishment AKA her death was because of her brother. Her brother wanted to gift her to a friend of his. When the original owner heard that, she immediately stormed into his chamber and slapped him. Her brother immediately punished her and her father disowned and exiled her to this desolate land to appease her brother.

As she was contemplating, the carriage stopped and the door was opened. The driver rudely grasped her hand and attempted to threw her off from the carriage. She laughed at his attempt as he slowly realizes that he can't move her.

She smiled coldly and flicked her finger which caused the man to be blown away and collided with a tree. She gracefully stepped down from the carriage as her long dark hair which at the length of her waist flow behind her.

She smiled mockingly at now slack jaw driver and flew away at sub-sonic speed. She flew toward a nearby mountain cave and transformed it into a comfortable abode. Then, she took a look at her power, Archive of Omnipotent. The world stopped as she opened it.

Archive of Omnipotent is one of the most powerful things in existence. She opened it and countless amounts of powers appeared. It has every power and she can use all of them. Now, she is using [Absolute Invulnerability], [Absolute Strength] [Absolute Speed] [No Fatigue] [Hunger Immunity] [True Immortality] [Infinite Energy] [Wield All-Energy] [Absolute Existence] [Creation] [Supreme Observation] and [Power Bestowal]. She decided that only that much power would be enough.

She added [Space-Time Manipulation] to the list and closed the archive. After that, she took off toward the direction of the mortal realm. She landed at a mountain not far from the mortal world and blew a hole in the middle of the mountain. After that, she went inside the hole and hide the entrance with space-time manipulation. She even placed a teleportation gate just to be sure. She then expands the hole by manipulating the space inside it. After the hole is as big as a mansion, she covered the ground with a soft and comfortable stone.

They are stone but they are soft, spongy and comfortable. She placed a soft mat above it. She started to create T.V and snacks. After that, she bestowed the T.V with [Supreme Observation] and started to watch anime from it. All and all, her life is great.