
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Kỳ huyễn
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62 Chs


"Now, do you understand?"

At this moment, Hestoria spoke again, her tone carrying a hint of playfulness.

"If you don't reclaim Night Raven City, you won't get the exclusive magic potion. Without pushing your family's Breathing Technique cultivation to the extreme, you naturally won't be able to advance to the high level Knight."

"Of course, you have another choice."

"That is to start cultivating other Breathing Techniques from now on. However, by doing so, you will face many problems and may even spend more time."

As she spoke, Hestoria spread her hands.

"So, I suggest you reconsider my conditions!"

"No need to consider."

Sauron shook his head and said, "I agree to Second Prince's conditions!"

Since advancing to the high level Knight realm requires the exclusive magic potion, reclaiming Night Raven City is an imminent task for Sauron. After all, he has already advanced to the intermediate level Knight.

For his next cultivation, he must use the exclusive magic potion.

"Very well!"

Getting the answer she wanted, Hestoria nodded and said, "Since you are willing to accept my conditions, I will help you apply for an early graduation from the Holy Splendor Academy."

Sauron nodded, pondered, and then said, "However, with my current strength, it may be difficult to return to the Western border and inherit Night Raven City."

"I wonder how Second Prince plans to help me?"

"You don't need to worry about this."

A domineering expression appeared on Hestoria's face as she said, "Since I promised to help you reclaim Night Raven City, I will naturally provide you with enough support!"

"Two hundred Red Feather Guards, plus a high-level Knight, how about that?"

Sauron's heart skipped a beat.

Hestoria, as the Second Princess, was indeed a powerful candidate in the struggle for the throne. With just one move, she dispatched a high-level Knight. At the same time, there were two hundred Red Feather Guards.

Regarding the so-called Red Feather Guard, Sauron didn't know much, but he had heard that it was a guard directly under Hestoria. Each member was a fully armed elite soldier.

"Apart from this, I'll give you five thousand gold coins."

At this point, Hestoria spoke again, saying, "Consider it as the startup fund for your development in the Western border after reclaiming Night Raven City."

"Many thanks, Second Prince!"

Sauron nodded, a glint of gratitude in his eyes.

It seemed that Hestoria was eager to develop in the Western border, and her support for him involved a considerable investment.

Five thousand gold coins might not be much in Hestoria's eyes, but for some minor nobles, it might be equivalent to several decades of accumulation, or even the sum of their wealth.

"All right, you can go now."

Hestoria waved her hand and said lightly, "Prepare well. Recently, I will arrange for someone to escort you back to the Western border after reclaiming Night Raven City."

"Reclaiming Night Raven City may not be difficult, but how to stand firm in the Western border is up to you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

After Hestoria issued the Expulsion Order, Sauron bowed and left.

In the hall, only Hestoria remained.

Tap, tap, tap!

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came, and the Red Knight Myrcella appeared behind Hestoria, looking thoughtful as she watched Sauron leave.

"What's wrong?" Hestoria said with a smile.

"Your Highness said before that one Sauron was not enough to make you stand against the nobles of the Western border. Is that still true?" Myrcella hesitantly asked.

"I changed my mind."

Hestoria's eyes flickered as she lightly said, "The previous Sauron indeed wasn't worth me paying this much, but now it's different!"

"Night Raven City, belonging to the Swain family, has been occupied by people from White Valley City. As the legitimate heir to Night Raven City, Sauron has every reason to reclaim the family's territory."

"Under these circumstances, any assistance I provide to Sauron is standing on the side of justice. Even the old fox in the Western border can't find fault with it."

As she spoke, Hestoria's expression became complex.

"Apart from this, what Sauron did is also worth my assistance!"

Myrcella's face showed a hint of confusion.

"Clearly, he is already overwhelmed, yet he is willing to offend Count Ryan for a friend."

"Such qualities, aren't they worth it?"

Hearing Hestoria's words, Myrcella looked thoughtful and then said, "What about... Count Ryan? What should we do about the batch of Madblood Potions? After all, they belong to him. Keeping them now, Count Ryan probably won't just let it go."

"Heh, Count Ryan?"

Hestoria sneered, faintly saying, "Just a dog following Andel, dare to call himself the underground king? He should have been dealt with long ago."

"This time, we have a chance to let him recognize his place!"

A hint of coldness flashed in Hestoria's eyes.

"I understand, Your Highness."

Myrcella nodded and said, "I don't know who Your Highness plans to send to escort Sauron to Night Raven City?"

"How about you?" Hestoria said with a smile.

"Your Highness is joking."

Myrcella shook her head and said, "If I were sent to Night Raven City, all the arrangements you made in the capital would be completely disrupted."

"Just kidding."

Hestoria shrugged, a mischievous expression on her face, and said, "Regarding the matter of going to the Western border, I plan to send Conrad."

"Uh..." Myrcella looked strange, hesitating.

"How is it? Interesting, isn't it?"

Hestoria's lips curled upwards as she said, "If that Night Raven Knight is still alive and sees Conrad guarding his family, it should be quite amusing."

Myrcella shook her head helplessly but didn't say anything more.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

After becoming Hestoria's follower, Sauron temporarily lost contact. After returning from the estate to the dormitory, he began preparations to leave for the Western border.

Before long, the graduation notice from the Holy Splendor Academy was handed to Sauron.

Without even a graduation ceremony, everything happened quickly. Sauron was not only surprised but once again witnessed the strength of the Second Princess Hestoria.

Soon, Sauron received a notice from the Second Princess.

On an open space outside the capital, two hundred Red Feather Guards were ready. The cold and indifferent Conrad Knight, whom Sauron had seen before, stood there.

"Indeed, a high-level Knight!"

A thought crossed Sauron's mind. Last time they met, he felt a strong imposing manner from Conrad Knight. Now it seemed that he was indeed a high-level Knight.

"Let's depart."

Conrad, riding a black horse, spoke in a dull voice with a hint of hoarseness.


Sauron nodded, then mounted a white horse beside him.