
Divine Root Academy

"Zane wake up..."


"Wake up Zane..."


"Wake up!"


Jumping in surprise, Zane accidentally hit his head on the roof of the carriage. "Ouch!"

"Finally awake eh?"

Looking at the person in front of him which was his brother Victor, he smiled wryly. Victor chuckled at his smile as he pointed at the window of the carriage.

Looking at the direction his brother was pointing, Zane was a bit surprised. There was a very large building where countless of students wearing robes with an insignia of a golden tree walked around.

They had finally arrived at their destination.

The Divine Root Academy!

This was the place where his father, mother studied and was the place where his brother was currently studying at! It was one of the Four Great Academies of the World!

Children of different races all over the world gather to study in the prestigious academies. Many heirs to various titles studied in these academies. Of course, not only noble-born studied here. At least 20% of the students in the 4 Great Academies were commoners by birth but one should not underestimate them.

Over the history of Arcadia, there were many commoners who became legends famous throughout the world. Therefore, who knew if that commoner you bullied was someday going to become someone with great strength? Then wouldn't that be no different from digging their own graves?

Zane looked at the people curiously. Some of them didn't seem stronger than him. As if knowing what he was thinking, Victor laughed. "If you are asking why they don't seem to be much stronger than you, then the answer would be because they aren't a monster like you."


While the brothers were busy chatting with each other, they didn't notice that a crowd was gathering around them.

"Hey, is the crown prince of the Auserwalt Empire back?"

"I hear that the crown prince brought his little brother here to study."

"I heard that the second prince was a genius seen every 10 thousand years."

"Forget that! I hear that even though he is still young, he is already more handsome than an elf! Just imagine when he grows up."

"I hear..."

Countless of rumors about Zane were spoken as they arrived. After some minutes, the carriage door was finally open. There Zane and Victor went down and ignored the crowd as they walked towards the academy to meet the dean.

Victor looked around the university looking for the dean. From what Zane heard from Victor, the dean was different from normal deans. He was someone who was like a mischievous child and liked to walk around the Academy.

Zane turned left and right to help looking for the dean and soon spotted an old man walking nearby. Zane pointed at him and asked. "Hey, is that the dean?"

Victor looked the person Zane pointed at as he ran towards the latter.


The old man looked at Victor and Zane behind him.

"Hello there Victor. Is this young man your brother?"

The dean gave a friendly smile at Zane. Victor nodded and said. "His name is Zane, I think the insignia for the Batch 465 of the Divine Root Academy is with you right?"

"That's right. Tell the little fellow to come here."

"Zane, come meet the dean of the academy."

Zane walked towards the dean as he gave a basic etiquette greeting with a smile.

"Truly a handsome and talented boy. You will definitely shine within your peers just like your brother did. Here, take this insignia. This represents your identity as a student of the Divine Root Academy from the 465th Branch."

The dean then handed him a golden badge with the insignia of the academy with the number 465 written in it.

The dean then clapped his hands. "Now that it's taken care of, I'm now needed elsewhere. I'll see you later your majesties."

After speaking, the dean then turned around and disappeared. Zane was baffled and amazed at the dean's strength. Victor smiled at his amazement and spoke proudly. "The dean is a mage who has the elements of fire and wind. He is also one of the High Mages in the world."

Zane was excited and amazed. After all, who wouldn't want such a strong person on their side? As the second prince of the most powerful human empire in the world, he naturally had information unknown to most people. Once a person becomes a mage, they would have grading on their strength. Apprentice Mage was the starting point of every mage, then becoming a Junior Mage, Senior Mage, Master Mage, Grandmaster Mage, High Mage then the ancient and lost Divine Mage.

If it were tens of thousand years ago, then there might be one or two Divine Mages, but soon the method of becoming one has been lost in history. Therefore, a High Mage was the now the pinnacle of what a mage could reach. Even their empire didn't have any information regarding the legendary stage.

However, despite his curious and cheerful attitude, Zane had a very big ambition and different side. He was someone who wanted to reach a point where no one had ever reached before. Becoming a Divine Mage was just one of it. He was cold to his enemies and kind to his allies, it was very simple.

And with his kind of unlimited potential born into him, he was naturally happy. Though he seldom complained about training, he was actually very serious about it. The Auserwalt Empire became the most powerful human empire because of it's strength. Leo Auserwalt, Zane's father, was a High Mage as well. He had many loyal and trusted subordinates who helped him stabilize the throne as well.

Zane snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at the insignia in his hand. This was just a step to his ambition! His eyes burned with determination as he clenched his hands.

Victor smiled at his brother's actions as he flicked his head. "Before you think of anything else, we must hurry up and go to your dorm to prepare for your things for your class located at the 4th Hall and 7th Room to the right."

Victor gestured him to follow as he started walking towards a large-sized building and pointed at it.

"That building is your whole dorm. It's where you would be staying until you become a Junior Mage and transfer to the first circle or until you are 30 where you are kicked out, but with your potential, I highly doubt that. As for why it is large, I think you already know the answer to that."

Zane naturally understood what his brother meant and just nodded. Victor handed him a magic key that could only activated by him in order to open the door to his mansion-like dorm.

"Now that it's settled, you should go change into your academy uniform and robes. I think you would look even more dashing and would become the prince of countless women in the academy. I should also get going ad I also have some matters to attend to."

Victor took off without even giving him the chance to answer. Zane smiled wryly as he turned towards his large dorm and entered it.

Inside it wasn't really eye-catching to Zane. With his family's wealth, it could be said that even if countless of jewels were placed in front of him, he even wouldn't bat an eyelid.

However, it was a very peaceful and comfortable to stay at unlike the noisy palace.

He scanned the whole place from top to bottom, going to every room and looked for anything suspicious his brother might have placed.

At the palace, his brother was famous for being a prankster as he played countless of pranks at the maids and guards. After checking that there was nothing, he sighed in relief and soon spotted uniforms and robes lined up at wardrobe.

He picked one set of uniform and wore a brand new mage robe hanging on his back as he looked at the mirror. His brother was right, it made him look even more dashing which complimented his immature but extremely handsome looks. His silver-golden colored hair flowing on his head, sharp eyebrows, beautiful and supple lips, white and smooth skin that even a woman would be jealous of. It was an appearance every men would want and any women would dream of being with.

After changing into new clothes, he soon left the dorm and headed to the class his brother had told him to.

"Let's see here... 7th room to the right..."

"Ah! Here it is."

After locating the room, he double checked if there was anything wrong with his attire. After making sure there was nothing, he knocked on the door as he opened it gracefully as the whole class looked at him with the professor who was in the middle of teaching.

"Ahem... May I help you?"

"Nice to meet you professor. My name is Zane, a new student here, and I believe I belong to this class?"