
Arcane Algorithm

In a world where magic is as real as the air we breathe, a former programmer named Carl, a young reincarnated soul, stands out not for the purity of his power, but for his peculiarity. With a colorless magical core, a symbol of weakness in the eyes of the ignorant, Carl is the embodiment of a raw diamond. He finds his way to the Arcane Academy, a cradle of wizards and mysteries, where truths are as enigmatic as the spells taught. "Help? Sure! What do I get out of it? Nothing? Well then, goodbye," Carl said to a student. "WHAT? You want me to kneel? With a fart of mine, the heavens and the earth shall tremble! Get out of my sight!" Carl shouted at an emperor. "Do we need to travel a great distance to gather many resources for the territory? No problem, I'll conjure an airplane," Carl exclaimed to his friend.

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15 Chs

The Refinement of Digital Elements

The technique, meticulously detailed, revealed a series of instructions on how to refine and store refined mana, associating it with its respective element in the core. The refining process was complex, requiring the practitioner to enter a state of deep meditation. In this state, they should visualize the raw energy of mana, as they had done to sense it earlier. Through a combination of controlled breaths and precise visualization, each individual's unique way of sensing mana was gradually transformed, becoming something clearer and more serene, until the purification process was complete. In the technique book, there was an example featuring a practitioner of the water element, described as the river example: clarifying the water was the refinement; then, the river needed to flow into the core for the purified water to be stored.

"I see, so those with an affinity for the water element need to sense mana like a river of turbid waters. Then, they must purify the water, making it clear and tranquil, and finally, let that purified water flow into the core," Carl murmured to himself, processing the information. The concept was fascinating, suggesting a profound interaction between the mind and the element. He wondered what it would be like with other elements - a strong wind calming down, a flame burning with control, or earth shaping into various forms.

Next, a basic breathing technique was described, and its importance was also emphasized. It was written that the speed and volume of the river were determined by the breathing technique. The following pages contained drawings and descriptions of how to use the technique. "This seems like a simple way to increase oxygen in the blood, but it's incredibly subtle. This thing must increase next to nothing, but that's my take. Maybe there's something hidden in this breathing method that's the secret," Carl thought as he analyzed the breathing technique. To him, it seemed like just a simple technique to increase the oxygen in the blood. On Earth, there were several of these, and this one, in particular, seemed to be of very low quality.

After reading about how to perform the technique, Carl settled cross-legged on the bunk. He closed his eyes, cleared his mind, and began to breathe according to the method described in the basic technique. In the darkness of his mind, Carl focused on recalling the sensation of the elements. In less than a minute, something remarkable happened: binary numbers began to appear in his mental vision, falling like rain, or perhaps like snowflakes, each one glowing with a soft light. They seemed to dance to the rhythm of his breath, changing in speed and intensity as Carl deepened his concentration.

Carl opened his eyes slightly and noticed that his surroundings were bathed in the colors of all the elements, creating a spectacle of sparkling lights. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of this," he thought, a subtle smile forming on his lips. Closing his eyes again, he dove back into his meditation. This time, he contemplated how to adapt the example of the water element practitioner to his specific case. Carl had a natural affinity for all the elements, and he interpreted them as bytes, resulting in this cascade of binaries.

Immersed in his unique experience, Carl began to manipulate the binary data streams. He visualized each byte as a representation of a specific element, identifying them among the stream of 0s and 1s. Through intense concentration, he started organizing these binaries, grouping them according to their corresponding elements: fire, water, earth, air, light, and shadow, each forming a distinct byte. The seventh byte, the 'mana' matrix, was a more complex entity, acting as a container for all the others.

As Carl deepened his meditation, he realized that, unlike the water practitioner, he didn't need to purify each element because he was dealing with binaries; they were just 0s and 1s, and the number one wasn't dirty like river water. Instead, his challenge was organization and synthesis. He pictured his brain as a powerful processor and his core as a vast and efficient RAM memory. In this analogy, his job was to compile the elemental bytes efficiently and harmoniously, creating perfectly optimized code.

Carl began 'building' the elemental bytes, visualizing them as fundamental building blocks in his mind. He aligned them meticulously, each byte being placed in its specific place within the 'mana' matrix. As each byte clicked into place, he felt a wave of energy flowing through his being, a sign that the mana was being organized correctly.

Finally, with all the bytes in place within the 'mana' matrix, Carl proceeded to storage. He visualized the complete matrix transferring to the core, his personal RAM memory. This was done with immense care, ensuring that each byte maintained its integrity during the process. As if performing a highly sensitive data transfer, he imagined the 'mana' matrix settling securely and stably within the core.

With the 'mana' matrix now stored, Carl felt an indescribable sense of power and fulfillment. A wave of warmth coursed through his body, as if every cell vibrated with the newly acquired energy. "Phew, finally, the first byte is in my core. How many will it take to fill it?" Carl pondered internally, his mental voice blending into a sigh. As he looked inside himself, into the heart of his being, his core, once a transparent and inert sphere, now pulsed with new life. A single multicolored drop, shimmering with a prismatic splendor. It was as if an entire universe of possibilities was encapsulated in that tiny drop of light. Carl didn't yet know it, but that drop represented the purest and most complex manifestation of mana that had ever existed in that world. It was the condensed essence of all the elements, a microcosm of raw and refined power. The glow emanating from the drop illuminated Carl's core, casting dancing shadows that seemed to move to the rhythm of his breath.

In this chapter, we can conclude that the computational power of Carl's brain is something unbelievable.

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