
Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Faced with a certain death, Kyle has no other choice but to gamble. He was warned that he could perish in the Arcane Academy, but he gritted his teeth and took the risk... and because of his decision, he unveiled many secrets about this mysterious world, discovered many mystical practices, touched upon forbidden relics that would change his life, and gained the enmity of powerful existences. Thankfully, he didn't transmigrate alone. The Divine Extraction System was with him as he treaded his chosen Arcane Path… *** 14-17 chapters per week. Early chapters are now being edited for quality purposes. Please bear with me.

xlntz · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
892 Chs


After noticing that Kyle's life force disappeared, Lesley bitterly smiled.

"It's a waste of another potion… Dex, collect the token and add this body to the third chamber." She spoke as if this had happened most of the time and called for someone's assistance.

Soon, a hooded man silently appeared… His lips are stitched with black strings, and can't utter any words. There are plenty of bruises and patches on his body like a zombie but he moves flawlessly like an experienced labourer.

Aside from this unusual appearance, he still appears clean as he wasn't emitting any foul smell.

As Dex carried the body, Lesley recalled something and changed her instruction.

"I forgot that this man has no affinity to any elements or any talent of sorts. I don't think Wexor would eat this thing. Just store his body in the mortuary… He can still be used as fuel or something…"

Dex paused for a moment after hearing Lesley's new instructions. He didn't show any form of acknowledgment, but instead of going to the basement, he continued to exit through the backdoor where the airship was waiting.

All the recruitment buildings have an airship owned by the Academy to transport all the enrollees to their academy grounds.

Lesley stayed in the recruitment building for another hour before shaking her head.

After staying here for a week, she had only successfully recruited two students for this academic year.

"No wonder no one wants to take this mission… It's impossible to recruit five people in this region. Tsk." Lesley muttered in annoyance.

She previously thought that she could earn easy contribution points after accepting this mission but she didn't expect the people around this area to be so pathetic…

After scanning the people outside one last time, she decided to leave the recruitment site and headed back to the academy together with the two newly recruited students and the corpses she collected.



Kyle's body was placed in a cold storage room filled with other dead bodies.

Kyle didn't know how much time had passed, but as soon as he regained consciousness, he felt like he was being suffocated. He tried moving his body and realized that he was in an awkward position.

'W-what's going on?'

He can't see anything. It was completely dark, and he wasn't sure if he went blind or he was affected by some sort of mystical effect brought by the potion he drank... Nevertheless, he started feeling the coldness of his surroundings and the stiff corpses he was piled into.

He extracted himself from the piled-up bodies before being able to breathe properly. He was cold and starving, but it was good to be alive…

Suddenly, before he could even understand his situation, he was welcomed by several panels with messages like notifications in some games he had played before.

[ Congratulations! You have activated the Divine Extraction System. ]

[ You can now extract and obtain mystical properties of this world. ]

This was the first message he saw, followed by a different panel.

[ You have died. ]

[ Your soul does not belong in this world. ]

[ Your soul has been rejected. ]

[ Restarting life. ]

[ You have come back from the dead. ]

[ Remarks: You have to use the system and absorb the mystical properties of this world so you can belong to this world and die the next time your life ceases. ]

"Huh? Rejected?"

Kyle was dumbfounded after reading the message.

"What's going on here?" He rubbed his eyes vigorously, but the message in the panel was still there. This is not an illusion!

Then, he saw a few more notifications after brushing away the earlier ones with his hands.

[ Human corpse has been discovered. Would you like to extract it? ]

"Hmm? Extract what?"

At this time, Kyle's eyes had already gotten used to the darkness, and he could now see the cold room he was sent into…

He confirmed that there were other bodies within the room and the thing that is giving him some bit of light was the glowing necklace of a dead person close to him.

Kyle didn't answer the message that appeared in his vision and was heard in his mind. He needed to consider this very carefully.

First of all, he didn't know what will he extract… Is it the bodily fluids of the dead?


Kyle shuddered at the thought of this, but he immediately recalled the first message.

"No, I can extract and obtain mystical properties… but does it mean that I'll belong to this world once I use the system?" Kyle muttered.

The reason he was still alive was that his soul was rejected, probably by someone who was managing the souls of the dead in this world.

Once he starts using his system, he will belong to this world, and he'll certainly die if he meets another unfortunate situation…

"Tsk… Where am I anyway?" Kyle muttered to himself as he only knew that he was in a cold and large room filled with dead bodies.

Other than that, he can tell that the bodies here are also around his age, twelve to fifteen years old, and they seem to have died, similar to how he died. Blood was oozing out in all of their orifices.

Surprisingly, he didn't feel too nervous or shocked after seeing the dead… It was weird. He still recalled his past life's memories where he couldn't even muster enough courage to take a glance at his uncle inside his casket.

He doesn't feel comfortable seeing a dead body…

"Is it because of the potion?" Kyle muttered before shaking his head.

Anyway, after seeing the dead, he immediately connected the dots and learned about his situation.

They were thrown in this cold storage room, and they'll probably be sent soon to the crematorium or worse, become a cadaver in Vermont Academy.

He believes that this suspicious academy that kills their applicants would certainly have a use for dead bodies aside from burying them.

Thud… Thud… Thud…

Suddenly, he heard the sound of turning gears, and in a few moments, he felt that their room was ascending.

Kyle's eyes lit up after noticing this. It seems that he was really inside the Academy's airship!