
Arcana: Online

After dying from terminal illness, Kim Iseul transmigrated into his favorite game, [Arcana: Online] wherein the game, players can create their very own characters. A world where there are only wooden mechanics and no modern science yet, with monsters roaming the world, existing magic, and war politics taking over everything. This is also a game where the player’s characters were actually especially made for the upcoming battle, a great war will one day descend upon them where they’ll have to face the Outer Gods, and one thing is certain, in the game [Arcana: Online] not a single player has yet been able to reach the ending of the story. Kim Iseul who transmigrates as a non-existing character was determined to see the end of the story no matter what. This is just a small favor compare to what the game had given him.

IrisClaire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: The fight between the tiger and the wolf

Seeing her appearance, the [Judge] "Iris" was angry that she started sending curse messages. I tried to ignore her words but couldn't help cussing in my heart as well. I frowned and glared at Joel.

Sensing my glare, Joel 'looked' over towards my direction and sneered as he muttered "So you really are from another world"

At my silence, even Sara became anxious. Because they know that the otherworldly beings are their world's enemy, they try to take things and harm people from this world. But, his different right? Zero…there's no way that he is from another world!

Sara bit her lower lip and shouted "Stop lying Joel!"

"Oh? But am I? How about you ask that person yourself?" Joel said as he crossed his arms. Sara 'looked' over towards my direction and said "It's not true, right? There's no way that you're from another world…right?"

I was silent and finally, Sara couldn't help but yell as tears came dripping from her eyes. "Speak up!"

Just as I was about to lie and say that 'it's not true', suddenly Joel spoke and said in a teasing tone "Oh by the way, Sara's parents- were killed by the likes of you guys" Hearing this I froze and everything fell into silence.

The people who are from the world [Theos] became anxious as well, thinking that there might be a possibility that they'll be not saved once this woman knows that I'm from another world. So, they started speaking and yelling, "No! Don't believe this man! He's not from another world!"

"Yeah! There's no way that he'll be the same as us!"

They tried to defend and lie but, Sara was only silent and just stared at me with red eyes. In the end, I couldn't help but say the truth. "Yes. I'm from another world" Sara felt that her world shatter, why? Why did she put her faith into someone like the murderer of her parents?!

She couldn't help being angry and threw a punch at me. I could've dodged it but, I let it hit me. 'Pchu!' A punch landed on my cheek and I was thrown back towards a wall since her strength is C - Level. "Ugh!" I groaned in pain and coughed blood. I stood up staggeringly and said "Forgive me for being an otherworldly person, but, I cannot seek forgiveness for the death of your parents on behalf of those murderers"

Hearing this Sara became even more angry and appeared before me, I was shocked and couldn't react, with another sound of 'Pchu!' a punch fell on my face again. Grabbing my collar she said "Why? Why has my parents got to be killed? They didn't do anything to you guys! So, why?!"

I was silent and just lowered my head, she then threw another punch but was surprised that I caught her fist. Smiling bitterly, I said in a hoarse voice "I don't understand how you must feel, because I grew up without a family" Sara was stunned and I continued "I also don't know the reason why your parents must be killed. I might be the same as them for being an otherworldly being but, that does not mean I should take the blame for them"

"I- still have something to do, someone I should save, something I should see. That's why, I can't die yet"

Tears started rolling down her eyes and her hands grabbing my collar trembled, she asked "Why? Why must I listen to you? How can you say that?!"

Smiling sadly, I held the hand that was grabbing my collar, and said "Forgive me"

Sara felt her world spinning. Raising her first, a loud 'Boom!' was heard and the sound of bricks breaking sounded. Sensing no movements from me, Joel became happy and hid his joy thinking 'Finally, the nuisance is gone' He then sensed Sara walking towards him and he became even more happy. He asked "How does it feel? Finally killing the murderer of your family?"

Sara stopped in front of him, with her head lowered and silent. Just as Joel was about to reach his hand out he suddenly heard Sara say something that made his eyes widen. "No" Raising her eyes she said "He is not like them" With the sound of winds blowing fast, Sara was able to land a punch on Joel!

"Ugh!" Joel puked out blood and was dumbfounded, what? Didn't she--

Suddenly, he felt movements from my spot and his eyes shook. 'Don't tell me, she didn't killed him?!' He was stunned to the fullest? Why? Why did she not kill him? How did this bastard get Sara's trust in just one day when he and Sara have known each other for more than 5 years!

He couldn't help asking "Why?" Sara only 'looked' at him indifferently, she recalled yesterday's memories, when she and me talked about our dreams, ambitions, and our hope. What's more, she thought 'Zero was right, he was not the murderer of her family. Not everyone is the same'

Wiping the blood off my cheek I smiled and said "Thank you" Sara ignored me and just spoke coldly "Finish them immediately, I'll handle Joel" With her permission, everyone in her group yelled and started running towards Joel's group

I aimed and pulled the trigger at his group causing them to explode and die. Boom! Boom! Joel couldn't help trembling in anger and aimed his gun at Sara. "You bitch! You'll pay for this!"

Bang! Bang!

Sara dashed towards Joel as the latter retreated. She kept throwing punches and Joel kept shooting, in the end, Sara's speed and strength increased and Joel became petrified. How?! Was she hiding her strength all along? Joel was not going down so easily and he fought back as he both shot and threw kicks

Their fight was intense and just as Joel flew back as he retreated, his side was suddenly shot before it exploded! "Ahhh!" Joel screamed but Sara did not give him the chance to take a break and continued throwing punches!

Joel grunted and tried to fight back but I continued shooting him. Joel was so mad that his face turned red. Suddenly, his strength increased and he was able to kick Sara in her abdomen! "AH!" Sara groaned and Joel kicked her face before he retreated

I was shocked by the sudden change of the outcome. I felt a foreboding feeling and everyone else sensed the ominous aura and immediately tensed their guards

Joel's gun suddenly started transforming into a giant missile and he spoke in a low tone "[Skill]: Death Missile"

[Judge "Dionysus" spats out his wine and says "What the hell is that?!"]

[Judge "Ares" is angry and says "That's cheating when it comes to battle!"]

[Judge "Iris" is anxious and says "Be careful!"]

I was terrified and aimed my gun as I shot at him but it did not work as the explosions did not affect the missile gun. Just as I was pondering on what to do, Joel smirked and said "Adios"


The missile was launched straight towards Sara and I couldn't help despair as I shouted "No!"

Sara saw her life flash before her eyes, when her parents played with her, when they played hide and seek in the dark, it was all the joyful times. She 'looked' over towards my direction and smiled. I couldn't help tear up and despair.

But just as the missile was about to hit her, bright golden lights suddenly appeared like a rope and caught the missile, preventing it from hitting, seeing this everyone was stunned and looked over towards the direction of the end of the golden rope. Then, I saw the [Defendant] of [Judge] "Iris", Claire, pulling the rope using all her might. Veins popped out from her pulse and neck and she screamed in pain, using every last bit of her strength, she was able to pull the missile towards another direction before letting it go, then it exploded on a building!

Claire panted heavily as she fell to the ground, vulnerable. Joel's eyes twitched in anger and he aimed his gun at Claire but before he could pull the trigger I shot him and he grunted as he puked out blood.

I ordered "Sara! Take Claire out of here! I'll handle Joel!"

Sara nodded and took the woman who helped her who she thinks is Claire and moved to my side. Seeing Claire panting heavily I felt guilty but still said "Can you lend me your strength?"

Claire stared at me and her green eyes turned slightly gold, at glance I knew she could see me and I smiled as I said "Trust me" She was silent for a long time before she reached out her hand. I held her hand and suddenly, bright golden lights appeared on our palms before it disappeared into mine.

I sensed a tingling sensation in my body and for a moment, my whole body emitted golden light. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath before I held my gun on my right hand and a dagger on my left. Staring at Joel who was angrily panting I walked steadily and pulled the trigger. Boom! Boom! Joel countered it with his own bullets but some still missed and he could only dodge it. I took this chance and dashed towards him as I slashed him using my dagger. He dodged but my dagger was supported by my gun and he was still affected. In the end he lost his grip on his gun and I shot him again


Joel exploded and fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen and coughing up blood. He looked at me and asked, "Why?"

I stared coldly at him and replied, "Because you're the murderer who killed Sara's parents."

Everyone was stunned by this revelation, even Joel's group glared at him with anger. Joel, now alone, laughed maniacally. Sara, furious, questioned him, "Did you really kill...my parents?"

Joel sighed with a smile, showing no guilt in his eyes. He explained, "They discovered that I was not from this world and tried to kill me...so I had no choice but to kill them."

Sara's eyes turned red as tears welled up. Just as Joel was about to speak, I interrupted him and declared, "No. You don't deserve to live." Joel laughed and asked, "Why do you say that?"

I stared at him indifferently and stated, "You were well aware of Sara's existence, and you knew her parents didn't intend to harm you. They only wanted to help you."

Joel fell into silence, unable to refute my words. He finally asked, "How did you know?"

"It's obvious, from your eyes and actions. You had feelings for Sara, didn't you?" The room fell silent as everyone processed this revelation. I continued, "That attack, you knew Claire would come to Sara's aid. You attacked her out of jealousy."

Joel laughed bitterly and said, "You're wicked, aren't you? You knew my intentions but let it play out."

"No, it's just a theory," I replied, but he interrupted, "But your theory is correct, isn't it?" Joel looked up at the starless sky and then laughed, "Looks like I'm not human, and you're not human either, it seems."

I didn't argue and simply listened. Joel then said, "End me."

I remained silent and glanced at Sara. She nodded, and I reloaded my gun. "Goodbye. I hope in your next life, you'll be human, just as you wished."



The victory belonged to Sara's group, the Holang - I's group.

Joel's group surrendered to Sara's group, as agreed upon when the battle began.

Sara looked down at them and declared, "You chose to be on his side, and now you've lost. Your lives are mine."

"But I won't kill you."

Everyone in Joel's group was stunned. Sara continued, "You made a choice based on your beliefs, nothing more, nothing less. You were aware of the consequences but still put your faith and loyalty in Joel. That's why I want you to work under me. I want your loyalty. Do you understand?" She spoke with authority, and Joel's group knelt, tears streaming down their faces, and placed their fists on their chests. "We will put our faith and loyalty in Lady Sara!"

Sara was satisfied with their response. She then turned her attention to me and Claire. "I wonder if you two will be leaving now."


Sitting on a boulder together, Claire nodded and said, "So it really was [Judge] "Iris" doing." I chuckled and replied, "Yeah, you're lucky to have a trusted companion like her."

[Judge "Iris" shyly hid her face beneath her pillow.]

Both Claire and I were surprised by this revelation before bursting into laughter. Finally, I asked, "Since you want to repay me for saving you, would you like to be my companion until we complete this trial?"

Claire smiled and said, "I would love to!"

As we were talking, Sara approached us. She asked, "Are you guys really going to leave?"

I hummed, and Claire inquired, "What happened to the others like us?"

"They are free now," Sara replied, sitting down beside us.

All three of us looked up at the starless sky, unsure if it was day or night. Lost in thought, I heard Sara say, "Zero, when you fought Joel, glowing in bright golden light, I thought you were a star."

Her words surprised me, and Claire nodded in agreement. "Yes, I felt the same way!"

Sara smiled and continued, "Zero, you gave us hope."

"What?" I was taken aback. "I didn't do anything."

Sara shook her head and said, "No, the little things you said about helping us meant a lot. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today."

I fell silent, lowering my eyes. Did I really give them hope? It sounded ridiculous to me, but I chose to remain silent.


The next day, I took a deep breath and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Sara and Claire both took a deep breath and replied, "Yes." With their permission, I connected the cable, and suddenly, bright lights illuminated the city.

Everyone celebrated, but I couldn't help feeling anxious. "You know, this might attract the monsters. Are you really sure--"

"Zero, this is our choice. Monsters may attack, but at least we can finally see and have light. We're grateful for your help in creating them," Sara said gratefully, interrupting me. I was stunned before smiling.

That day, the dark city finally gained light for the first time.

If this chapter did not satisfy you I'll make sure to make the next chapter great. Well, I hope I can make it good atleast :)

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