
Arcana: Online

After dying from terminal illness, Kim Iseul transmigrated into his favorite game, [Arcana: Online] wherein the game, players can create their very own characters. A world where there are only wooden mechanics and no modern science yet, with monsters roaming the world, existing magic, and war politics taking over everything. This is also a game where the player’s characters were actually especially made for the upcoming battle, a great war will one day descend upon them where they’ll have to face the Outer Gods, and one thing is certain, in the game [Arcana: Online] not a single player has yet been able to reach the ending of the story. Kim Iseul who transmigrates as a non-existing character was determined to see the end of the story no matter what. This is just a small favor compare to what the game had given him.

IrisClaire · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: Azazel Crimson

I saw the person, Azazel Crimson, who is the rival of one of my characters named Baek Joohyuk, stand up without staggering even after the impact. His whole body exuded cold murderous aura. Without hesitation, I immediately used my [Skill] on him and confirmed that he really is the person I've been wanting to see. He glanced at Claire and I and we both shuddered at his demeanour.

After some time, he finally retracted his gaze and walked towards the temple as his sword shined dangerously. I don't know where my courage came from but I took a step forward and said "Wait-" but before I could even complete my sentence, in just a blink of an eye Azazel raised his sword and slashed towards me.


A blazing trail of red flames dashed towards me like an angry bull and I jumped to the side to dodge it. Boom! The trees behind me burned into ashes, completely obliterated. I clutched my thumping heart that felt like it was going to explode! I should've known better what his attitude is after fighting with Baek Joohyuk for months!

My lips twitched in annoyance and I said "Could you at least let me finish speaking?"

Azazel stared at me coldly before saying with a scoff "I don't need to hear you"

Just as I was about to get angry I suddenly remembered that he just got betrayed and fell silent. Seeing me silent Azazel snorted coldly before continue walking towards the temple. Then, I spoke. "You're not going to defeat 'it' with you alone"

Hearing this, Azazels stopped and looked at me with scrutinizing gaze as he found that I have no mana and asked sarcastically "And what can you do?" I did not fell to his taunting and instead said seriously "I know how to defeat 'it'."

Azazel widened his eyes before he asked with a frown "Are you joking?" Shaking my head I said "No. I'm serious" Everyone looked at me obscuring gaze. Suddenly, I heard familiar prompts.

[Judge "Artemis" has entered the channel]

[Judge "Demeter" has entered the channel]

[Judge "Demeter" is angry and says "Don't you dare try to fool my dear Azazel! I'm not gonna let him be betrayed again by the likes of weaklings like you!"]

Seeing this my lips twitched unconsciously and I sighed as I shook my head helplessly. Fan girls are really-…just forget it. Anyway I do understand why they are like this so I do not mind it that much.

I took a deep breath before saying, "I know this is ridiculous as it sounds but what I'm saying is true believe it or not, the only thing I need to know is whether you're willing to cooperate with us in defeating 'it'"

Azazel narrowed his eyes and stared at us for a long time, then, he asked "Tell me the reason for asking me to join" It was not a question, but a demand. I spoke solemnly and said "Because we need your strength" Azazel did not speak, waiting for me to continue so I did. "As you can see, I have no mana and all I have is a wooden gun I made myself while Claire has a skill to restrain an enemy. In short, we are lacking a front line and a power source. That's why, we need you"

Everyone, including the [Judge] fell into silence, what I said indeed sounded reasonable and correct, but it was because of this that they became doubtful.

[Judge "Demeter" has left the channel]

[Judge "Artemis" has left the channel]

Just as I heard the prompts, I saw Azazel looking up and seemed to be mumbling something. He's probably talking to his [Judge] and so I remained silent and let them speak. Suddenly I felt a warm hand hold mine and saw Claire looking anxious. She whispered "Are you sure about teaming up with him? I mean, he did just tried to kill you…" Hearing her genuine worry I smiled and shook my head saying "It's fine, anyway it's up to him whether he will join or not"

Claire was hesitant but still nodded. Finally we heard Azazel spoke and said, "Hm. Alright, I'll comply" Just as I was about to be happy he suddenly added "But on one condition" Hearing this I frowned and asked "What is it?"

"If my part plays a reckless role then I'll defeat 'it' on my own way and would not comply to you. I won't be putting my life in your hands" Azazel said and his words made me smile a little, that's more like it. He knows how to cooperate well.

Grinning I said "Sure" which made Azazel frown at my confidence.

Wearing my coat that had been hanging on my shoulders since I left my apartment, I felt it fit perfectly. Claire was slightly surprised and asked "You're finally wearing it?" I hummed and said "It's…kinda a hobby of mine, whenever I get serious I'll unconsciously wear it"

We both walked towards Azazel and i explained the plan.

After hearing what the plan was, everyone became dumbfounded. Claire couldn't help but stutter "I- Is that really possible?"

[Judge "Ares" says "You're too cocky, do you really underestimate this [Trial]?"]

[Judge "Dionysus" agrees and says "That 'thing' wouldn't be easily defeated"]

Even Azazel who was always cold and lofty couldn't help but blurted out "Are you serious?"

Looking at their reactions I couldn't help chuckling and said "Trust me". My words were light but held heavy responsibility which made everyone silent. Suddenly there was the sound of something screeching coming from the temple which made everyone shudder.

Azazel and I frowned. Just as I was pondering Azazel suddenly spoke and said "Alright" I looked at him and he solemnly said "Let's do it"

Smirking I pulled out my gun and reloaded it before saying "Then let's go"


Entering the temple we found that the walls were craved with different signs and languages which made it look ancient and marbling. Tap. Tap. The sound of footsteps sounded through the halls. Later we finally arrived at the core of the temple and found 'it'

Looking at it I couldn't help gulping as sweat poured down my face. I couldn't help thinking 'Oi oi oi! I did heard that what Azazel faced is horrifying but still, they didn't tell me it was this terrifying!'

At the center of the core, there was a giant black being standing- no, floating in the middle. It had a hood covering it's head and there was no face to be seen, only endless darkness like an abyss itself. It's hands were black skeleton, holding a scythe it had no feet and it's cloak were ragged and tattere with chains hanging down from it.

Suddenly, it raised it's head and 'stared' directly at us. Seeing this I couldn't help trembling as fear overwhelmed me, at the same time, I couldn't help grinning as I thought 'So this is what 'it' looks like, this is--'

'--The Reaper'