
Arcana Compendium master

funnygrunt11 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Fury said, "You talk like you're not from here." He could see some disdain towards the UN. He saw the flash but, it didn't harm them so he was cautious.

Kurama rolled her eyes, "Oh, what was your first clue? That I got lost on my way to Greenwich Village and found that poor kid with Sleeping Beauty Syndrome? Or that this Vixen knows things that I shouldn't know?" When she spoke her eyes would change from green to the inside of her iris was brown while, the outside had green. It even sounded like two voices came out.

She put a hand on her mouth, "Sorry, I didn't mean to speak like that, I should've been more polite to new people. The fact that hypocrites and someone ordering me around that isn't a client or person I respect as a mentor; understandably irks me."

Fury noticed the word 'Client' was used and said, "So, your services are for sell? How much for you to come and see the UN?"

Kurama said, "A girl has to eat and for the second question." She moved to put her fingernail on her lips before she said, "It usually depends on the service and danger level of the gig. If you are asking me to take out a snake den, it will be more expensive than you asking me to frame a corrupt judge or make an abusive gym coach turn himself in...not that I have done that before mind you."

Clint said, "Boss, you should tell her, she can make fire erupt from the ground." He was pretty sure that she could kill them easily if she wanted and wanted to play the safe card.

Fury said, "The girl you want to help is a diplomats daughter and I want you to join SHIELD."

Kurama looked surprised before laughing, "Oh, I can't breathe...that last part...it's the funniest joke, I ever heard. Why in the Verse would I join someone when, I have no attachment to this planet nor trust you?"

Fury said, "But, you trust Barton." He said it like a fact and wanted to poach her.

Kurama said, "I can trust a dog but, that doesn't mean it doesn't bite. I also believe that Liara gave you my answer. I trust Barton because I saw that he was a good man. You however, are a dangerous man. Someone who thinks he can save everyone from a hidden danger that he has no power or qualifications to fight against. Even if it means playing with things that he shouldn't touch and will bite your butt one day."

Fury said, "And you'll be in danger if you don't join us." He tried to use use honey to make her come into their group.

Kurama said exasperated, "This is why I hate dealing with people like you. You can't get what you want so, you either try the guilt trip route or turn it on its head to make it as if you're doing me a favor."

She shrugged, "I have battled gods before, do you really think some mobs can harm me?" She thought, 'lightbulb, I have an evil idea. hehe, maybe I can get him on my side if not temporarily.' She then added, "Or our partner," She looked at Mordo and gave him a wave. Mordo however looked like shite as he was sure she was using him.