
Arcana × Tech

Technology and magic. These are the sides that divide a futuristic world. On one side: evolved human beings, who can manipulate technology with their own will. On the other: Wizards: a race that manipulates the laws of this world using a mysterious process called magic. Keyner Blake is a 17-year-old human who does not have the ability to manipulate technology, but who does not let this be a excuse to go in search to the great secrets of this world.

Willam_Quest · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter 07: Memories, regrets, and a wish II

   Killian Blake. That was the name of my brother who, eight years ago, left home and never came back. My parents told me it was part of the job, since he was an AWA soldier. I don't remember what unit he was from, unless I am mistaken he was in the eighth.


   Which means that he was a wizard infiltrated in humanity's own military force. Unless he is adopted and my parents hid even this from me.


   Now I was saved by these two guys. Yurion and Morello, who apparently know not only my parents but also my brother. 


   -Look, when it comes to your brother-


   -I'll explain that part.


   Yurion was talking while I was holding him by the shoulders, but was interrupted by Morello Uria, who entered the room.


   Unlike the moment I first saw him, he now had clothes covering his body from the waist up, not bandages. He wore a white blouse with long sleeves, with a silver diamond-shaped crest on each shoulder. Over the shirt, he wore a dark blue leather jacket with several pockets.


   As much as I was surprised that his situation had improved, I didn't much like his entrance.


   -You didn't come in like that to prevent him from saying something I shouldn't hear. Or did you?


   -My friend, your lack of trust in others can be helpful, but not now, please.




   His odd diction of finishing his lines with a quick rhythm after speaking slowly was a little difficult to get used to. But from what little I could see, he was worried about Yurion.


   I turned my gaze back to Yurion, and saw a little more blood, but now coming out of his nose. This reminded me of something about a magic that will keep us safe, even though I don't know from what. 


   -You said you are conjuring or keeping a magic... -Is it to keep us away from monsters?


   -If monsters you mean humans, yes.


   The one who answered my question in a worried tone was Morello. Yurion asked him to retire to heal himself.


   -What you have just seen is a wizard who has exhausted his mana and needs to use his body to produce mana with his life force.


   Morello spoke with a serious tone, and only when he finished did he stare at me, which made the atmosphere of the place quite heavy


   -Is he killing himself?


   -It's not that big a deal. A little rest and your Arcane will be restored.


   That name... Arcana. The first time I heard about it was when Naila told me about the manipulation of technology and ArcanaTechs. Other than that, I still had the demonstration of Jack's ArcanaTech, before he...


   I shook my head to clear my mind and focus on what we were about to talk about. My brother. 


   -Magic manipulation is also something incomprehensible to us. We only know that, as any humanoid has its fingerprint or a genetic signature, wizards possess their Arcana. Although we are born with or without the ability to awaken one. An Arcana is proof that you can manipulate the laws of this world.




   I remain silent, but staring at him to see if the main subject would not be displaced by some conversation or lesson in magic.


   -Your brother is the one who taught us to control our Arcana. He is even Yurion's best friend, although we don't know if he is alive or not. 


   -I understand. That's... Thank you.


   I thank him for not having tried to hide it from me. You couldn't disagree with him as he spoke with all the conviction and sincerity in his eyes. Either that or he really is a good rascal. 


   -You were also asking why we were near the southern border of Tecmetriun when you were trying to flee the city. This question is clearly associated with your parents.


   He sits down in a chair next to my bed and places his right elbow on my right side, using his hand to support his head. He speaks again as he begins to clean his glasses.

-Although Yurion and I were against it, you were going to join the AWA, even though you are a wizard. During this period, your parents were going to place us in the city, and stay as merchants. The purpose of all this was the mission to rescue Mastrea from the ray, who is probably among the humans.




   -We met your parents in a camp like this. We were going to be killed by humans, but your brother saved us. After that, your older brother started to take care of us, teaching us how to fight.


   -How long have you been doing this?


   -I was three years old at the time, while Yurion was only one. Our camp was attacked and everyone was killed. But one of the soldiers murdered his companions and brought us alive to two people from Tecmetriun, who by the way were spies.


   -Shun and Iris Blake?




   The atmosphere of the place was clearly tense. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and my breathing was a little heavy. Morello had just said something heavy about him, and kept his expression serious, which made me a little afraid. Noticing my reaction, he let me recover before continuing to speak.


   -In this time we met the only one of the Mastreas who had already awakened at that time, and we became friends. But as Yurion told you, he was captured about ten years ago. 


   -What do you mean "awakened"?


   -It's impossible for one Wizard to awaken the same powers as another. So the awakening of a Wizard's powers, even more so of a Mastrea, is noted.


   That was something interesting. However, it was a possible double-edged sword.


   Assuming that there are humans infiltrating within the wizards' formations, it would be disastrous if the AWA had detailed information about the powers that are awakened at any given time.


   -If you are thinking about humans infiltrating among us, forget it. I have the ability to do a DNA analysis on any living being, and the DNA of a human is only equal to that of an unawakened wizard, so it would be a very risky tactic.


   I am startled by Morello's fast-talking speech. Even more so because I was stuck in my thoughts.


   -Can you read minds?


   -No. Only what Yurion said about you having predictable thoughts is true.


   -Don't get bored.


   He laughs at my face, but I couldn't help myself and ended up laughing at the situation. 


   -What we discovered with his near-death is that they now have a way to detect wizards, which is something new. Rescuing Quill is going to be a little more difficult now. 


   -I understand. I hope you succeed. But I have one more question. 


   -What is it?


   One thing that has always plagued the inhabitants of Tecmetriun is the fact that wizards are a race that will bring about the downfall of humanity, and that they are beings that benefit from our death.


   As naive and cliché as this was, I had to get the proof.


   I look away from Morello, since I was not psychologically well enough to ask this kind of question. 


   -Wizards are thought to benefit from the shedding of human blood. To what extent is this true? And how many pess- How many lives have you taken?


   -Whether you accept it or not. This is an absolute truth.

   I am startled by Morello's clear and direct answer. 


   -We benefit mentally and physically from killing a human. As for the amount of lives Yurion or I took... It never made sense for us to count. You don't go around counting the amount of fruit you eat to satisfy your hunger. As time goes by, you will understand what it is to be a calamity to another race. 


   The atmosphere was getting too heavy. Morello was squeezing his wrist with one hand, making it clear that the conversation was a bit disconnected and unpleasant. 


   -What is this place anyway?


   I turned to Morello again after contemplating the room formed by a mysterious white rock, featuring some windows with curtains and a wooden door.

-This is a camp built by the Mastrea of Earth some time ago. Yurion and I are here with about five children between the ages of ten and fourteen.


   -Wait. You are not pedophiles, are you?


   -I liked it better when you were moaning in pain.


   He throws the aluminum cup that was on the table next to my bed. Which wasn't enough to make me stop laughing.


   -These kids are wizards. We're taking them to Runetown.




   Morello's mood suddenly changed. Now he had a small smile on his face, and he leaned forward as he spoke.


   -Yes, while Tecmetriun is the nation of the humans, Runetown is the nation of the Wizards. The problem is that to get there, we have to go through the plain that you fell through. The plains are full of human camps. If we go further east or west, we would be entering the Gates of Baryon.


   -Gates of what?


   I was slightly happy at the idea of escaping to a place where there were only wizards, but Morello's complicated diction did not help me to fully understand the obstacles there. 


   -These are teleportation points. By reaching these points and using mana, it is possible to enter the territory of the other races: harpies, elves, dwarves, draconians, nekomaths and beastmen. They have no connection with Tecmetriun, apart from respecting the borders.


   -Wait. Do these races really exist? I thought they were some kind of legend!


   -You have just been saved from a fall of more or less three hundred meters by being part of a race that possesses the ability to manipulate a strange energy to alter the laws of the universe. Don't you think you'd better start reviewing your concepts of absurdity?


   -Shut up.


   This was an obvious thing to think about, in this case. Although I didn't do anything special, these guys managed to save me from what was supposed to be certain death.


   -Finally. I can only explain these rays of yours that come out of your body every now and then.


   I am quickly surprised by what Morello says. In fact, it was something that was also catching my attention. Even more so when I am wounded and the damn blue and red rays start imploding my wounds.


   -Keyner, while magic is an ability that wizards and the other races possess, humans can come to use them. 


   -Why can't only humans use magic?


   -I don't know either. But something that puzzles me is the fact that a wizard only differentiates itself genetically from humans after using mana. Also, the appearance of the other races is not only a mystery to us, but to them as well. 


   All this ends up bringing my memory back to the three secrets of the world. How the planet is still fit for life; how mankind survived extinction; and how the manipulation of technology and magic came about. If the ignorance about the past of the other races is so great, then we have four secrets.


   -Uhum. The point is that any of the Arcane Races, which is what we call the races capable of using magic, can transmit the use of magic to humans or to any other individual from pacts.


   Morello roused me from my thoughts as he spoke. However, it was apparent that he was trying hard to keep his diction simple so that I would understand every word he would say. This made me swallow dryly, as I couldn't imagine any good coming of it. 


   -Do you mean that I have made a pact with some wizard?


   -More precisely with the Mastrea of Lightning. And I was wondering if you had any notion of where you might have found him. Pacts are a ceremony that can only take place in the presence of those involved, so if you have any clues...


   -Wait, wait...


   Morello ended up getting a little excited, which made him quickly calm down as he realized that he opened one of the wounds in his abdomen.


   -Because... A contract is something that must be undone soon, in case the person who received the powers is not aware.

He looked me in the eye with an extreme coldness. His sharp stare only made me realize that I had better trust him and accept his terms. I couldn't tell the difference between his gaze as a threat or as a warning from a friend.




   Morello cleared his throat with a few coughs and cleaned his glasses that had fogged up.


   -A covenant takes part of one's life time in exchange for the use of the covenant master's magic. Since we are talking about a Mastrea, we are talking about a period of five years before his body is destroyed by the pact