
Arcadia's Echo

In a world where destiny is tattooed on your skin and magic fills the air, Zain, an ordinary college student, finds himself thrust into the heart of Arcadia. With newfound powers and a mysterious connection to the enigmatic Sorcerer, he must navigate a realm of wonders and dangers. But as Zain builds his kingdom and forms alliances, a hidden agenda simmers beneath. Will he be Arcadia's savior or its ultimate doom?

said_alamri · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

A New Dawn

The sun cast its first golden rays on the city, painting the skyscrapers with a warm hue. Birds chirped, signaling the start of a new day. Zain, with his jet-black hair tousled from sleep, squinted against the morning light streaming through his window. He groaned, pulling his blanket over his head, trying to steal a few more minutes of sleep before his alarm blared its unforgiving tune.

His room was a typical college student's sanctuary: a mix of textbooks, scattered clothes, and empty coffee cups. A poster of Einstein with the quote, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving," adorned one wall. Contradictorily, Zain's bicycle had been gathering dust for months.

As he finally sat up, stretching his arms and yawning, his phone buzzed with a message from his friend, Aya. "Did you study for today's test?" it read. Zain rolled his eyes, typing back sarcastically, "What test?" He could already imagine Aya's exasperated response.

But before she could reply, a strange shadow began to blanket the city. Zain rushed to the window, his heart racing. The sun, which had just risen, was now obscured by a massive silhouette in the sky. It wasn't a cloud or a plane. It was something... otherworldly.

Whispers of panic filled the air as people poured out of their homes, pointing and gazing upwards. The silhouette became clearer, taking the form of a colossal figure, cloaked and hooded. The Sorcerer.

His voice, deep and resonating, boomed across the city, "People of Earth, today marks the dawn of a new era. You will be transported to Arcadia, a realm beyond your wildest dreams. There, you will find new destinies, new challenges. Prepare yourselves."

The city erupted in chaos. Cars honked, people screamed, and the once orderly morning turned into a scene of pandemonium. Zain, frozen in place, felt a rush of emotions: fear, excitement, confusion. The test, the college, his plans - all seemed trivial now.

His phone buzzed again. It was Aya, "Forget the test. Meet me at the park. We need to stick together." Zain grabbed his backpack, his instincts kicking in. The world as he knew it was changing, and he had to adapt.

As he rushed out, he couldn't help but think of Einstein's quote. The world was indeed moving, and he had no choice but to keep his balance.