
Chapter 16: Reunion and Infinity Arm

Note: Alright Doods, I love all of your support for this series.

Lastly, doods! I'm still looking for ideas on abilities when combining the energy from multiple stones and I can't really look on the Superpower Fandom Wiki Page(is what I used to locate all abilities of the stones) because it would be very difficult.

Last, Last Thing. I'm reminding everyone that this story is being made in Google Docs for Grammar and Spelling Correction and it's being beta read by my boy @ZergPsycho so I don't want to hear any bullshit about my writing. I'm doing my best for y'all


It's been several days since Jaune Arc had reawaken and it's caused quite a stir among shade which many people, primarily the more religious types had started naming jaune 'Primus, Reincarnated' which derived from a religion that praised the God Brother of Light 'Primus' as the god of all creation, Jaune survived the times underground while almost dying at the hands of an immortal warrior before coming back and whooping said warriors ass.

The only damage jaune came out from that was a scorched puncture wound, several minor cuts and his right arm decapitated which was a hell of a lot more then any student should be subjugated however the boys exploits started traveling all across remnant as one of Vacuo's Top 3 Hunters despite only still being in shade academy.

It was due to this that many companies, mainly dust and weapon dealers in Vacuo started scrambling for a trade agreement with Arc Solutions to start selling their weaponry to the public.

Thousands of Citizens are openly praying to such a man who's power could bring salvation to the desert kingdom.

But with the Light openly caring for jaune, there is darkness leering behind a corner like a spooky clone.

The Vacuo Branch of the White Fang started mobilizing close to the kingdom and started preparing for what looked like a military assault when a mysterious scorpion Faunus by the name of Tyrian had taken command then preached that this 'Jaune' was a False God and did not have right to the power he possessed.

Dozens of small time shadow groups are trying relentlessly to hack into Jaune Arc's personal computer only to realize that the genius's private files are protected by 300 near impenetrable firewalls and oversaw by Jarvis himself so the young genius did not have to worry about his secrets falling into the wrong hands in cyberspace.

However since Jaune had woke up from his sleep had caused quite the stir however Samara Midnight enforced that Jaune received no visitors until the blonde genius saw himself fit enough to receive visitors but jaune needed to fix himself before he can start seeing other people aside from Bismark who refused to leave the Mistralian Prince alone, John Price who acted as the informant to the blonde man and informed the genius the state of affairs among other things outside the school and kingdom, Hera and Sam both kept jaune up to date about the affairs involved with shade which caused the blonde man to get a clearer idea of what's been going on while he was gone and asleep.

However Jaune was internally seething that Atlas continued to try and snoop in his lab especially after relaying a message through price to clover but the warning has gone unheard so the genius continued to plot on what to do with atlas.

But anyway, for the remainder of the days had allowed jaune to undertake continuous surgery to reconstruct a new and improved arm modeled after the original gauntlet jaune used to utilize the stones but unlike last time where jaune nearly died even using the full combat efficiency, the blonde man was informed that the space stone was completed during his time away and the power stone was also completed which meant that Jaunes power had increased exponentially to the point where jaune can claim a spot as one of remnants strongest huntsmen.

-Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Jaunes Lab-

A metallized man is currently standing in the middle of the futuristic looking lab watching three cylinders like objects where three separate colored stones were located within.

The Crimson Red Stone was labeled reality was made to alter the very world and from what the mech had heard from the blonde genius which he described its power then the Stone alone was very powerful which was saying something as the stone warrior pushed Jaune to utilize the stones full combat capabilities.

The Ocean Blue Stone was labeled as Space and under theory as the stone couldn't be used without jaune, it was capable of taking control of remnants gravitational energy and use it for whatever jaune wished be it for combat or just travel, it would make travel less of a hassle.

And lastly the Violet Purple Stone was labeled as power and in Jaunes case, claims this stone to be the essence of aura itself. The energy used by all humans and Faunus...and a few animals, the Stone is said to represent the energy used by all those creatures however after Ultron told jaune that he would be unstoppable with the power stone, the genius corrected the Combat Droid and said that the power stone wasn't the strongest among the six stones but in fact it was the 'Soul Stone' that claimed the title...in theory anyway.

"Alright, all three stones had been gathered and the creation of the Mind Stone is underway. Have we got any news regarding the Boss's Surgery?" Ultron asked out loud then turning his left to reveal a woman sitting at a high tech computer to stop her actions then turned to show off her very beautiful face.

The woman had a skin tight jumpsuit exposing her luscious figure with B Cup Breasts, the woman's hair was a deep blueberry color and her eyes showed a calculative gaze "Understood Sir, Master Arcis currently experiencing formality with the cybernetic arc that was surgically attached so he is ready to attach the Infinity Stones to his new arm" She said in a slight deep pitch voice, Ultron stared back at the woman obviously in thought before speaking out "wonderful news Cortana, now continue with the research formulas. Got to make a great impression with the boss" Cortana smiled at the Combat Droid then nodded before turning her head back to the computer.

"In my personal thought, Cortana brings a new perspective to the lab so I hope Mr.Arc likes her" The Robotic Assistant voiced out from the intercoms of the lab though his words did hold truth, Ultron nodded as he looked back at the three stones in containers "yeah she does, Boss always liked hearing fresh new ideas anyway I'm gonna get these stones to the boss" The Giant Droid agreed then exclaimed his next course of action.

The Bulky Machine grabbed the cart that the stones were located then walked out of the lab as the metal cart was faced at the door for quick transport, Ultron looked to the left to find two men who stopped and watched the metalized man walk out holding 3 of the planets most terrifying and dangerous weapons ever created.

One of them was a man wearing a clean pressed white suit but it seemed to have been crafted precisely for combat along with a military aesthetic feel, he has nearly combed black hair and a dangerous looking hungry gaze but those black eyes widened when he saw the three glowing, floating, stones on the cart.

The other male is perhaps what many Faunus would describe as the worst among the worst of humanity, a man wearing a clean pressed white suit primarily the richest fashion however the man unlike James who looked shock at seeing three supposed classified super weapons but a machine that seemed to think on its own especially since its eyes display artificial emotion, the Man Jacques Schnee cared little for the machine itself believing it to be nothing more than that felt drawn to the Violet Stone "Droid, what are those gems?" The BusinessMan ordered looking back up to Ultron to flinch slightly to see murderous intent clear in the machine's bionic eyes.

"Call me that again, meatbag and I'll toss you out the window..." Ultron said filled with murder in his voice obviously offended on being just a simple 'machine' however Jacques scrunched his face obviously angry that a mere machine talked back and was about to call the bulky however James spoke up as to defuse the tense situation completely "now now! No need to start a fight here" "ain't much of a fight..more of a one sided massacre..." Ultron commented off handedly.

Again, the Schnee Elder wanted to shout profanities towards the machine for calling him, a Schnee, in such a way but the Cyborg General was adamant to ensure no harsh words "right right, but if you would be so kind to answer the question, what are the gems?" James asked as he prayed that it wasn't the infinity stones that clover briefed.

"If you are so curious 'General' these three stones are the ultimate weapon and creation of the boss, the Power, Reality and Space of the Infinity Stones and Half a set of Six" Ultron introduced the infinity stones in a grand introduction then giving the two a minor display of the three glowing gems.

James stared at the stones in fascination that someone so young could make not 1 or 2 but three of what atlas classified as super weapons compressed into small gems, so easy to solve all of remnant's problems in just a few days, if only the Cyborg General could figure out a way to get at least one of them to try and replicate its effects to give to his soldiers.

Jacques didn't care much for remnant or even the people within it as he mainly focused on expanding his station and status as it's clear on the Schnee Man's attempt on getting elected in atlas, but the white haired businessman is magnetically drawn towards the purple stone which to the Schnee Head felt like it was radiated power.

Jacques coughed into his hand then looked at ultron who stared back less than pleased "droid, how much for these gems" the business man asked as money is always the universal truth of man "not for sell" the Machine exclaimed heavily annoyed of being called a 'Droid' again but even more so that the noblemen thinks he could by the stones from him.

"67.5 Billion Lien" the white haired annoyance continued to press the issue however the Combat Machine grew a comical tick mark on his head and thought to himself 'I can kill him...no one would know...'oh Jacques Schnee? Oh I haven't seen him this morning...what's that? He's dead? What a 'Tragedy'' yep...that's how it's gonna go down with the boss..'

Ultron however took a look at the clock in the digital network and saw he was late so the machine flared down at the Schnee man "think about this for a second 'Shit Stain'...you're attempting to buy off what could very well be the most powerful weapons in the planet from the most dangerously intelligent man....what makes you think that's any sort of a good idea? Master Arc can hold a grudge and he wouldn't appreciate you badgering him for the stones now enough, I'm late and Master Arc wants these stones"

The Machine turned around to grab the cart's handles and started walking away, even humming a song to annoy Jacques who shouted to come back.

The business man growled in annoyance before turning around and walking away in frustration, leaving James alone but the soldier leader just stared at the Gems increasing small forms until the machine banked a left.

-Flashback: an hour after Jaune Arc's Return-

James sat in the office of an Atlasian Planetary Warship where the man was rereading the report that was written by Clover Ebi that detailed everything that had happened underneath the tunnels of the Great Bronco.

To say that James Ironwood, a renowned Hero of the Atlas People is shocked is a major understatement as the man glared down elder Grimm like it was a hobby "I-...is this right Specialist Ebi?" The Soldier asked looking up to see the Leader of the Ace Ops nodded "Yes Sir, I witnessed the power unleashed by the 'Reality Stone' as Mr.Arc called the crimson gem...its Power was unlike anything I've seen before and I'm fairly certain that if this stone were to end up in Salem's Hands...chaos of unimaginable proportions will ensue"

The Cyborg Soldier groaned a bit as he started rubbing his left temple with the left "did you try to apprehend the stone specialist?" "Tried too but Mr.Arcs Grip was too much. When Elm woke up, I had her try to get Arc's hand open but even she couldn't" Ebi exclaimed with a slight chuckle almost finding the whole scene amusing.

"Now where is the Stone now? Such a thing can't be around without supervision" James asked as he needed to find this stone and place it under the highest of security while underneath the surface was thinking of ways to try and replicate its abilities however those thoughts were shot down almost instantly.

"When Mr.Arc arrived in the medical wing in shade, the AI known as Ultron immediately retrieved the Reality Stone and the how can never be asked" The Lucky Man exclaimed still feeling the shivers of the droids red bionic eyes.

James Grit his teeth as the stone is now out of his reach for the time being but now the other portion of clovers report said that the warrior knew salem and it informed jaune about her as well as no doubt jaune will ask who salem is and that's a headache not worth having.

"Sir?" The Specialist Asked unsure of what to do next, even James didn't know what to do "...go on standby, Ebi. Until I can forge something from this mess"

-Flashback Ends-

James frowned a bit, almost feeling that jaune was being selfish with this sort of power at his disposal and refused to allow its power to be shared amongst remnant.

-Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Headmistress's Office-

Samara Midnight stared heavily towards the other occupant of her office though slightly annoyed as the man she's staring at was annoying to say the least "please Headmistress, what offer do I need to make to have this meeting with Jaune Arc" the man said.

This man was Tony 'Jet' Stark also known as the CEO and Founder of Stark Industries and the Famed 'Iron Man' of Vacuo, Tony was wearing his typical black suit with the white undershirt and no tie however there was a slight blue glow coming from the Inventors undershirt that indicated the existence of his 'Dust Reactor'

The Long Black Haired Woman groaned a bit as she rubbed her hand over her black eyes then returned her gaze to the billionaire "Mr.Stark, while I appreciate you attempting to donate a rather large sum of lien to Shade Academy but as I've said moments ago...Jaune Arc is undertaking continuous surgery and he will be unavailable for the next few weeks so there isn't much I can do, this order is enforced by the Vacuo Council." The Headmistress informed with a slight grin, being on the Vacuo Council and the lead councilwoman had their privileges.

Tony looked defeated even slumping a bit but decided not to try and change Samara's Mind "of course, I apologize for wasting your time Sam" The Unsuited Iron Man turned to walk towards the door until he stopped when a voice is heard through the intercom "Headmistress, Mr.Arcs surgery has been completed and he's testing out his new arm in the infirmary. After Mr.Arc implants the Infinity Stones into the new arm I believe he will be ready for visitors"

Sam nervously looked over towards tony who surprising appeared just moments after with a comical grin which got the black haired woman to sweat nervously "soooooo~" the billionaires cheeky grin did NOT help that sentence, The Wind Woman just groaned a bit as she knew that she couldn't stop the man now especially after hearing that "very well Mr.Stark, but I will raise offer to 100 Million Lien" an additional 20 Mil did not hurt the offer however the speed on which the wind woman watched Tony Stark take out his checkbook and written then check was astounding.

"Here you go! I added an extra 100" Tony exclaimed then handing the check to a frazzled looking Sam, the woman didn't even get the chance to say thanks as the inventor ran immediately out "what...just happened?" The Headmistress asked curiously looking over to side towards a blonde woman in a pencil skirt and a white blouse complete with a familiar cape "I believe you've been played ma'am" The Blonde Woman exclaimed with a slight grin, Sam also gave a smile as her eyes returned to the check of 200 Mil "I suppose so Glynda...but Tony is an old teammate, he takes care of me even long after we graduated." Glynda Goodwitch nodded at this knowing that Sam's Old Teammate had a good heart.

-Location: Vacuo, Shade, Infirmary-

The Blonde Genius grunted as he raised the sleek golden plated arm after minutes from surgery, Jaune was wearing nothing but combat green pants though the most noticeable about his character is that the golden plated right arm as sleek as a robots the only feature on the arm was the six empty slots on the back hand.

however despite the complaints from both the doctors and Jaunes personal knight who said that he needed rest before attempting to use the arm but jaune refused to rest while his head is filled with glorious purpose and ambition and primarily on the paranoid fact that someone similar to the stone warrior will attempt to attack which meant the Blonde Warrior needed to get the stones, create them faster than ever to ensure that what happened doesn't happen again.

"Your Highness, please take my advice! You must rest!" Bismark exclaimed as worry was very clear on his brown skinned features, even the man's white suit was wrinkled beyond relief which also showed just how worried the knight was for his lord.

Jaune continued to stretched, roll, adjust and contort the arm to ensure that it was working properly and to ensure that the nerves that was despite the constant pains from the adjustment "I appreciate your worry Bismark but news of my exploits in the tunnels will have spread to every corner of the planet and I need to prepare..hell I even have to push my 'Demon Dogs' Initiative earlier then planned to ensure I do not get caught unprepared. And I'll need to sell even more inventions to pay for this and I'll need to set aside a sum to have a building constructed in Vacuo City" Jaune spoke as his words soon jumbled together plans and money costs.

The Purple Haired man groaned as he knew that he couldn't convince jaune especially when it comes to preparing for all sorts of things, it was a flaw for jaune who needed to prepare for all sorts of scenarios or otherwise unsavory things will happen and it usually leads the Knight to have to clean the walls so just sitting down to rub his right temple "understood your Highness but just consider my advice" "of course, now I just wait for ultron to bring me my three stones then I'll meet my team. They must be very worried about me" Jaune said, even worried about his new team.

However the blonde man couldn't entertain this thought any further as a metallic droid entered the room pushing in a cart that contained 3 Beautiful Color Glowing Stones that seemed to illuminate even more when they entered the room of their master.

"Boss, I have arrived with the infinity stones and to inform you that the Mind Stone is under process of being created" Ultron exclaimed before stepping back to allow the Blonde Genius time to admire his greatest work.

Jaune turned and walked towards the bright colored stones that seemed to shine brighter and brighter as each step he took towards them indicating to the boy that the infinity stones knew who they belonged to "such power in such tiny forms, one could take over a major village with just a single stone..maybe a minor nation but with three...I'm the strongest man alive" Jaune monologues to himself as the boy extended his left hand towards the red stone.

The container seemed to shatter on its own from the red stone before the crimson gem floated into the blonde genius's hand 'Reality knows me so she can't wait to reconnect' The Prodigy raised the stone in his index and thumb before slowly extending it towards the new Infinity Arm, with red energy slowly exuding towards the first slot showing that the crimson gem knows where to go.

Jaune let's reality go and it shot towards the first slot then red energy lines illuminated through the artificial arm slowly expanding throughout the mechanical limb until it hit Jaunes organic shoulder which it stopped 'no pain...is this because the energy lines already exists in the body and reality just needed to reconnect to them? So I'll assume the pain will come when I attempt the other two' the Genius thinks to himself before extending his hand towards the Ocean Blue Stone named 'Space'.

The Blue Stone however did not break through its container but more contempt to watch its would be master on how he handled it, Jaune grabbed the container slowly bringing the blue stone to his face "'it is not wise to keep two infinity stones close together' that would be the case if one didn't know how to properly operate the stones" Jaune quotes a line from the comics.

The Prodigy's grip on the cylinder casing increased causing the glass around the stone to start cracking heavily from the pressure until the case gets crushed under the grip, The Blonde Man opened the hand to see the blue stone resting comfortably in his palm until holding on said stone then slowly tipping said hand to dump all the shatter glass out just leaving the beautiful blue gem.

"Now with the Space Stone, I will control the planet's gravitational force as my own. There's no where that is beyond my reach now" Jaune exclaimed as he slowly extended the blue stone into the next slot that was on his middle knuckle which blue energy started exuding towards it wanting that spot then shot towards it embedding itself into the middle slot allowing blue energy lines start start forming in the artificial arm however when the lines entered Jaunes body is when the pain started forming almost instantly.

"aaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The Genius's Screams in pain as he gripped his arms metallic stump trying to ease the pain as the blue lines surged all through the man's body, Bismark looked worried for his lord but felt a hand on his left shoulder so the knight looked over to find Ultron shaking his head lightly silently saying that this was normal for the stones.

Jaune panted as he stared down at his metal hand showing two colored stones in them then smiled as his power had doubled by just an addition "*pant* amazing...such...POWER!" The Blonde man exhaled a steam which seemed more like exuding the excess heat before simmering down which his eyes landed on the beautiful Violet Purple Stone that pulsates at the blonde mans powerful gaze almost as if relishing at the fact that it's being watched by the most powerful man 'Power' was in the presence of

"It seems that Power knows who it belongs too, almost too eagerly in fact..." Jaune commented on the Purple Gem however the bulky droid spoke up with a bit of concern "Boss, I should warn you about this. Professor Blaze was in the lab earlier inspecting the place when the stone was created, she wanted to help but when she touched the stone it was almost like her body was being overloaded with energy produced by the stone, upon letting go I saw that it partially burned her hand from its excess energy"

Jaune raised an eyebrow almost amused by the side effect but the man believed it was defending itself from unwanted, or in Power's Case, weak individuals from handling it "interesting but I have nothing to fear" jaune said grabbing the casing the purple gen was located in, even visibly pulsating at the touch 'power seems to ecstatic..' Jaune thought to himself before shattering the casing with his bare hand then opened revealing the stone not exuding any energy like it was done to Hera.

"'Anything the Power Stone Reacts to...the bigger the power surge.' However the stone I've created only exists to serve the strongest which is me" Jaune quotes then added his own before moving the Beautiful Violet Gem towards the Ring Knuckle Slot which purple energy exuding towards it then shot towards the slot embedding itself into it but unlike the red or blue lines where were small, the purple energy veins were considerably larger than the two which meant the pain will be stronger than all the stones.

The large purple energy surged through the arm then made contact with the blonde man's body but there was no pain just minor stinging which meant the stone saw jaune as it's master then such no pain will make the man uncomfortable "huh...I was expecting the stone to make me pass out..." Jaune commented before looking over to the two occupants of the room giving them both good looks on the blue and purple stone added to the hand "how does it feel Your Highness?" The Knight asked curiously on which jaune looked down seeing all three stone glow together then smiled "...I feel powerful"

Jaune looked up again then said "Ultron, get me Team Alchemy(ACMM). It's best I face the music now" "Understood Boss" Ultron said just standing there while his digital form was going through the information nodes in search of his masters team.

"Bismark, I want you to remain outside during that meeting because I'd like to face the music on my own" The Mistralian Prince asked which Bismark nodded "Understood Your Highness" then he left the room as quick as he was ordered too to stand outside like the faithful bodyguard.

Jaune sighed to himself as he walked over to the windows showing the greenery from shade's artificial park that was built inside 'Doyle and Mizuki. I could handle their rage but crystal...I don't know why I can't bear the thought of her mad or sad...this must be 'Love' that Saphron always talks about...never thought I'd experience it myself' The Blonde man thinks to himself while calculating every known possibility for reuniting with the blonde mans team.

The Door opened which brought Jaunes thoughts to a grinding halt then turned his head to face the group of three that entered the room.

Doyle was wearing his usual jeans outfit with his duel revolvers, Termination and Epilogue, hidden underneath the denim jacket, The brown haired cowboy looked extremely relieved that his leader and friend was safe then he walked over to the blonde prodigy and hugged him "you damned idiot!" The Cowboy exclaimed tears running down his face in joy.

"With someone of my intelligence, I tend to think logically about outcomes but I seem to always forget to add the emotional and moral connection-" Jaune started to speak but closed his mouth when Doyle said "just...shut up! Don't ruin this. Just...be happy that you're back..." The Blonde Man smiled and snaked his arms around the gunslinger "right, sorry..."

Doyle pulled back and stepped knowing one of the girls would want a turn berating and hugging Jaune, Mizuki was next which she slowly stepped up to jaune and smiled brightly "I knew you'd return Jaune, Lady Shikatsu would never allow her greatest creation to go to Lady Shi without a fight" the green haired priestess exclaimed then dropped her sword hidden cane to surge into a hug "welcome back my friend..." Mizuki exclaimed through a choked sob as wetness seemed to appear over his eye bandages.

Mizuki sniffed then pulled away to allow the one who was the most anxious about the blondes returned, Crystal stared at jaune as tears started running down her face believing the blonde man had returned for good so without a single word, the Snow Cat surged forward as well enveloping jaune into a hug who hugged back "you FUCKING IDIOT! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE!?!" The Snow Neko cursed at jaune who flinched at the lecture.

"How could you be so stupid!? To let that thresher to just swallow you! We all thought you were dead!!" Crystal continue her shouted just as her hugs got tighter around the blonde man though the words seemed to hit jaune like a blunt spear "I...apologize...I seemed to have been primarily focused on the construction of the stones that I've be neglecting my friendships with all of you" The Blonde Man exclaimed sincerely sorry for putting his friends through all that grief.

The Neko sniffed continued to hug the prodigy "never do that again...never leave me again..." Jaune raised his eyebrow almost curious on the 'me' part which meant that Crystal indirectly confirmed the mans suspicions about love "Crystal, if you truly mean that about me then you best lay claim on me now otherwise you'll lose your chance" Crystal pulled her head away from Jaunes toned pecs and stared into into the blonde mans powerful but loving eyes.

"Crystal, would you do me the honor of being my Empress?" Jaune asked Crystal to be his girlfriend but in a different approach, however the snow nekos eyes widened at the question and in an explosion of feelings crystal shouted "YES!" Then the snow haired Faunus grabbed jaune around his neck and hugged him even more happy for his safety and finally being his woman.

Doyle stood by and watched with a big ol smile on his face feeling happy that crystal finally got what she wanted, the cowboy felt someone's hand slowly sneaking into his closed fist then he looked to his left to find Mizuki slowly interlocking her right hand with his left which Doyle followed soon.

Despite most of the things happening towards jaune, Doyle and Mizuki had lives of their own and while they were extremely worried for jaune. The Cowboy and the Priestess had entered a relationship of there own and they were happy with each other.

-Omake #1-

Within Salem's Castle on top of Noodles the Whale or that's what the Silver Haired boy and Green Haired Orphan kept calling it so the Grimm Witch believed it was something young people did so she didn't really question it, obviously due to her own near lost maternal instincts.

Watts was on his Portable Dust Top Computer on what the man had told her was on some secret website called 'Cyber World' but it kept the man happy and while Salem was using the ones at her table, the Grimm Queen obviously cared about their happiness, which separates her from her bastard of an Ex Husband.

Tyrian was sitting on his chair more silent than anything aside from the occasional unprovoked giggle of madness as he played on his scroll as a way to bypass the time since there wasn't really much to do.

Hazel was laying back in his comfortable chair though having his eyes closed, Tyrian kept commenting that Hazel was napping but each time was met with the tall giant correcting and saying he was deep in thought but really, Hazel was sleeping gently.

Cinder sat there on her scroll looking through dozens upon dozens of reports on jaune arc and his favorable exploits with the user of 3 infinity stones despite the initial report that Leo gave that suggested jaune utilizing only the red gem and this makes her angry even more, the False Maiden refused to be second fiddle to that man and his accursed stones.

In a split moment, no one knew what happened as a smoky portal appeared in the room suddenly almost like a grimm got a new ability but a man wearing combat custom black pants with boots, a black kevlar undershirt and a scientist overcoat but the right arm was cut off as to keep the blonde mans golden plated arm exposed "Dr.Watts!" Jaune called out to the scientist who gulped at the tone "y-yes?"

Jaune stared the man down like an ant to a storm then said "come with me, the time is right. There's no better team." Jaune extended his hand on which Author got up and grasped it with moments later the smoky portal returned engulfing both scientists leaving the whole room to stare in wonder and shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Cinder Fall shouted in complete disbelief.


Hehe, I took some lines from the Pokémon original theme song as Jaunes recruiting words in the omake..haha! No regrets!

you're probably wondering why I skipped the process and added two stones instead of only one and my answer would be as jaunes rep spreads like wildfire, he will no doubt have a MASSIVE target painted on his back which means he needs a way to fight back and since Jaune was away for several days and rested for the next few gives a very plausible time table to create an additional stone

Alright then Doods! If you wish the story to continue at such a pace! Then send in ideas on how to improve the story!


-Reality- -Index Slot-

-Matter Manipulation

-Elemental Manipulation

-Blood Manipulation

-Illusion Manipulation

-Inner World Projection

-Illusion Negation

-Carbon Manipulation

-Weather Manipulation

-Pocket Dimension

-Space Stone- -Middle Slot-

-Portal Creation: the user can create portals between two locations in a single universe for convenient transportation or dodge incoming attacks however the down side for this is that the user must have knowledge of the location that he is building a sub dimensional bridge within portals and or has been at that location at least once.

-Gravity Manipulation: the user can create, shape and manipulate gravity such as simply intensifying the gravitational force around an object or lighten it to allow vehicles to be launched into the air as easily as a feather. The user can also use this to repel objects away or pull objects towards the user regardless of mass

-Flight: the user can suspend themselves into the air with the use of gravitational energy and don't require to return to the ground, the user can fly at jet like speeds without outside influences

-Teleportation: the user can transport himself from one point to another without occupying the space in between however this ability has two downsides, as one is that the user can only teleport himself and not other people and the second downside is that the user can only teleport himself 20 feet as such making teleportation instantaneous during combat or in a close confined space without the need for portal creation

-Energy Shield Construct: the user can create a shield using gravitational energy as a way to defend himself and others from attacks or passively create a thin shield that can be rendered to be invisible like however less dense than the energy shield which can be broken unlike the energy shield which is indestructible.

-Black Hole Creation: the user can create a controllable mini black hole which can is strong and dense enough to suck a variety of stuff such as guns, melee weapons, missiles, bullets however the black hole can't be expanded without fear of consuming the user and the world as such it can't be used to consume mortals or anything larger or heavier

-Spatial Imprisonment: the user can use gravitational energy to bind and or stop foes both small and large by surrounding them in a box made from the gravitational energy stopping them in place

-Intangibility: the user is able to move through solid objects and ignore most physical effects in the way as such the way this can happen is causing the user to remove his physical existence in the plane as to slip through physical objects, this can also be used on a target

-Target Warping Teleportation: the user surrounds the target in a distorted warp space and forcibly teleport it to a different location but unlike teleportation, this ability can be used to send someone or thing anywhere on the planet without the need for location knowledge or muscle memory

-Power Stone- -Ring Slot-

-Enhanced Strength: the user possesses strength augmented behind the normality but not to supernatural levels, though the user is now granted Type 1 Enhanced Strength.

-Enhanced Durability: the user's physical durability is extremely high which allows him to sustain powerful blows both internal and external, essentially resistant to most combat punishment.

-Energy Manipulation: the user can create, shape and manipulate energy which can be toned down to knock power weak warriors, all the way of destroying small buildings and powerful machinery.

-Stone Enhancements: The Power Stone possesses condensed energy which can be used to enhance to enhance the other five infinity stones allowing there abilities to go beyond any known limits

-Energy Constructs: the user can manipulate the energy produced by the stone into physical and powerful constructs ranging from ranged weapons to melee weapons all the way to semi living physical creatures.

-Energy Absorption: the user can absorb various energy and their sources which is stored into the power stone as a separate source. The energy absorbed can be used to enhance the user or used as energy based attacks both close and long ranged.

-Energy Empowerment: The user can direct the energy produced or stored into the power stone and give it to anyone the user wishes, essentially enhancing their physical state and increasing the victims aura and semblance output.

-Technology Manipulation: the user can create, control and manipulate technological contracts by controlling and directing the energy produced by them.

-Aura Generation: the user can release and surround themselves with pure energy for both offensive and defensive capabilities as well as regenerate aura/energy at an accelerated rate.