
Chapter 15: Returning to Shade

Chapter 15: Returning to Shade

Note: i wanna give a big shout out to my dood @rex232 for helping me set the basis of the demon dogs military as such, he helped me get Planetary War Ships, Drones, Jets and evening Space Cruisers along with the ground forces so @rex232 thanks for helping me out so much! And even so, Rex helped me form a bit of the storyline! So y'all should go to his profile and say good job for making 'Arc Solutions' even more fun!

Now then I want to personally thank @UnlawfulGentleman, @CBowman8, @Oblivion Nova Arc and @MM Browsing for sending in some of the best story enhancing ideas I've seen so far!

Now to reiterate @UnlawfulGentlemen, and you sir have a great point! Should jaune have his version of the black order? Well i personally think so but I did NOT like who Thanos chose so it's your Doods choice, send in ideas for powerful ocs to take the spot as a member of the 'Infinity Order' as it's named after the stones or comment a canon character that can take the spot and is loyal to only jaune.

Question: Should I do holiday based chapters? Well do know that these holiday based chapters won't be published on their respective days but it's a way to induce a slice of life feels and some well needed romance between characters.

Last Question: can you Doods give me ideas for White Fang Based Ocs to be used as main antagonists for the next arc that I call 'Vacuo White Fang Arc' and I need Faunus terrorists.

Also note that within the story, Mentions of Transformer Gods 'Primus' and 'Unicron' is used to represent two base formats of Jaune and Jean


The Blonde Man stared down the Stone Warrior who crumbled into a pile of pebbles and rocks indicated that it had perished 'close to dying a second time...Tamura was truly a warrior worth to be called my enemy even when utilizing the full potential of my reality stone....heh....but if such a case were to happen again, I'd rather not attempt to suicide fighting so I'll need to form a group who are a close second to me when utilizing 1 or 2 of the infinity stones.' Jaune has thought to himself just as he turned around exposing his powerful, piercing blue eye towards the hunters in training but the gaze wasn't at them but at the partially destroyed golden gauntlet laid on the floor.

'And the Infinity gauntlet is ruined beyond repair, I can build a new one but it would just face the same risk so I'll need to build a new arm and not only forge it from Draconium but I'll need to infuse Vibranium and Adamantium into it then have Ultron turn it into a cybernetic arm. It will not only house the stones but I'll never have to worry about them leaving my sight...' Jaunes thoughts continued to run then turned his eyes back to the front watching Marrow pull Elm out of the wall and sling her over his right arm in an attempt to carry her out of the caves.

Clover was shaking slightly as the blonde genius's eyes landed right on him almost like jaune was planning his assassination in 50 different methods however the lucky man sighed in relief that his luck saved him when jaune turned his gaze away towards Harriet who only stared back in awe.

"Is everyone just gonna stare at me like slack jawed morons? Or are you going to complete the mission you originally are here for" jaune called out forcing everyone out of there stupors and watched the blonde man slowly reach and clench his scorched right stump "well-" the blonde monkey started to say only for the blue haired man smack him upside the head shutting him up before speaking up "so your Jaune Arc?"

Jaune just nodded turning around towards the hunters in training "yes I am, but you have me at a disadvantage for I do not know you" The blonde man exclaimed honestly since the blue man was not important enough to be studied on "Neptune, pleasure to meet you" Nep introduced himself even attempted to extend his hand towards jaune after closing the distance between the two only to gulp feeling small under the powerful blue gaze.

"Uh...hmmm..yeah. Sooo" the playboy tried to speak and pull away from the fact that he felt like an ant to a predetermined storm even flinching at the gaze getting stronger, however the blue man blinked when jaune tapped his burned stump with his left index showing that Neptune was attempting to shake hands with Jaunes right "oh! Sorry" Nep said switching his hands which got jaune to grasp his extended hands in pleasantries.

"Pleasure to meet you Neptune, but word of advice...stay away from beacon. They only accept traitors" Jaune warned the blue man who blinked confused at such accusations however jaune turns his head towards team rwby who all flinched at his glare "shame that such potential is wasted on them" The blonde genius exclaimed under his breath.

Jaune turned towards his old team but decided to start walking away through the tunnel while gripping his stump hard feeling pain rush to his head at the near instant when his adrenaline finally faded from his system and dropped to the ground like a drunk "JAUNE!" "MR.ARC!" Came the voices of everyone minus the knocked out elm from within the tunnel.

-Location: On Top of Noodles the Grimm Whale, Salem's Castle-

A woman with pure white skin, hair and has dangerous black eyes with red irises watched through her seer Grimm in an attempt to find this supposed treasure that this stone warrior has been able to keep from her for centuries, the Seer Grimm that the queen was staring through had finally found the resting place of the mysterious treasure only to find it empty.

In place was a blonde man wielding a golden gauntlet exiting the building and starting to leave in a precise direction however the blonde kid stopped and stared at the seer Grimm and unintentionally stared at the Grimm Queen before walking off uncaring which allowed the seer to follow.

And the rest is history which Salem watched in great fascination of the boy who manipulated the very environment and bent it to his will to fight against the stone man who prevented the magical queen to claim her prize, for the first time ever since ancient times...felt fascination that someone like jaune was able to do something despite not possessing an ounce of magic and through the Grimm that such power was tied into the red stone.

The Grimm Queen looked up momentarily from the visual based Grimm to gauge the reactions towards her inner circle, a group of people who all were given purpose by the immortal witch so unlike most humans and Faunus, Salem valued their opinions a bit more.

Tyrian Callows also known as the Serial Killer of Amina was obviously a deranged man who saw salem as a living, breathing goddess which was really nice to the immortal woman to be worshipped like that but it also got annoying fast as she preferred a bit of defiance in her underlings which would guarantee a level of self thought, anyway. Tyrian was watching the fight through the Grimm and he was giggling to himself like a mad man "hehehehe oh ho ho hahaha! I want to fight him!"

The Mad Scorpion Exclaimed as he continued his giggle fest though it was no surprise either, Tyrian always had a fixation on combating powerful warriors so watching jaune decimate a warrior that, furiously, Salem couldn't defeat while having superior magical prowess to the blonde warrior. Was giving the Insane Killer tingles.

A large brown skinned man was late to the meeting of the inner council but caught the last end of the bout just before a large wall of light prevented them from watching, the man named Hazel watched in pure fascination that a young boy was able to manipulate the very ground, even after the fight. The Blonde man has shown disdain towards the teams from beacon which meant a possible recruit

Author Watts was often hailed as one of the brightest scientists in all of atlas until the man was charged against illegal experimentation and kicked out of atlas even destined for the firing squad until the Grimm Queen rescued him, now for recent years had worked tirelessly to assist Salem in her war against ozpin while somehow making enough time to do what he cared for and that is assisting startup scientists on Cyberworld. "You crazy son of a bitch! You did it! You've actually done it!" Watts exclaimed which got the Grimm like woman to look towards him curiously before her eyes landed on the final member at the table.

Cinder Fall was an orphan found and raised by the Grimm Queen herself then trained to be her key to topple ozpin and remnant, Cinder often worked for power and such refused to be weaker the anyone but she sat there beyond pissed that some nameless nobody somehow had the capacity to manipulate the environment and defeat a creature not even salem could and now the False Maiden is thinking of ways on trying to steal the power jaune held which was obviously clear to be stronger then the magical power of maidens.

"So...apparently ozpin has found someone capable of altering the environment and other sorts of abilities..." The White Skinned Woman exclaimed obviously exhausted of her former husband finding such a gem however Hazel was the first to speak up "I do not believe that is the case..My Queen" Salem opened his left eye which to stare at the gentle giant which was a sign to continue "I've received reports from Adam Taurus's Vale Group on Beacons activities then I saw a report of ozpin expelling and blacklisting a boy named 'Jaune Arc' I believe the kid we witnessed fight is 'Jaune Arc'"

"But why kick out a boy with such potential? That's stupid and obviously retarded on ozpins side" Salem exclaimed as if she were in her former lovers side on things, she wouldn't resort to such drastic measures that even if she was insulted which should only resort in minor punishment, not the extreme case. "What in the blue hell is ozpin thinking?"

Hazel just shrugged unsure of the answer himself but felt far too extreme before continuing "after that, I've gotten a few reports from the White Fangs Vacuo Branch which kept tabs on Mr.Arc and what I've learned is beyond what I expected" "hm?" Salem gave a deep hum to show her interest.

"It seems that Mr.Arc is what many had labeled as the 'Once in a Lifetime Prodigy' in intelligence. Hell some people had even labeled Mr.Arc as 'Primus' also known as the God of Creation due to Mr.Arcs affinity for creation and turning the impossible into reality" Hazel finished on which he saw more interest gathering in the Grimm goddess.

Cinder gripped her right hand in pure frustration that again some nameless boy is being referred to as a literal reincarnation of a god and that pisses her off to no end "what's so special about this punk?" Cinder exclaimed darkly but flinched when Author turned and shouted at her, not like before when it was just hateful banter but this time Author Watts will not tolerate someone's ignorance "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH WOMAN!"

Cinder not only flinched but Hazel did too at the sudden shout which said shout even got Tyrian to stop giggling for a moment even he fell into some sort of shock at watts who, during their time together, had always projected an air of calmness.

Salem also adopted a look of shock of Author's sudden threat "Speak like that again and not even the GODS will stop me from stringing you up alive!" The Rogue Scientist shouted again slamming his hand onto the table which caused it to shake from the pressure.

Cinder gulped a bit but glared back as she refused to be intimidated by a weak man "why are you defending him Watts?" "like your walnut sized brain could comprehend the scientific genius that is Jaune Arc! We just witness the boy achieve a feat that hasn't been done since the time of the brother gods! And you're just gonna dismiss that fact?! Are you that arrogant of your power?!" The Mustachio Man exclaimed, obviously showing that such genius shouldn't be underestimated.

The Woman in the Black Dress was looking down in thought about the Brother Gods 'Primus? Wasn't that the Light Brother's Name? If this Arc Child has become famous enough to be called the reincarnation of that accursed god then someone must also have claimed the Darkness's name 'Unicron' but who? It's obvious I'll need to find this other false reincarnation and bring him or her into my inner circle to combat this New Primus....huh, Primus aka the God Brother of Light and God of Creation. Unicron aka the God Brother of Darkness and God of Destruction...why am I getting a bad feeling that this one won't end well for me?'

The Grimm Woman opened her eyes once again stopping her train of thought and attempted to learn about this new Primus "Author?" She called out in a monotone like voice which caused the Rogue Doctor to stop mid rant at Cinder who looked close to scorching Watts.

"Yes, My Lady?" Dr.Watts responded curiously "what can you tell me of this...Jaune, you speak as if you know of him personally" "not personally My Lady but I've connected with him over Cyberworld" Author corrected though the Queen raised an eyebrow curiously on this 'Cyberworld' but decided it was an intellectual thing that even she wouldn't understand.

"Move forward, tell me what you know of jaune arc?" Salem asked, wanting to learn more about this boy, Watts nodded and started listing things off the top of his head "let's see...Jaune Arc is 17 Years Old, Graduated from Howard University with flying colors and multiple majors with several minors, Hailed as possibly the greatest genius to ever walk remnant in the past four hundred years, and in recent months had become the richest man in the kingdom of Vacuo due to Arcs affinity of creation which is building weapons and machines to be sold to the Vacuo Military and as we have seen...turned an impossible work of fiction into reality" Author finished with his brief bio on jaune.

"Any Weaknesses?" The Queen asked curiously if the boy had any fatal weaknesses that could be exploited however Watts just shook his head "none that I'm aware of, Jaune Arc is highly smart maybe even the smartest in the planet so if he does have any weaknesses then it's hidden from plain view" The Leader Groaned abit bringing joy her hand to rub the weariness from her face trying to think of a way to either kill or recruit jaune.

The Table remained silent for the time which they grant Salem time to think before she got an idea so Salem turned her head towards the Scorpion Faunus who straightened his back grinning a bit more and ready to serve the one true goddess of the world "Tyrian?" The Grimm Woman called out to the insane man who nodded a bit eagerly "yes My Queen?" "I want you to go to Vacuo and take command of the white fang branch there then use their resources to capture Jaune Arc, Alive is preferable but if he proves too difficult then extract what knowledge he had then kill him." "Heheheheh! Yes My Queen!" The deranged man responded with a dark giggle.

"Hazel" The Leader called out to the Gentle Giant who raised an eyebrow "yes?" He responded ready to complete any order she gives "I want you to go to atlas and recruit the shadow cult that's rumored to be stationed there, they will prove valuable." Hazel nodded at his orders.

"Cinder" The White Haired Devil calls out again towards the false maiden who nodded, almost prepared to work with the deranged scorpion in the murder of jaune arc however the dark maiden sneered when the orders weren't what she expected "return to vale and continue with the vale plan, however due to the Vytal festival being canceled this year due to growing tension between the kingdoms. You'll need to work on gathering material from alternate sites, use Adam Taurus and the vale branch to achieve this"

Cinder however did the one stupid thing no one in her position should do and that is to question the literal devil "my queen, shouldn't you order me and Taurus's Group to assist Tyrian? I mean, Jaune Arc could prove to be a very annoying thorn! It would be best to kill him while he is at his weakest" The False Maiden tried to reason.

Cinder flinched heavily upon witnessing the glare of the devil "do remember this my Dark Maiden, you are not to question me. What I have planned goes with thousands of years of experience and don't forget that the overall goal is the claim of the relics so we need hold of all kingdoms, if Jaune Arc does prove to be the thorn your worried about then I'll kill him myself"

Cinder gulped a large clot of air and nodded as she knew Salem would be unstoppable even towards the false proclamation of a reincarnated god so the false maiden just stared down at the table keeping her mouth shut for the remainder of the meeting.

Watts chuckled silently to himself while finding amusement on watching cinder being verbally put down by the Goddess until his name was called "Watts" "yes?" The scientist responded looking over to Salem "you will continue with the efforts in mistral, if Leo gets itchy feet then you have my Authority to kill him" the woman ordered on which Author nodded and bowed his head slightly "Understood my Queen"

Now with the orders issued is when the Queen got up from her seat "this meeting is Adjourned" she exclaimed.

-Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Medical Wing-

'Oh boo frickity who'

'You'd been out a lot sooner if you hadn't been a moron and ripped your dick in half'

'Like you had any use of it anyway, fucking virgin'

'Honestly, you disappear for hours on end then come home with tears, you know...like What bitches do'

'Jaune, there's no word in Remnants Cross Continental Dictionary that has a meaning of how little I FUCKING care, a super computer calculating for a thousand years could NEVER approach the number of fucks I do NOT give'

Jaune gasped as his eyes snapped open from a terrifying dream of his childhood and more precisely the constant psychological torture that his bitch of a twin sister forced him through, honestly a few mental breaks would've been expected even towards as smart as the Male Twin.

But Jaune had his goal of creating the gauntlet and being the hero that Artoria had always told about so the blonde man channeled his immense rage into ambition which was 1 of 3 Main Factors towards Jaunes pursuit of creation.

"Good Afternoon, Your Highness" a voice called out towards the blonde man who turned his head to his left to find a man wearing a press clean white dress suit tailored made for combat with a double edged sword resting on his shoulder, the man had brown skin with a purple goatee and unkempt long purple hair not tied into a ponytail, the man also had a high tech eyepatch covering his left eye which was one of Jaunes earlier creations called 'Solid Eye'

"Bismark" The Blonde Man called out towards the knight who grinned a bit "the one and only, your highness. It is me 'Bismark Violette' your personal knight" Bismark reintroduced himself to the Mistrali Prince who blinked a couple times "what..are you doing here? And Where is here?" The Noble Knight nodded then answered the questions that jaune asked "well My Prince, we are located in Shade Academy's Medical Wing and why I'm here however is from orders of your mother, Empress Artoria, I'm to locate you and stay by your side as my duties as a knight demands"

Jaune nodded slowly, moving his head back to stare at the ceiling for a moment until his eyes widened as memories flooded, which got the blonde man to raise his non decapitated hand to reveal a stone missing "Bismark! When I got here did I lose a red stone or did someone take it?!" Jaune called out with extreme worry as he feared the power of the reality stone in any hand but his own.

Bismark just snorted when getting a glare from his lord "no my lord, an AI Machine named Ultron was with the parameter guard when you emerged from underground but i was told that a man named clover tried to unclench your hand with the stone claiming that such an artifact shouldn't be in your hand however the machine knocked out the Atlas Soldier before retrieving you and the crimson stone" The Knight explained what happened after jaune passed out prompting the blonde man to sign in relief knowing his creations had his greatest invention.

"Remind me later to chew out ironwood to train his soldiers better" Jaune exclaimed which the purple haired man nodded slightly "yes, Your Highness"

Jaune smiled as he closed his eyes feeling relieved to have cheated death twice in a single encounter with a near immortal stone warrior 'this little adventure had shown me that I'm still too weak, weaker than Jean so I'll need to make double haste and hoped Ultron started on my Infinity Arm...I'll need to become stronger, more powerful' the blonde mans thought to himself before sleep came over him again



-Matter Manipulation

-Elemental Manipulation

-Blood Manipulation

-Illusion Manipulation

-Inner World Projection

-Illusion Negation

-Carbon Manipulation

-Weather Manipulation

-Pocket Dimension