
Chapter 14: Unlimited Blade Works

Chapter 14: Unlimited Blade Works

Note: here's a challenge for you Doods and if you do it then I may feel inclined to do something for you. Maybe an unedited oc? A large part for said oc? Maybe an idea you want added? As long as it's reasonable Doods.

Now the challenge: what abilities would you believe to be created when two or more infinity stones operate simultaneously? It doesn't particularly have to be Reality and Space since the latter is coming next but it's for all the stones when the gauntlet is made.

Last thing, someone commented on an earlier chapter and asked when the Demon Dogs Private Military is going to come and I believe I should start adding them in a future chapter, maybe in the next chapter or so. I believe it's time I should start thinking up ocs to fill in the ranks. Or if you guys are kind enough, mind sending in some suggestions?

One last thing, I swear. I believe it's time jaune starts building ships to increase and strengthen Vacuo's air superiority as well as break off and maybe challenge atlas with far superior ships to the mechanized kingdom so mind sending in ship or warship ideas? Appreciate.


Within the near limitless looking sandy wasteland where hundreds of bladed weaponry of all kinds is causing massive fear among those within except for one who casted the Reality Marble.

A blonde haired half naked man stared down a Stone Warrior from his sandy dune of the fake desert "Tamura-Dono" jaune called out using a proper and respectful suffix within the Japanese Language which the warrior looked back at him fear slowly dawning on it "what...is this!?" It shouted as fear was now dominant in its body.

The blonde man snorted slightly as his eyes drifted to every person, minus the giant woman, to see shock, awe and most certainly....Fear. "This is MY world. One I crafted from nothing using Thousands upon Thousands of carefully planned calculations in fact...I planned for you to push me this far, to force me to utilize my Reality Stone to its full potential but not under what you think is to protect myself..." Jaune exclaimed with a chuckle.

The Warrior gulped down some non-existent air unsure of what to make it "...what?" The creature said unsure of what to make jaune said "since the very start of this fight and not just between us but this whole nonsense" the blonde man said motioning towards everyone in the marble "i foresaw that you'd confront the search and rescue team, you'd toy with the hunters in training while comparing them to me.

"Then Specialist Ebi was forced to step up and protect the students along with 80% of the Ace Ops then you'd test them as well, with Specialist Ederne being the only one to exert her bodies full physical potential that caused you to move otherwise the intense physical pressure will cause you to start losing you're bodies stone bonded atoms and you'd begin to crumble long before we fought again." Jaune stopped momentarily then looked at the creature.

The blonde man witnessed more fear, TRUE FEAR, one of which is caused by those who can foresee tried and true events that "h-how...you weren't there...I know you were coming but you only were far enough until I dealt with the intruders, possibly forced you to come and protect them b-but..." the Warrior stuttered, for the first time ever.

"Yeah, I predicted that after my disappearance is when James Ironwood would arrive to shade along with Jacques Schnee to discuss a trade agreement with Arc Solutions then figure out I was gone then he'd send the Ace Ops to find me under the guise of getting my tech as I would be 'grateful' for having my life saved, then before he sends his specialists. He sends Specialist Ebi and Specialists Schnee to snoop around my lab with Specialist Schnee attempting to break into my personal files to gather my company secrets and powerful prototype blueprints along with plans concerning Arc Solutions and Remnant as a whole for the next 20 Years with 95% Accuracy along with 300 Possible Alterations that can apply to most likely 300 different scenarios.

"However Jarvis was there to stop the hacking while Specialist Ebi was snooping around before he found my blueprints of my infinity gauntlet along with six separate blueprints that included my infinity stones then attempted to steal them before Ultron appeared to kick them out of my lab" Jaune stopped as his eyes landed on clover who looked far to fearful and worried about himself and his team after jaune just said word for word on what happened before coming into the tunnels several days ago until Jaunes next words cuts through his worries like a hot knife "and an hour before the search party arrived...James gave Specialist Ebi secret orders"

'How..how did he know all that? The General made sure we were in complete isolation!' Clover thought to himself as sweat started pouring down his face, honestly scared as he saw blood induced rage in the blonde man's surprisingly calm face before the blonde returned to the stone warrior "...people say that mental semblancesare said to be very powerful primarily because it enhances one's mind either to be used physically like my Aunts Telekinesis. It's why many sought out these particular semblance holders however no one ever considers the fact that a mental semblance can be used to strengthen ones mind"

Jaune raised his gauntlet hand and tapped his right temple with the middle finger "my semblance is called 'Strategic Mastermind' and it increases my minds thought process three times faster and stronger than any normal brain meaning that I am ALWAYS ahead from everyone else, it gets boring when you can predict a number of situations based on the little amount of information but I knew atlas would come for my inventions, I KNEW you wouldn't resist on fighting me again and I certainly KNOW you can't win against me especially since you're running on fumes." Jaune finished lecturing then smirked to find the creature obviously in shock that the blonde man was indeed right, right on the nose of everything.

'...with power he commands and guided by such a bright and POWERFUL mind...it's no wonder he's whooping my ass this time, the only reason I nearly killed him is because he didn't expect me nor these tunnels but otherwise...but wait, the gaki said he feared himself during our first confrontation so does that mean...he's willing to accept what he will become? Well damn...' the creature thinks to itself until dread starts intensifying as it looks around to find dozens of bladed weapons to start exuding a reddish aura.

These weapons started levitating off the ground high into the air before all of their blades pointed at the stone warrior who gulped at the side not even sure if it would survive this encounter...much like jaune predicted "now then, now that you know. It doesn't change anything" jaune exclaimed as a flash of red is seen illuminating from the crimson gem.

Dozens upon Dozens of weapons suspended in the air are shot towards the Warrior with greater speeds which the warrior raises its swords to start slashing and deflecting as weapons rained down from above.

The creature was groaning in pain before a energy compressed hand slams onto the sandy ground beneath the creature sending it harshly in a controlled side step essentially repositioning itself then continued slashing, deflecting and dodging all the raining weapons until it used its energy hand to push itself to the left while continuing to slashing and deflect the incoming swords.

'Grrrr!...this isn't getting me anywhere especially since I believe the kid has roughly around several thousand bladed weapons and that's just a guess. I need to hit the kid now! I mean come on! He's just standing there looking like a smug son of a bitch I just wanna hit him!' The warrior thinks to itself before exuding more magical energy allowing the warrior to achieve enhanced speed and dashed towards jaune.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!" The warrior shouted as it slashed downwards as it jumped above jaune however two red covered swords shot towards the gauntlet user and the sword wielder blocking the strike, the warrior narrowed its eyes watching the two basic short swords was able to block a strengthened sword slash.

The Warrior gets pushed back before striking and blocking against the two telekinetic weapons and being pushed more, of the sandy dune jaune watched the warrior fruitlessly try to fight back with a shit eating smile.

Jaune blinked when the warrior grabbed the first short sword by the handle then tossed it towards the blonde while slashed faster and harder which only a glimpse of the slash could be seen cutting through and breaking the second, The blonde caught the short sword thrown at him with his left hand just as the tip of the blade almost connected with the blonde man's left eye.

The Blonde Man slowly lowered the short blade only to see the stone man slashed through the sword breaking it into pieces right out of the gauntlet user's hand before slamming its free left palm right into Jaunes jawline causing the blonde man to be sent flying back "GAH!" The man screamed in pain though his short flight didn't last long as the sand rose up which jaune crashed into.

The Blonde Man grunted as the sand swiftly returned back into the simulated desert, Blondie looked at the warrior again while in thought 'ok, Tamura has 20 Options to choose from but three is the most likely to choose from this point forward is pushing back to its real line and attempt to destroy more of the weapons I throw it, second option would be to disregard its own safety and aim straight for me or last option would be to attack one of my former friends, more likely one of the weaker....by weak, Weiss Schnee is perhaps the top on that list' Jaune continued to think.

The Stone Warrior looked at everyone who was watching the fight and settled on killing someone to install enough fear to create an opening '....I'll kill...the white haired one!' Tamura exclaimed in its head before raising its sword to dash towards Weiss Schnee.

Weiss's Eyes widened as she watched the grey colored man charged at her with its sword raised and ready to cut her in half. It speed was beyond anything that the snow woman ever saw before even during the fight, so she closed her eyes in fear of death however Weiss heard a male voice shouting in anger "WHY CAN'T YOU SAVE YOUR OWN DUMBASS!?" And after the shout, the flat chested woman felt herself being pushed which caused her eyes to open and watch jaune pushing her to the side just moments before the warrior slashed.

The Stone Man slashed where Weiss was supposed to be but jaune managed to push the Schnee Woman to the side as to prevent her death however such save came at a cost for jaune, the sword slashed through the blonde mans shoulder rotary join essentially decapitated and sever the young blonde man's arm from his body.

Jaune stopped momentarily as his eyes widened extremely almost like dinner saucers even his own brain stopped at the moment as to comprehend the non existent logic from having to save the woman who tormented him, the blonde man twitched his head towards the ground as to witness his gauntlet right arm on the ground with blood spewing out of the severed joint.

Jaune took several steps back as pain slowly came into his mind just as life essence started to pour out of his open wound "aaaaaaaAaaAaAAAaaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Jaune shouted as he hastily gripped his open wound while causing to exude the remaining amount of aura he currently possesses into his right leg which caused a haze of white energy to escape then attacked Tamura with the aura enhanced axe kick which sent the magical creature flying backwards causing it to crash into the sandy desert.

Jaune's mental state was entirely focused on the pain erupted from his decapitated arm "REALITY!!!" The blonde man shouted for the crimson stone which glowed from the gauntlet once her master's voice was heard in distress 'Master!!' The Crimson Infinity Stones' very voice was heard by everyone as its power exuded and broke through the gauntlet essentially destroying the slot it was housed in while breaking the second slot and the final slot.

The blonde man reached for the glowing gem with his bloody left hand then grabbed it to put it to his bloody stump "BURRRRRRRRRN!!!!" Jaune shouted which the stone erupted in a slight uncontrolled fire before it puts itself out showing Jaunes decapitated wound is seared closed as well as his shoulder and side, the blonde panted as he landed onto his right knee in pain from the burns as well as his seared wound in his right started to feel that it's close to opening again.

The world around everyone started to crack like glass then broke reverting the world back into the stony caverns where everyone was located "why.." Tamura said as it slowly got up, dropping its sword as it's stone right arm start to crumble into pebbles and small rocks before turning to face the blonde man who continued to pant "why risk your life for hers?"

Jaune gripped his burned stump since the pain was still very much active but even the blonde man had to stop a moment to think why he had allowed his arm to be severed because of Weiss, especially Weiss until jaune thought about his own moral compass and his desire to be a hero and a protector.

The Blondie chuckled as the answer was clear to himself before looking down "incredible...no amount of intelligence would be able to comprehend the logic..." Jaune looked up towards the Stone Warrior before struggling to get up to his own two feet "because of my moral compass, no amount of intelligence would be able to deter that. I sought out and created the Infinity Stones to help achieve my goal of being a hero and protector, so long as I draw breath in this world! I refuse to allow these traitorous rats to die under my watch!" Jaune exclaimed with full determination while slowly stepping towards Tamura.

The Stone Man watched jaune slowly stepping towards him but in the green eyes of the creature, standing beside jaune is a memory projection of another man. This memory man was of Asian descent and had a groom goatee, disheveled hair and a fire in his black eyes 'Takeo Masaki-sama...' the creature thinks to itself of the name of the man 'that fire in the boys eyes and the conviction in his heart...he's so much like you Takeo-sama...'

Tamura slowly walked towards jaune almost looking like it's ready to fight more even as its body continued to crumble down to its feet until both warriors came to each other very close, just in a split second where everyone believed the fighting would continue despite both warriors having come under great injury. Jaune and Tamura lowered their heads to rest on their right shoulders.

"Jaune-sama, you are in fact the greatest warrior I had ever fought in my unnatural life. You are almost like my commanding officer who commanded my unit 'Takeo Masaki'-sama so take my heart given compliment" Tamura exclaimed with full honesty slowly closing its eyes as jaune smiled from his spot whispering back to it "yeah, even if I predicted how this would turn out. It was a lot more fun than in my head...Tamura-dono but I have a question" The blonde man asked "am I and the search party the only people you've interacted so far during your isolation?"

The Stone Warrior shook its head slightly whispering the answer "no, a pale white woman with an army of black fogged mammals had also come centuries prior to your visit. She introduced herself as Salem and she came for the treasure" "who's Salem?" Jaune asked unsure of this woman but to have commanded the Grimm meant that she was obviously very powerful and perhaps beyond what ordinary knowledge has been gathered so far 'I'll need to ask Professor Midnight if she knows about this 'Salem''

"No idea Jaune-sama, but she claimed to be the queen of this so called 'Grimm' and I refused to listen any longer before I cut down every creature she sent at me before running and saying that she will have her hands on the treasure" Tamura explained the story before slowly moving its head up and it's mask crumbled away to show a surprising handsome face for a stone guy, smiling at jaune "grant a man his final thoughts, Jaune-sama?" The blonde man nodded while the stone warrior smiled a bit more.

"Never lose the Fire in your eyes Jaune-sama and never lose the convictions in your heart because the man I see before me, you will no doubt shine brighter than any diamond...heh. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd claim the world as your very own" Tamura exclaimed its final thoughts to which saw jaune smile genuinely "thank you...Jaune Arc-sama" it said before turning around to pick up a stone like hat that someone rolled to its feet.

The Warrior bent down to grab the hat then to put it on its head before bending down to get onto its knees which it's hat covered its face "...just like the prophets had said...he's the one, Takeo-sama" it said before its entire body and hat crumbled down into rocks and pebbles essentially had died


Hey look at that! I found another way to make jaune incredibly powerful! Frankly someone I was talking to was discussing about analyzing the relics for a later chapter until that got me thinking about Jaune's semblance, technically the supernatural ability I found is called Tactical Analysis but it's also called Strategic Mastermind and it's power...hmmm let's put it this way to you folks that knows about bleach.

It's like giving Sosuke Aizen control over the infinity stones. Imagine how terrifying that'd be.

So here's a bit of note about Takeo Masaki, he's the Japanese survivor of the Black Ops Zombie Storyline as he would be the perfect warrior to be a leader in the Ancient Mantle Imperial Demon Army